The Sage Who Transcended Samsara

Chapter 443: The Blade None Dared to Oppose

Chapter 443: The Blade None Dared to Oppose

Translator: Transn Editor: Transn

As the pieces of human flesh coalesced to become the jade-eyed, blue-bearded Zuo Hanfeng, the bitter coldness grew and spread. His breath was somewhat reduced compared to at the beginning, but at this stage, everyone was also battle weary. Particularly Du Huaishang, who had been gravely injured and who only, after some effort, was able to get back up again, just like when Meng Qi had seen him in the secret passage.

Meng Qi did not need to look around. He automatically knew his companions’ condition.

“Jiang Zhiwei’s right hand was fractured and she was suffering grave injury to her body. He estimated she only had one killing move left in her. Ruan Yushu had already played the 12 Magical Sounds of Langhuan and Guanghan Curse twice now. She had almost reached the limit. Zhao Heng had put everything into his attacks, continually using kill moves throughout the heated battle and Qi Zhengyan, and although uninjured had expended massive amounts of energy. Both of them probably only had about the same amount of fight left in them as Jiang Zhiwei.”

“He himself had run the Sacrifice Formula and had used the “Five Thunder Bombardment of Sky”. Even if he opened the nine apertures, he would still only be able to pull one Exterior killer move, and he would only be able to withstand a short battle of average intensity. If the Descendants of Divine Devil opponents were just regular Half-step Exterior Scenery and their Oneness of Heaven and Men level was subpar, then it would be a non-issue. However, the one they were facing was someone on the level of Exterior level Jade Eye Flying Dragon Zuo Hanfeng.”

However, Meng Qi did not panic in the slightest and his companions, with their swords raised in a defensive stance, all looked to Zhao Heng.

He clearly remembered being in Samsara Square, when Zhao Heng had told him and the others that he had exchanged most of what he had accumulated in the real world for useful goods. At the moment, he did not have enough Karma points to buy the “True Emperor Seal” but would wait until after the task was completed and see about scraping the points together then.

“However, in order to scrape, you really need something to scrape first!”

“My Fifth Imperial Prince, it is about time you showed us your nouveau riche-ness!”

Meng Qi did not need to signal Zhao Heng. He would not keep anything for himself that was necessary for their safety and the completion of the mission. When Zuo Hanfeng’s flesh and blood was just beginning to come together, he let out a roar, in his hand a small golden seal appeared.

It was an imitation of the “True Emperor Seal”, but it seemed more majestic, had more of a dragon wuality than it had human breath.

Upon it, nine dragons were engraved, each one equally lifelike. Boundless and noble in appearance they were entangled together, each holding a golden nugget in its mouth.

An imitation ‘Nine-dragon Seal’? the Zhao family from Luoyang handed down imitation divine weapons?

Meng Qi looked at the little seal, frowning. The main world also had Dharma Access secret treasure makers that dispersed the breath of divine weapons and Precious Weapons. However, unlike the Yin-Yang Mirror or God-tying Rope, most of them had no special purpose or were only to attack and defend at the level of an average Exterior strike. Used to fight against someone in the Exterior, any opponent would find it easy to block or dodge even if only partly. Yet, when His Closed-Eyes Eminence Zhou Yong was bound by the God-tying Rope, he had lost all ability to fight.

Yet, that the Zhao Clan from the Divine Capital could bear to disperse such divine weapons breath upon a Crown Prince was hard to believe, especially to such a low-ranked Imperial Prince!

The divine weapons or Precious Weapons would most definitely be damaged when their breath was dispersed, and restoration took a long time.

Could it be that this was a similar secret treasure that had been redeemed straight from the Six Realms?

Just as Meng Qi’s was contemplating about this, Zhao Heng struck, his Will-projecting and as if his mind melding with his surroundings astride tidal wave of Vital Qi. He could sense the sun, the moon and stars as well as Dharma and Logos of Heaven and Earth.

