Becoming a Monster

Chapter 5 5: More Than He Can Handle?

This may have seem like a stupid decision on his part since he wasn\'t thinking about anything other than killing as much as he could but the effects of killing instincts shouldn\'t be compared to the instincts of a mindless zombie. His body was instinctively finding a suitable situation to continue to kill as much as it can which won\'t always be the smartest option but in the case of killing mindless zombies the situation worked out perfect for him.

Under the combined weight of the \'dead\' 8ish zombies, the door, alongside the bed were instantly pushed forward allowing Noah minimum effort in having to do all the work himself once he attempted to move the end to allow an opening.

Just as quickly as the door and bed was forced forward, one after another, the zombies fell on top of the dead zombies in front of them creating a small \'wall\' in the doorway of his dorm room. Even then that didn\'t stop the zombies from trying to force their way in. Slowly you could see the \'wall\' begin to cave in, but could Noah who was still under the intense effects of his skill wait for them to burst through?

With no hesitation, he rushed towards the pile of zombies delivering a powerful strike to any zombie that moved. Under his crazed emotions he even attacked already dead ones that were moved by the other zombies but even then he still wasn\'t fazed as he continued to swing his hammer.

No one but Noah and the zombies would know how long this killing spree went on but both weren\'t conscious of the concept of time as the zombies and Noah were dead set on killing one another.


Minutes into the altercation, a noise other than growling, heavy breathing and the sound of metal hitting bone was hard.

"Jesus fucking Christ that hurts!" The now aware Noah screamed out from the pain coming from his shoulder.

Moments before he was injured, the same routine was occurring with him mindlessly killing the incoming zombies. He wasn\'t aware of it at the time but he was well past his 20th zombie kill, but as the wall of zombies in the doorway started to tilt, it didn\'t take long before the pile fell over to allow the last few zombies to take their place.

Unlike before, Noah was burnt out and was only running purely on his instincts that didn\'t care about his physical condition. His body still sluggishly tried to take care of the zombies one at a time without taking heed of his safety. Luckily or unluckily there appeared to be only four zombies left on the dorm floor he was on or at least that were attracted to the scene. It would\'ve been simple for Noah to take care of the last four if it was earlier. Overhead swings with his hammer were more demanding than before, Instead he held the handle near his hips with the hammer facing the ground at an angle behind him and used his body\'s momentum to help him swing the hammer upwards to reach the first zombie heading towards him with outstretched arms. The swing connected with its face lifting the zombie into the air as it flew a few feet backwards before slamming against the ground with half of its face sunken in.

Zombies were not foes to wait, while Noah was dealing with the first zombie it allowed two more to fill in the distance. One of them was extremely tall and with its long legs was able to get there a little bit faster than the other. Maybe it was because the zombie was so tall or maybe it was because Noah was extremely fatigued, he didn\'t try the stunt like last time. He continued to hold the hammer in the same position as before but instead of swinging upward, he swung the hammer horizontally reaching right below the side of the zombie\'s knee cap, instantly popping the knee out of its socket and causing the zombie to flop to its sides forcefully. The heavy swing caused him to drop the hammer due to his fingers starting to spasm from his vice-like grip he wielded through the entire ordeal but even then he still didn\'t stop.

The third zombie approached but Noah still wasn\'t done with the taller zombie, moving his leg into a position similar to a spartan kick. He shoved his foot as hard as he could into the sternum of the third zombie and didn\'t bother with how far the zombie was kicked back. He quickly made his way to the tall zombie who seemed oblivious to pain. Even now it was trying to get back on its feet using its broken leg.


Using as much force as he could, Noah kicked the temple of the zombie causing it to fall back onto the ground and without letting up he then started to stomp fiercely into the back of the head of the zombie. Unlike the stories he\'s read and movies he\'s heard of, the skulls of these zombies took more of a beating. It took about 6 stomps from him before the zombie stopped moving.


Back to the present

Due to the abrupt pain and the fatigued body, Noah was finally awakened from his skill that took over his rationale. Maybe if he didn\'t use the skill to its fullest extent for the biggest scaling increase then he could\'ve been in control of the skill while it was in use.

