Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)

Chapter 529

A clearing in the forbidden forest.

Felix looked at the Thestral that he had lured with a blood-soaked dead bull and felt satisfied.

“Hagrid told me this tip, and it looks like you guys like it?” Felix said as the two Thestrals leaned down, exposing their thin bony necks and tearing down the dead bull, “And he said you guys are smart, so you must be able to understand me right?… I need a little help from you.”

Thestrals did not utter a sound and enjoyed the feast in silence. Although they are omnivores and will eat all kinds of grass, fruit, and meat, it is not every day that they get to eat fresh blood-soaked bull meat. As he talked, another Thestral cautiously poked its head out of the forest, looking at its two companions and the strange wizard, debating whether to come out.

The sound of constant chewing attracted the new one, who soon joined in.

Seeing his chance, Felix placed his hand in the mane of the nearest Thestral, and he felt like he is touching a tough, thick membrane of skin, with no flesh beneath it.

Thestral looked up uneasily and stared at Felix with bright white eyes.

“Eat up, eat up.” He said with a smirk, patting its bare head smoothly, his eyes looked like a big grey wolf eyeing a little white rabbit, and Thestral waved its long black tail and looked down again to tear the bull meat with its sharp teeth.

The new Thestral was a little alarmed and spread its huge wings warily, but neither Felix nor its companion paid any attention to it, and after a long stand-off it seemed to find its behaviour a little tiresome and far less important than the food on the ground, so it just snorted when Felix touched its smooth, hairless body.

Felix smiled slightly as his body began to morph.

“I still can’t accept it, to me, it looks more like Beedle was mocking the whole Deathly Hallows legend, because none of the three brothers escaped death in the end, even the oldest who got the invisibility cloak met death with open arms, Deathly Hallows was less useful than a Philosopher’s Stone when it came to beating death, at least Nicolas Flamel actually lived for 600 years or so! ”

Hermione, Luna, and Ginny walked down the path at the edge of the Forbidden Forest while arguing over the topic they had just discussed.

“That’s because they were not recognized.” Luna said in an ethereal voice.

“What recognition?”

“I don’t know.” Luna said dreamily, “Maybe it’s some sort of ritual, or a pre-planned activation method or,” she looked blankly into Hermione’s and Ginny’s eyes, “according to my dad, the only way to master the power of three Hallows is to possess all three of them at the same time.”

Hermione’s face showed a look of extreme disapproval, but she asked calmly, “Is it about that strange symbol you showed?”

“Maybe.” Luna said.

“Let’s talk about something else,” Ginny hurriedly said, her interest in the subject waning, “Luna, do you have your bone whistle with you?”

” Brought it.” Luna said cheerfully, as she pulled a thin cord woven from a stalk of grass from her neck, which had an ash-white whistle attached to it.

Hermione glanced at it, “Is that the one Hagrid gave us?”

“Yeah,” Luna said, “It can summon the little creatures Hagrid keeps, but there are no dangerous creatures at the edge of the Forbidden Forest, so I sometimes use it to attract Unicorns, Thestrals … and Firenze.” After saying that she looked around with her head probing, with the look of a thief, “Don’t tell Firenze, he will become unhappy.”

” Can Centaur also hear such a sound?” Hermione asked intrigued, it is an interesting piece of knowledge.

“Of course, they can.” Luna said seriously, “He’s not always around though, we have to try it in a few different places.”

They walked through a patch of bushes, vaguely smelling the scent of blood, and Luna pushed aside a large bush to reveal a group of six or seven Thestrals huddled together in the clearing.

“Wow, what luck.” Luna said.

“Someone been here,” Hermione muttered to herself as she stared at the dead bull that only consisted of a half skeleton and little meat on the ground, “Was it Hagrid? But it’s unlikely that he would focus on other creatures now when he had to deal with a bloody mess …”

Luna had bounced into the clearing and greeted Thestrals enthusiastically.

Thestrals had long been familiar with her, so they simply raised their eyes to gaze at her and lowered their heads to feast again, allowing Luna to pet them.

Ginny stared at the piece of meat on the ground, she couldn’t see Thestrals, but could see a chunk of meat detaching from the bone and disappearing into the air, followed by the creepy chewing sound, “It feels so awful, like there’s an invisible mouth full of sharp teeth in the air, and you don’t know when you’re going to walk up to it of your own will… …”

“This Thestral is weird.” Hermione said, and Luna turned her head to look at the unique Thestral – it laid quietly on the ground, and somehow the two could feel a tranquil aura from its thin, bony face, its eyes half-closed, showed no surprise or unease at their arrival.