The pores throughout his entire body hungrily absorbed Vital Qi and his spirit spread across the land. Zhao Heng who in a state of Oneness of Heaven and Men and surging with Vital Qi, as well as spiritual energy, wielded the little seal in his hand.

Just as the little seal left his hand, sweat poured off him and his faced blanched a paleness that spoke of of the strain he was enduring.

Shrieks of unbridled dragons from long ago could be heard as the Nine Golden Dragons from the little seal took flight and encircled Zuo Hanfeng. Even the deep-blue layers covering his body would not shield him from this.

The surrounding darkness dissipated. Zuo Hanfeng fell by in a foot as the Nine Golden Dragons rushed upon him. The little seal was imprinted upon his forehead.

An abundance of golden and frozen light melded together, causing Zuo Hanfeng to let out an pained howl, shaking the earth.

As the light faded, Zuo Hanfen was revealed, his hair disheveled and his body wracked with injury. The mysterious patterns carved on him were ruined and a large hole had appeared in his forehead, from which blood spurted out. His Vital Qi was seriously wounded and would not return to its former state.

Just as Meng Qi and Jiang Zhiwei were considering storming him, to eliminate this terrible enemy once and for all, the shadow of a person darted in front of them. It was golden like a Grand Sun, and both its hands wrapped around Zuo Hanfeng’s sending forth a burst of searing heat.

Du Huaishang could see that Zuo Hanfeng’s flesh and blood was coalescing together again, and he dared not take the risk. Putting his injuries aside, he once again summoned the power of the “Grand Sun Form” to take care of this evil enemy for good.

Their strength was now on par, but with Zuo Hanfeng still enveloped by the golden seal and unable to stabilize his wounds, so Du Huaishang possessed the upper hand.

In a moment, his body melted away and his eyes lost their spirit. Du Huaishang’s blood lineage reformed, his whole body becoming rigid and his hair turned deep blue.

Jiang Shenghong had watched this mortal danger unfold from his position. Despite his careful demeanor, he was still fiercely loyal and so threw off his concerns and rode a breeze to Zuo Hanfeng’s aid.

Meng Qi’s scalp began tingling. If it were any other opponent of similar abilities, it would be fine, but an airborne Jiang Shenghong was akin to a crack of thunder. Zhao Heng, having used the little seal probably only had defensive secret treasures left, if any, and those would not defeat Jiang Shenghong. If they were defeated by him, it would turn the tables on the entire operation.

Abruptly the sounds of mystical chords rang out, filling their ears and befuddling the enemy’s minds.

Ruan Yushu’s eyes were half-closed and her hands swept in the air as put her “Heart Zither Skill” to good use.

With his mind disturbed, Jiang Shenghong’s Vital Spirit became muddled and his strikes slowed down as his mind was distracted by the sound.

Seizing the opportunity, the expressionless Qi Zhengyan ground his teeth as he gathered his remaining strength to attack with the “Dragon Stripe Golden Sword”.

A deep chill came fell and the rain in the air turned to snowflakes, a solid stream of crystalline light struck Jiang Shenghong.

This was not a derivative of the frozen hornless dragon, because in using Icy Snow Genuine Qi to activate The Thousand-mile Freeze movement, Qi Zhengyan had no more strength to activate Precious Weapons.

Jiang Hongsheng groaned deeply from being struck by icy snow and frozen light, and the breeze that encircled him along with the Protective Upstanding Qi had been broken. He kept the insistent chill at bay by drawing strength from the Earth.

Then, the breeze halted and Jiang Shenghong hit the ground like a stone falling into the sea.

Jiang Zhiwei, a sword in her left hand, took flight and fell upon him, her clean cold sword light like the slowly rising azure moon.

The air was filled with a swoosh of the Sword Qi, a green light spread like liquid, cleansing the sky as the immortal was felled.

