Destroying My Own Novel

Chapter 483 482: Jealousy And Anxiety.

"I had fun today, thank you," Kiersha said as she tucked her hair in and walked on the sidewalk to the station. "I really want to spend more time with you, but the breakout is going to happen soon. I don\'t want to bother you and let you focus on it first," Kiersha continued and looked at Rufus that walked next to her.

"Then how about spending a night here? We can have a drink and you can stay in Roxanne\'s apartment like back then," Rufus said, eager to stop Kiersha from leaving. "Just one day is fine and I don\'t have anything to do until the breakout anyway," Rufus walked to the front and turned around.

Kiersha smiled and shook her head as she stood in front of the train station.

"No, you can\'t," Kiersha said with a serious expression. "You have to focus on the lives of the people here. You can\'t be selfish because people are depending on you, and I feel the same way," Kiersha explained with a gentle smile.

Rufus sighed as he nodded his head with understanding. He then looked at the time and it was 8 P.M. already.

"Let me accompany you back home. I still want to be with you. If it\'s this much there\'s no problem, right?" Rufus asked.

Kiersha smiled and nodded her head, and then she held Rufus\' hand as they both walked down the station. They both got on the bullet train and sat next to each other where there were only a handful of people in the same railroad car.

Kiersha fell asleep as soon as she sat down and leaned her head over Rufus\' shoulder. He was happy enough to be there and saw her sleeping and leaning on him.

It only took an hour for them to reach District 1. Rufus woke her up and they both left the station and enjoyed their walk to Kiersha\'s apartment. Suddenly a black hypercar moved past them and stopped on the side of the road.

"Ah..." Kiersha looked surprised and hurriedly walked toward the car.

Rufus looked a bit confused and curious as to why Kiersha suddenly acted like that. He then looked at the driver\'s door being lifted open, and he immediately felt angry and anxious when he saw Mykel coming out of the car.

"Good evening, Mister Mykel!" Kiersha said as she walked toward Mykel.

Mykel glanced at Kiersha as he lit his cigarette since he wanted a smoke break. When he turned his head toward her, he saw Rufus glaring at him with hatred and too antsy to leave, but Kiersha had already greeted Mykel.

"Miss Keysha? What are you doing out here late at night?" Mykel asked.

"I was hanging out with Rufus in District Two," Kiersha answered with an innocent smile as she pointed at Rufus. "Now I\'m on my way back to my apartment," Kiersha continued.

"Oh? Do you need a ride?" Mykel asked and ignored Rufus\' existence.

Before Kiersha could answer Mykel\'s questions, Rufus walked in and held Kiersha\'s hand.

"No need. I\'m escorting her to her apartment so stay out of it," Rufus gave a stern look at Mykel.

"There\'s no taxi around here at this hour, and the bus is no longer operating as well. Are you sure you\'re going to let her walk that far?" Mykel asked as he leaned on the car and smoked his cigarette.

"Far? How do you know how far her apartment is?" Rufus clenched his fist and glared at Mykel.

"Hmm? I drove her home twice, so I know where she lives," Mykel answered with his eyebrows raised.

Rufus\' heart skipped a beat and immediately turned around to look at Kiersha to ask if Mykel was telling the truth. Kiersha nodded her head and she didn\'t feel guilty or anything. Rufus was furious because she hid something like that and did that behind his back.

"Rufus, you\'re hurting me," Kiersha tried to remove Rufus\' left hand from her wrist.

"I know you have unstable emotions, but to think hurting a lady like that is really a bad sign. Are you perhaps planning on confronting her once you arrived at her apartment?" Mykel asked with a serious expression.

"Shut the fuck up!" Rufus shouted and didn\'t hesitate to throw a punch at Mykel.

Mykel dodged it and Rufus broke the car\'s door and window with his punch. The door destroyed the interior and the steering wheel got busted because of him.

"I don\'t think you want to walk home with him in this situation. For your own safety," Mykel frowned and looked at her with pity.

Rufus was so pissed and swung the back of his hand at Mykel, but then Mykel dashed forward as he dodged Rufus\' attack. He then kneed Rufus in the stomach and made him throw up the dinner he had earlier.

Rufus fell to his knees and couldn\'t lift his body because he could feel his sternum break. He decided to roll over and lay down on his back to see where Mykel was going. He was irritated when he saw Mykel cover Kiersha with his blazer.

"I\'ll call a driver to pick you up, so wait here Miss Keysha," Mykel said.

Rufus suddenly felt weak and sleepy and he couldn\'t open his eyes anymore. He then fell unconscious and didn\'t know what happened after that.

He opened his eyes and noticed he was inside a room. He jolted and startled the nurse. He asked the nurse where he was, and the nurse told him he was in a hospital in District 2.

"You\'re awake?" Asmond asked as he walked out of the bathroom. He looked a bit pissed when he stared Rufus in the eye since he heard what had happened.

Rufus got off the bed and walked to the door, but then Asmond stopped him by standing in front of the door.

"Where do you think you\'re going? To create another mess?" Asmond asked. "Do you know how much trouble that you brought to us last night?" Asmond stared Rufus in the eye.

"I don\'t fucking care! Let me through! I want to see Keysha!" Rufus grabbed Asmond\'s collar.

Asmond sighed and threw a left hook into Rufus\' face. The nurse screamed when Rufus\' head hit the wall and then collapsed to the ground with blood coming out of his forehead. Asmond then asked the nurse for a favor to treat Rufus again.

"I heard a loud banging sound, what happened?" Roxanne asked as she entered the room, and then realized when she saw a cracked wall and unconscious Rufus on the floor. "He was trying to leave, wasn\'t he?" Roxanne asked as she sighed.

Asmond didn\'t answer her questions because he was too focused on the fist he used to punch Rufus. He felt bad and guilty, but at the same time, he was glad he punched Rufus in the face.

"After all the hard work we did to gain an ally. Now it\'s over because of this stupid guy. With the current situation we are in, there\'s nobody will join our side," Roxanne said as she massaged her nose bridge.

"What\'s done is done. There\'s no need to dwell on it. Let\'s just focus on fortifying the cities because the breakout will happen in three days," Asmond said as he turned around and walked to the door. "Idling like this makes me anxious," Asmond continued.

Three days had passed and Rufus didn\'t make a scene after that incident. He was pissed, but since he had to focus on what was about to come, he held it in for later.

It was the same formation as before. Roxanne was sent to District 3, but this time Glen was there with her since Asmond took Mykel\'s message seriously. He knew Mykel was someone that wouldn\'t lie, especially in this kind of situation. He also heard that the Districts that the Guild Association owned had been busy fortifying the frontline. It convinced him that Mykel was cautious about the breakout as well.

"Five minutes! We have five minutes left so no more funny business!" Asmond said and somehow his tone felt different than usual.

Everyone was ready in position and nobody moved a muscle as their eyes were set on the gate of the Abaddon Tower.

The sky went red, but the atmosphere felt so different that even the soldiers could feel the air becoming thinner and made them hard to breathe. The gate was opened and unlike the past two breakouts, there was only one demon standing at the door. A demon in full armor with cold mist coming out of his armor, and big wings like dragon wings were visible behind his back.

The demon raised his right hand and the cold mist that came out of his gauntlet turned into ice and formed a dark blue sword.

"It\'s a Demon Lord," Asmond said as he held his sword so tightly.

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