“Are you new here? I don’t think I’ve seen you before.” Luna asked in a whisper as she crouched in front of it.

Thestral glanced at her and closed its eyes completely as if it didn’t want to pay any attention to her.

Luna skilfully grabbed a handful of grass from the ground and brought it to Thestral’s mouth, which moved its mouth away and looked at her with blank eyes.

“Oh, you are not hungry?”

“Luna, the book says Thestral is dangerous, even the ones in the Forbidden Forest that were trained by Hagrid,” Hermione said, not having a trace of confidence in the word ‘safety’ that came out of Hagrid’s mouth when she thought about the Acromantulas and giant Grawp that he kept in the Forbidden Forest.

The bone whistle that Hagrid had given her was placed in the innermost section of the beaded pouch, and she didn’t think she’d ever use it.

“But I feel like it’s friendly.” Luna said, as her light-coloured eyes twinkled, and then she turned her head and addressed the Thestral that had been lying on the ground, ” Aren’t you?”

The Thestral suddenly opened its mouth wide at her, revealing a mouth full of sharp teeth and emitting a “grrr” sound that startled the three of them. Ginny stumbled back and stared blankly at the air, “What happened?”

Even Thestrals, that had been eating, stopped and looked over.

“They’re friendly, aren’t they?” Hermione asked snappily.

Luna didn’t answer as she examined Thestral closely, “It’s strange, you give me a completely different feeling. So many harassing Wrackspurts flying overhead … Huh? It’s gone in a flash.” Luna said in awe.

“Come on Luna, let’s go somewhere else … we can come back another time.” Hermione pulled Luna and Ginny away, Luna fawned over the unique Thestral, “Maybe I can be friends with it, it could be the king of this pack of Thestrals in the Forbidden Forest …”

In her final sight, the Thestral raised from the ground and joined the other Thestrals as they ” da da da da ” walked deeper into the forest.

“Look, it’s walking very differently too.”

In the middle of the day, Felix emerged from another part of the forbidden forest, wiping the non-existent cold sweat from his forehead, feeling that everything that had happened today was very bizarre.

The next two weeks were peaceful, except for one afternoon when he and Snape met in the corridor where Snape warned him, “I gave the man the information about the ‘Elder Wand’ and he didn’t ask me to do something concerning that, so I think he has another plan.”

Hearing this, Felix took the time to return to Diagon Alley and check the sword castle from top to bottom, the entire defence system was functioning well and everything was in order.

The weather began to turn cooler at the end of September. On another typical weekend, Felix and Valen appeared in the Great Hall, both wearing a Scarf each, Valen sat on a stack of thick books and enjoyed steaming pumpkin pie, which Felix had thoughtfully sliced up.

After finishing that, Felix became keenly aware of the murmurs and odd glances directed at him in the great hall.

“What’s going on?” He called out to a student who was about to leave after eating.

The student first glanced curiously at his chest, waist side, and pockets as if looking for something, then handed him a newspaper. “You should read the front page, Professor Hap.” The student said.

Felix opened the paper and got surprised by the headline on the front page of the Daily Prophet, which read “Top Ten Wands in History”.

“Kee! (Let’s look together!)” Valen called out.

So he spread the paper on the table and read it with Valen.

‘There is no doubt about the importance of wands to wizards. Since the day the wand was created, there has been no shortage of legends about powerful wands, and people have enjoyed these rumours; in people’s perception, powerful wands and powerful wizards are closely related, but it is impossible to come to an accurate conclusion whether it is the wizard who fosters the wand’s prestige, or the wand that shapes the wizard’s power.

However, it is well known that Mr. Ollivander, one of Europe’s most prestigious wand makers, made a well-known quote: the wand chooses the wizard. The Wandlore philosophy also suggests that every wand is different, which leads us to wonder: are there really wands that are inherently extraordinary? Are they like unknown treasures, lying quietly in a velvet box in a wand shop, waiting for an owner worthy of them?

The author has searched through a vast array of documents to find ten of the most prestigious wands in history and has ranked them according to the influence of their owners for your reference.

Note: The wands of some of the great wizards in history are not considered famous, as they never deliberately declared the role of the wand in contributing to their great achievements, so they are excluded from consideration for the time being.

Number 10: Deathstick, length unknown, Elder wood, wand core material unknown.