Alarm bells rang in Jiang Shenghong’s mind as he sensed the sword’s power. Although he was unhurt, his body was however covered in Frigid Crystal leaving him unable to ride the winds and his body was still midair and unable to morph.

Gritting his teeth, he employed Thousand Pounds Falling, taking the chance to adjust his stance and avoid the danger.

Sword Qi coursed throughout his body, freezing him to the bone. Jiang Shenghong’s hands clapped rapidly together to block the momentum of the Azure Moon Washing the Sky.

Swooooooosh, blood flew as Jiang Shenghong’s momentum fell away. His body was covered with sword wounds, like children’s rag doll that had been torn apart.

The sky before him suddenly went dark just as he was waiting for the wind to take flight. Diagonally above him, a humanoid shape was blocking all light from the sky!

He possessed a handsome, masculine air, a ruthless glint in his eyes as he raised the long saber above his, its blade was as encased in purple electricity as it was full of cruel intent.

The thunderous voice entered Jiang Hongsheng’s ears, “Kill!” which made his mind fuzzy.

The long saber shook eight times, imitating an actual beheading. Maddened purple dragons flew out from the saber, each dragon’s head joined to the last dragon’s tail. The ensuing attack was very hard and fierce.

Jiang Shenghong who had just countered Jiang Zhiwei’s sword power had no time to adapt now. All he could do was put all his energy into using both palms to knock away the blows, to try hard blocks and take on serious damage rather than lose his life.

At that moment, he saw his opponent shifting strangely mid-air as if unable to alter course, he was like a roc spreading its wings. He stepped aside, meaning his palms were unable to intercept the long saber.

He was akin to Oneness of Heaven and Men and by borrowing power from nature, he could sense his opponents’ every move, yet the change was incredibly sudden and had completely gone against his previous predictions!

Jiang Shenghong was explicitly clear on what it meant to be unable to block the long saber with both palms. Instead, he clenched his teeth and sent out both palms in an effort to draw himself inwards, because if he was going to die then he would like to take someone down with him!

This was the right decision as his opponent would not be likely to risk their life to take his, and they might well change their move!

His palm force hit his body, but it felt like hitting iron, Jiang Shenghong did not give an inch!

He looked surprised and then he saw the purple electricity covering his body.

With a roar he brought the sword in his hand down, the single stroke broke through Jiang Shenghong’s Protective Upstanding Qi and sliced straight through his neck!

He saw the top of his skull fly off and electricity turning the fresh blood to steam. Many pieces of his body which was charred black by the lightening fell to the ground.

I’m seeing my own body? Jiang Shenghong’s vision went completely black.

Meng Qi’s left breast had a faded golden glow to it which was not entirely dissipated because his arms were shorter than swords. Jiang Shenghong’s palm strike had hit him, but as he died the force naturally dissipated, meaning it had not broken through Meng Qi’s Eight Nine Mysteries.

With the long saber in his hand Meng Qi landed. He saw that Zuo Hanfeng had completely disappeared and all that was left was the dark blue “dragon claw” Precious Weapon. He saw that Du Huaishang had fallen to the ground and his breath was weakened and he was no longer able to fight. He saw Ruan Yushu, Jiang Zhiwei and Zhao Heng injured and weakened. He saw that even as Qi Zhengyan was forcing himself to walk, his protective Purple Star River had gone and his sword hand was shaking.

It really had been a bitter victory. Meng Qi’s own Sacrifice Formula was also almost finished and fatigue was now washing over him.

He had originally intended to wait a while before returning, yet there was no movement and after pondering a moment, his expression changed. The main objective had been to get Du Huaishang out of trouble but him being in Daning meant he wasn’t out of the bind yet. In other words, they had to get out of town!

“And in the immediate vicinity, there would undoubtedly be lots of Zuo Hanfeng’s soldiers preventing escape. How should they break away?”

