My Multisystem In Isekai

Chapter 155 The Other Guy

The spark that ignited his own latent desires came from just a single sight. And it had led him down this path. At that given point, Zavier was very much like a pervert who was infringing on another couple\'s private moment. Even then, he was totally unaware of his own throbbing erection.

Zavier took in the live action with devouring eyes, not even peeling his eyes away even for a second. He was as heavily invested in this couple\'s fucking spree as the couples themselves. They unsuspecting couple didn\'t know that they were unwillingly partaking in a threesome, only the non-contact kind. Zavier hadn\'t planned for this at all. He had simply been on his way, and fate led him to this. It didn\'t mean he wasn\'t going to enjoy it thoroughly. And that he did.

Zavier was a person who enjoyed making plans. And as such, everything he did was methodical. Unfortunately, even though he had taken precautionary measures by scanning around to make sure he was the only one present (asides from the main actors of the live show he was watching of course), it didn\'t change the fact that this whole thing was an impromptu thing. And because it was, Zavier was subject to the fluctuations of the undirected element of chance.

One of those fluctuations manifested in the form of another intruder steadily making his (or her) way towards them. On a good day, Zavier should have been able to pick up on the presence of another human encroaching, but much like the actors in this live pornography concert, he was way too invested in this premium piece of entertainment. Zavier\'s heart, soul and mind were all virtually latched onto the couple fucking like wild dogs before him. At that moment, nothing else mattered other than this.

Zavier\'s original plan wasn\'t too complex. He had hoped to watch them finish and then he would be on his way out of here, much faster than his shadow or anyone else\'s for that matter. But before that, he desperately wanted to catch a full glimpse of the lady\'s face. He wanted to commit her face to memory. If he could do that, he would scour the campus ground looking for this premium piece of ass. He had to fuck her in the same vein before he left.

With this plethora of thoughts and plans running through his head, Zavier was totally unable to sense someone else approaching. It was only when the stranger came into the full view of his physical eye that Zavier reacted. Like a cheating husband who had just been found out, or like a thieving child who was about to be caught, Zavier\'s whole being jolted back into a state of explosive guilt. A wave of fear washed over him, placing him under the threshold of a gripping kind of terror that felt more real than ever.

Totally taken off guard, Zavier found himself a nervous wreck. Damn; he cursed inwardly, why did he suddenly feel like a rat that had been caught in a snare? He wasn\'t completely sure what was happening because his head was spinning from all the blood that had been rushing to it all this time. However, Zavier knew one thing for sure; it wouldn\'t look good for him at all if he was caught here. How would be even begin to explain?

He might just as well kiss his chances of getting into this university good bye. What ever the case was, Zavier knew he couldn\'t afford to be caught hiding in the bushes with an erection- in the middle of the night! And in the deep forest! He would be branded a perv for life. This storm of consequences besieged Zavier on all sides like an ambush. He needed to react, and fast!

Instinctively, and with the stealth of a jungle cat, Zavier delved deeper into the safety of his own corner. Tucked away, and confident that he was safe from any kind of peering eyes, he finally dared to raise his head up a little, just so he could peek a little. Zavier\'s heart was beating so wildly that he was confident that it was resonating around his environment, and would probably draw any stranger close to him.

Zavier\'s eyes found the stranger, and followed his movements closely with his heart in his mouth. To get a better view, he turned on his time-space eye as he tried to get a closer look. He was taken aback when he saw that it was none than a lonesome high school student. The childish spring in his walking step, along with the way he hung his backpack all gave away the fact that this was not a college student at all. Zavier was surprised, what was a high school student doing here at this hour?

But Zavier\'s surprise quickly morphed into apprehension when another possibility crossed his mind; had he been spotted? Had the stranger made him already? He didn\'t give a damn about who this student was, he didn\'t even remotely care why he was here in the first place. The one thing he was bothered about was not being seen.

As he observed the movements of the high school student, it became clearer and clearer with each passing second that he actually had nothing to worry about here. From the casual way and manner with which the student was trudging along the forest\'s path, Zavier could tell that he was completely oblivious of the fact that he wasn\'t alone at all. He kept his eyes on him as he walked right past Zavier who was still hidden in the bushes.

As the unsuspecting fellow breezed by, Zavier kept himself bundled in a tight spot. He couldn\'t even breathe because he was so scared of being discovered. He was aware that he was in no sudden danger, but his fear kept him in check. Long after the student had left, Zavier remained crouched low with his heart beating to the steady rythm of a galloping wild horse.

Zavier didn\'t get up immediately. That had really been a close call. It took quite a while for him to get himself. After a series of deep, long deliberate breaths, Zavier started coming around to his usual self. The danger that had seemed like it was going to swallow him was over now. There was no need to falter anymore. Things could now go back to normal, and in this case, normal was peeping.

But the whole fiasco with the stranger had Zavier shook. He couldn\'t afford to be taken unawares like that again. So, he immediately began to prepare to take precautionary measures to prevent that from happening again. Zavier was very much eager to get back to his show. At least, if he scanned his environment properly this time, he could continue to take his fill of the entertainment uninterrupted. And so, he flipped on his time-space eye and went into surveillance mode.

Zavier didn\'t think he could actually be shocked twice in one night. And yet, here he was, once again surprised by another unexpected sight. About fifteen feet away from him, huddled in the bushes and crouched on all fours like a monkey, was another figure. Zavier almost doubled over in shock. There was another one?! How?! What the hell?!

There was no telling just how shaken Zavier was. The presence of another intruder in the environment wasn\'t good news at all, what made it so worse was that Zavier hadn\'t even known at all. By the looks of it, the stranger had been stationed there for a long time. Great beads of sweat began to form on Zavier\'s face when he began to think about how much the stranger had seen. And more importantly, why hadn\'t he called him out?

All these questions looked like their answers wouldn\'t favor Zavier at all. He didn\'t need a prophet to deduce the fact that the stranger clearly had an agenda. And it was looking like it wasn\'t a very friendly agenda at all.

The stranger himself had a very weird looking appearance. With his time-space eye, his figure and general outline had been enhanced under Zavier\'s vision. He could tell from the man\'s build that he was middle aged. His torso was built like a tank, but he was also a bit round in the belly. He was dressed impeccably, on him was what resembled some kind of suit with some fancy looking badge which Zavier didn\'t recognize.

By his general outlook, the man might have passed as a respectable gentleman at any location during the day, but due to the nature of the circumstance around his unveiling to Zavier, he looked nothing short of a creep. But Zavier was yet to determine if he was the was the dangerous kind or the mischevous type. But Zavier was willing to bet that he was a little bit of both. He wasn\'t wrong.

Plastered on the face of the stranger was a very disturbing smutty smile. This was the exact opposite of the facial expression one would expect from a creep who had just been found out. The stranger was clearly unapologetic about his otherwise perverse attitude. In fact, he seemed to be enjoying himself more than usual. The sick twisted way with which he was grinning betrayed his excitement. Zavier was right, this man was definitely a creep.

Zavier had been staring at the stranger becaise of the advantage his time-space eye gave him, however, a few moments later, it seemed Zavier\'s long gaze finally got the older man\'s attention. The stranger shifted his gaze towards Zavier very suddenly. Zavier was startled. He had seen him? How?

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