Dysfunctional - An Assassin's Guide to Reincarnating in Another World

Chapter 283 - 282 - Exile(Part 1)

Chapter 283 - 282 - Exile(Part 1)

Talk about devastatation...Belia\'s forces had really done a number on the Rustlands this time. Immense structural damage, deaths and injuries galore, and possibly most significantly...a strong sense of unease and insecurity among the population.

In the immediate aftermath, I\'d noticed that a lot of the civilians and some of the Adventurers giving me dirty looks. I later found out why...the Silvland troops, while going on their murder sprees, had been loudly declaring that I was the reason why they had launched this attack, I\'d heard some of them during the battle too, this must have been what they were after...no, more specifically, it was what Belia was after.

After all, when people are pissed off or emotionally devastated or panicking in fear, convincing them to blame someone for their strife becomes easy, she knew that and took advantage of it by painting a target on my back.

Tens of thousands had died, so many so that counting them all was going to take a while...this was easily the biggest death toll that the Rustlands had suffered, even the Vampires hadn\'t dealt this much death and destruction when they attacked.

However, it wasn\'t the Silvland troops that had done the most damage. After the Vampire attack, eight underground shelters were built for evacuation, and the routes leading to them were protected by hard-to-notice illusion spells that affect anyone that isn\'t carrying an Identification Card of the Rustlands.

One of those shelters had been breached...specifically, the west-most one...in which a lot of people I knew had been hiding out in. According to Prato and Lusk, Hacte had been responsible...and from what they said, it seems like Belia must have teleported him into the shelter.

Rai, Az, Key and Persia...their parents had all likely been in there, since all of their houses were closest to this shelter. I was currently inside the shelter, along with Key and a few other Adventurers, looking for survivors.

So far, we\'d found two people, one hiding under a pile of corpses, and the other died shortly after we found him, he\'d lost so much blood and taken such heavy damage that even my Healing Factor couldn\'t do anything to help save him.

"Hey, you sure you want to be in here?" I asked Key, as I stepped through deep puddles of blood.

The other three had opted to help with search and rescue efforts above ground, all of them had looked pretty devastated and shell-shocked when they found out which shelter had been breached. I decided to come down here on the off-chance that someone from their families had survived somehow...

"Yeah, I am...I know that my parents are probably dead, but I...I just don\'t feel all that much remorse. I do feel a little sad, I guess...but after everything that happened between us, I don\'t have much of any affection left for them," She replied, though she looked conflicted.

"I\'ve never really had a blood relation, so I can\'t say I relate," I said with a faint smile.

"If you ask me, you lucked out," She responded wryly.

We then stopped as a pile of corpses near us suddenly started to shift and rise up...as a head with a pair of bunny ears popped out, covered in blood. Wait, isn\'t that...?

"Rilia! You\'re alive!" Exclaimed Key, a look of immense relief on her face as she pulled her out of the pile of corpses and embraced her.

It\'s Rai\'s sister...she was sobbing hysterically as Key hugged her, she was trembling like crazy and covered in blood. Damn it...that piece of shit kissass small fry...I should have killed that bastard Hacte a long time ago...



By the next morning, most of the dead had been accounted for...with over ninety thousand corpses found. More than triple the amount that died when the Vampires attacked. Erhtaph Ragiu had also been killed, Guildmaster Raedal Yiserir informed me of his death. Apparently, he\'d been killed while in the castle, along with a bunch of Adventurers who\'d been there to guard the king...speaking of whom, the king was spared, despite all his guards being killed. Too bad.

The king had issued a message to all the citizens to gather outside the castle by 11 AM, it was currently 5 AM, and I was finally back at the apartment, completely exhausted, both mentally and physically. I was currently laying down in bed, as Persia walked in, having had a shower, a downcast expression on her face...

"Hey...you okay?" I asked in concern, sitting up as she walked over and sat down next to me.

"Yeah, I\'ll be fine," She replied with a weak smile, before adding as her voice cracked, "I just...just-."

"It\'s okay...," I interrupted, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her close to me, "You don\'t need to hold it in, let it all out."

"I-I...Kuro, I-...," She began, before trailing off as tears began running down her face, and a sob escaped her lips.

"That\'s it...just let it all out..."

She buried her face in my chest and clutched my shoulders tightly as she cried her eyes out, and all I could do was hold her...there was nothing I could do to alleviate her sorrow, nothing at all...


A few hours later, I woke up to the sound of an alarm...it was 10:30 AM. As I sat up with a yawn, I turned to my side, to see that Persia was still asleep, tear streaks staining her face. She looked drained, and her arms were wrapped around my left arm. I slowly and quietly got up, making sure not to disturb her as I did.