As he was contemplating matters, Zhao Heng, with some difficulty, made his way to Du Huaishang’s side and picked up the “dragon claw” Precious Weapon.

“Oh, you’re worthy to teach! Not bad at all, waste not want not! Yes, we can do that!” Meng Qi was delighted and quickly came up with a plan. He adjusted his hold on his blade and held onto Jiang Shenghong’s head with his left hand.

“Old Zhao, can you loan me the use of your Precious Weapon please? You lot help each other and follow me.” Meng Qi instructed.

Zhao Heng could not see what his intention was, but he trusted Meng Qi and so threw him the Precious Weapon. Qi Zhengyan helped Du Huaishang get up and Jiang and Ruan leant on each other, with Zhao Heng guarding the rear.

Meng Qi held the decapitated head in his left hand and the Precious Weapon in his right hand. He took a deep breath, gathering “momentum” and once again, filled with a commanding spirit and showing no sign of weakened breath, slowly walked out of the alley and into the long street.

The scene outside was one where the dead were truly dead and the escaped well and truly gone. Only the soldiers kept guard at the outer perimeter and upon seeing Meng Qi and the others emerging ,they prepared to surround them.

Meng Qi raised the skull and Precious Weapon and bellowed,

“Zuo Hanfeng and Jiang Shenghong have already surrendered their heads, you lot should give up now. What are you waiting for?”

“The Red Coat army only punishes the ringleaders, not the followers. You only need put down your weapons, kneel down and place your hands on your head. Forget about assisting tyranny any further and you’ll keep your lives. I’ll pursue the matter no further!”

He was using scare tactics in hopes of scaring the soldiers, and not have to attack.

Zuo Hanfeng and Jiang Shenghong were already dead, how many people would be willing to sacrifice their own lives to avenge them?

As it was, the effects of Meng Qi’s Sacrifice Formula had already faded, and he felt drained and sleepy. But he forced himself to keep running genuine Qi, so that he would look as if he was not tired at all. At least this was not something that Jiang Shenghong’s soldiers could detect!

“It’s, it’s Master Jiang’s head!”

“It’s the government office’s Precious Weapon…”

A sharp-eyed soldier recognized the object in Meng Qi’s hand. Shock and horror rippled through the ranks.

Meng Qi once again bellowed,

“Put down your weapons immediately!”

Clangs sounded as the soldiers’ weapons hit the ground. Anybody who could kill off the power of the government office would surely defeat them, even with their numbers, wouldn’t he?

Meng Qi had singlehandedly defeated a few hundred soldiers without spilling a drop of blood. Nobody dared confront his blade!

As they slowly passed through the soldiers, Meng Qi made a show of inspecting them. In his heart he was quietly celebrating because he had thought that like Zhou Yong, possessing no secret treasure, he and the others would have no hope of defeating Zuo Hanfeng and getting out of town, hence had selected the battle area as close to the city gates and as far from the government offices as possible. Soon, they were in view of the city gates which were wide open.

Meng Qi inhaled deeply as they got closer and closer to the city gates. “Senior Brother Qi, please assist Heavenly King Du leave the city.” He said.

He was afraid that the soldiers would reconsider their stance, or that there might be overly zealous mourners waiting for the opportunity to give up their lives.

Qi Zhengyan nodded and shouldered Du Huaishang, making for the city gates. Even after walking a few steps, he had already regained a little strength.

Suddenly, a woman came running from up the street, a murderous look in her eyes. It was Zuo Yiqian’s mother.

Due to her deep hatred, she failed to notice the commanding presence before her.

But Meng Qi smiled and replaced his saber in its scabbard, calling out,

“The Red Coat Army has the favour of the heavens, you lot should surrender!”

Just as he finished speaking, a solid streak of lightning crackled across the sky.

By this time, Qi Zhengyan and Du Huaishang had already left the town.

The Thunder Light dissipated and Meng Qi and the others were gone. The soldiers looked at each other, astonished.

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