Its owner was a notorious dark wizard, Loxias, who used vile means to kill the ‘fearsome warlock’ Barnabas Deverill, to acquire his wand, which was later renamed by him as Deathstick. Since then, he has conquered all his enemies. Renowned for dotingly stroking his new wand each time he defeated an opponent and loudly proclaiming that his wand is an embodiment of Death, his classic quote was: Face me and die.

He ended up dying in a tavern, and it is unknown who his killer was. Because of his cruel and tyrannical nature, many people claimed to have killed him, but no one was able to show his wand.

Number 9: Old Hammer’s Wand …

Number 8: Godelot’s wand.

This wand is famous because its owner saw it as a partner and even a mentor, and he used its power and knowledge to write “Magick Moste Evile”, as Godelot called his wand, “my most evil and mysterious friend”.

Number 7: Salazar Slytherin’s wand, length unknown, Snakewood, Basilisk horn core.

In this case, the wizard and the wand are evenly matched in terms of their fame, and their combination scared the wizards of their time; it is rumoured that in his youth Slytherin wielded a snake-wood wand and commanded snakes, and many wizards did not even dare to approach him (except for his close friend Gryffindor) and at a certain point of time the wand in his hand took the form of a walking stick, according to the photographic material that has survived; Its wand core made of Basilisk’s horn, a creature that is known for its power to kill enemies with just a look.

The current whereabouts of this wand is unknown. Note: Of the four founders of Hogwarts, only Salazar Slytherin has descendants who are still surviving, so this wand may have passed through the hands of one of the branches.

Number 6: Destiny wand, length unknown, wood unknown, wand core unknown.

The wand was owned by an unknown wizard, who was active for an even shorter time than Loxias; A hooded dark wizard challenged a group of the most prestigious dueling masters of the time in just three months, leaving just a handful of survivors, but the challenge came to an abrupt end three months later, with rumours of sighting his suspected body in a foul ditch, but there is no way to prove it.

When he had slain a powerful man, he had said in a low voice: I am with destiny. Thus, his wand was known as Destiny Wand.

The ultimate whereabouts of this wand is unknown.

Number 5: Wand of Morgan le Fay (Morgana), wand information unknown.

King Arthur’s half-sister, Merlin’s enemy. Morgan ruled as Queen of the Island of Avalon and gained a significant part of her authority through her magical powers.

Number 4: Merlin’s Wand, length and wand core unknown, made of English oak.

Merlin’s fame speaks for itself.

Number 3: the wand of Gellert Grindelwald, information unknown.

The reason this wand is remembered has a lot to do with its owner, and there are rumours that the Dark Lord once described his wand as ‘the best one’, and judging by what he has accomplished, there is no doubt about it.

This wand disappeared into history with the legendary duel back in 1945, which may have been destroyed in the duel or in the custody of the British Ministry of Magic, or hidden in the hands of a particular great wizard.

Number 2: the wand of ‘He Who Must Not Be Named’, thirteen and a half inches, yew wood, with a phoenix feather wand core.

It is well known that wands with a phoenix feather wand core are rare and powerful, and each one is an excellent piece of work. The wand of ‘He Who Must Not Be Named’ was made of a phoenix feather. This wand proves that claim.

It is presumed that this wand was destroyed fourteen years ago.

Number 1: Elder Wand, length unknown, elder wood, wand core unknown.

The name derives from a fairy tale in The Tales of Beedle the Bard, and I’m sure many people remember it and even imagined possessing this invincible wand as children, although they would leave these childhood fantasies behind them as they grew up.

But there is no shortage of people who still tirelessly research the authenticity of the Elder Wand when they grow up. According to them, Beedle the Bard based his story heavily on real history, and the poet Beedle played a trick on us to satisfy his literary romance by suggesting that the actual deeds of the Elder Wand might have been taken from one of the above-mentioned wands.

This wand is placed first because it seems to have an extreme condition for choosing a master, as the wand’s allegiance can only be obtained by killing the previous owner. In other words, anyone who gets it can gain its power.

The whereabouts of the Elder Wand were once unknown, but a rumour surfaced recently that Felix Hap, the Ancient Rune Professor at Hogwarts who had previously made a splash at the Quidditch World Cup finals, had unintentionally called his wand the Elder Wand, but whether he named it a reference to the fairy tale, or whether he actually held the legendary wand that was historically invincible, we have no way of knowing.’

In the Great Hall.

Felix squeezed the newspaper, with only one thought in his mind, he wanted to curse.

Voldemort’s killing move had arrived unannounced.


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