I\'ll let her sleep, while I go see what the king\'s announcement or whatever is gonna be. I then heard a buzzing coming from my desk...is someone calling me? I walked over to see which Call spell was vibrating...looks like Rai.


"Hey, man...you going to the castle?" He asked me.

"I guess so...I\'m curious to see what this is about...especially because I have an idea of what it might be."

"Yeah...so, hey, since the entire population was called up, it\'s safe to say that it\'s gonna be pretty crowded outside the castle. You know the tall clock tower near the castle, with the viewing platform at the top?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah, I think so."

"Well, that\'s where I currently am, and a crowd is already starting to build outside. Meet me up here, I called a bunch of the others as well."

"Uh...sure, I guess, that\'s fine."

"Cool. See ya in a bit."

"Yeah, see ya."

With that, he hung up. It\'s really rare to hear his voice sounding so drained and unenergetic. I couldn\'t help feeling bad, most of my closest friends are emotionally devastated right now, but I\'m not...I was pretty friendly with Persia\'s parents, Rai\'s too, but I...I don\'t feel that much remorse for them.

Well...I suppose I should be getting ready and going now, it\'ll be time soon. And that\'s in more ways than one, if I\'m right about what this is going to be about...


"Hey, dude," Greeted Rai, as I entered the viewing platform of the clock tower.

"Hey, man. How are you holding up? And how\'s your sister, she alright?"

"I\'m f-...I\'ll be alright," He replied with a weak smile, "And Rilia\'s okay...well, traumatized and exhausted, but I think she\'ll be fine."

"Oh...I see. That\'s good to hear," I responded, before looking around and inquiring, "Am I the last to arrive?"

Besides Rai, eleven others were here. Ekai, Azeria, Fuo, Rion, Misen, Az, Lusk, Prato, Selesa, Siert and Key.

"Where\'s Persia?" Asked Key, looking up as I walked over.

"Oh, she looked pretty exhausted, so I let her sleep," I replied.

Everyone was pretty silent, even Rion. There was a tension in the air, time seeming to flow at a standstill as we waited for the king to come out and address the crowd, which was now stretching out as far as the eye could see, in every direction.

I walked over to the railing and leaned on it, looking out as a strong breeze blew across, the clouds above beginning to darken and a faint rumble of thunder in the distance. I heard footsteps approaching and someone appeared next to me, leaning his back against the railing...Misen. Wonder what he wants.

"I have a rather good idea of what this is going to be about...do you?" He inquired, in a low voice to keep the others from hearing.

"Of course I do. Why?" I inquired with a raised eyebrow.

"You know that I hate you, right?"

"The feeling\'s mutual...what\'s your point?"

"I may hate you...but I respect and acknowledge your capabilities...as well as your intellect. Just like my father did. So if this turns out as expected, which would be against what he would have wanted...well, let\'s just say that I do not have an especially-strong attachment to the Rustlands any longer. I was never much of a nationist to begin with."

"Normally, I\'d probably tell you to go shove it, but...I appreciate that, Ragiu."

"Hmph, I\'m simply choosing what I determine to be the safer option," He stated with a huff, before walking away.

That felt weird...but not totally unpleasant, I guess.

"Looks like it\'s starting," Remarked Az, as the king walked out onto a balcony on the highest floor of the castle, holding a loudspeaker.

Alright, moment of truth...

"Greetings, citizens of the Rustlands. I, King Ocroed Rustlands have summoned you all here today for a rather urgent matter! During the attack, I was made aware of the reason for this horrendous battle...a battle in which nearly a hundred thousand of us were murdered...and all those deaths could have been avoided."

Yeah, looks like I was right.

"All of us could have been living in peace with our now-deceased loved ones, if not for one person...this person has provoked dangerous entities and dragged the Rustlands into what should have been his own, personal conflict...and as a result, we have lost many precious citizens. Should we put up with such a person!?" Exclaimed the king.

Gee, I wonder who he could possibly be talking about...

The crowd was silent for a moment, before erupting into a deafening mix of cheers, angry shouts of agreement and some violent suggestions...well played, Belia. Killing my main political ally and having her troops declaring that I\'m the reason for this attack...looks like the vast majority have turned against me.

Even if Erhtaph had been alive, I don\'t know if he could have done anything about this...

"From the sound of it, it would appear that many of you are already aware of the hazardous presence within our walls...Kuro Black. However, we are not savages...even back when we were considered the weakest of the five nations, we did not emulate the class systems and inhumane societal structures of the other nations. Therefore, here is what I propose...," Suggested the king, before elaborating, "Kuro Black, I am certain that you are listening right now...take responsibility for the countless deaths we suffered due to you by offering up your head...or, if you wish to preserve your measly life, leave the Rustlands before sundown! Execution or exile, it is your choice. Despite your transgressions, you have contributed enough to the Rustlands to warrant that mercy. That is all!"


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