Since he was using the skill, it appeared that his killing instincts took precedence or at least ignored the use of the observation skill and he wasn\'t able to make out the last zombie that approached from behind him, taking a clean chunk out of his shoulder.

Because of the life threatening threat which was now upon him, Noah was able to find strength within himself to push the zombie off of him who seemed to be slowly crushing his bones under its grip.

"Urggh hahahaaaa damnit who the fuck goes around biting people? Ah it hurts!" Noah cried amidst his laughter, a habit he obtained after the countless beatings he partook in over the years.

With the pain in his shoulder and the extreme fatigue he was in, Noah found himself in a difficult situation but instead of despair he was busy racking his brain for a solution. He couldn\'t die here, not now, he felt as if he waited for this his whole life for it to end so quickly.

Because of his rational thinking, he was able to feel that familiar tug on the back of his mind.

\'A notification at this time, please please give me something I can use!\' He immediately dove into his consciousness and was immediately shown the notice.

LEVEL UP! +5 attribute points.

LEVEL UP! +5 attribute points.

Gold: 3

Player: Noah

Race:Human->Human Chimera

Class: monster tamer

Lvl 3

Exp: 70/100



Mana: 16






Magic: 5->7(8)




Monster taming(lvl 0)

Killing instinct (lvl 0) progression: .05%


Soul cage(lvl 0)

Hunters sight (lvl 0) 4.7%

Stamina regeneration (lvl 0) progression: 1.2%

Immortal body (lvl 0) progression: .005%

Genetic Synergy(lvl 0) progression: 25%


The fallen

With no hesitation he immediately used 5 of his attribute points in one go all into his stamina. If he had time to ponder more about the reallocation of his stats then maybe he would do something different but as of now he believed this was the best choice. He needed the energy at this moment or it didn\'t matter if he had more points to spend if he died and the points will still benefit him in the long run.

Finishing allocating his points, he was back within his dorm room with only a few seconds passing. Within those few seconds was enough time for both zombies to recover and make their way towards him. But after adding his points to his stamina to now make it 18 with his immortal body passive, Noah felt reinvigorated again to at least finish off the last two zombies and defend himself later if need be.

With his shoulder still in pain from being bitten earlier, even with the extra stamina he knew he wouldn\'t be able to use his hammer right now. Thankfully with his killing instincts no longer active, his passive hunter\'s sight was now taking effect and he noticed the broken bat behind the two approaching zombies. It would be dangerous for him to make a go for the bat now since even though zombies were known for their lack of speed, they were still close enough to the bat to attack him by time he reached it so he waited for them to get closer.

He wanted to kick them like before but with no way to finish them off fast enough he felt it would be easier to finish them off with a weapon instead. Now that he was able to think things through he wanted to make sure he could protect himself after this was over and to do that he would need all the energy he could save.

As soon as the zombies came to a noticeable distance where Noah was sure he could move around them and safely retrieve his weapon, he took his plan into effect. Taking a wide left(as far left as he could go) to go around them, he sprinted towards the broken bat that had the top half dangling over.

The broken part had no use to him so he broke the rest of the other half off leaving him with a bat that was just about a foot long with numerous splits on the end.

When he looked towards the zombies, he realized that he did more than just move around them. Due to them trying to follow Noah even while he maneuvered around them before causing them to line up with one another making the fight a lot simpler for him in the end. Initially he thought he would be bitten one more time or at the least scratched since fighting both zombies at the same time with such a short weapon would be more than a chore given his current condition.

Noah did not allow this chance to slip by, just like before but adding in a jump to receive more force, he kicked the first zombie in the chest causing it to fall back into the first zombie and both fell to the ground. This would give him a chance to stomp on their heads like before but unlike the zombie who was facing face down, the two zombies fell on their back. Given the fact that zombies do not appear to experience pain caused Noah to reconsider and just use the weapon at hand since there would be a chance that the zombies would attempt to grab his leg and probably succeed.

He needed to take out one of the zombies fast so he chose the next worse option, with a small war cry he jumped onto the first zombie and used the momentum of his jump to stab his splintered bat into the face of the zombie impaling it.

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