Eighteen Again: The CEO's Wife was a Delinquent

Chapter 84 - Bonding With The Nephews

While Damien remains looking stupefied at the side, Cassidy just keeps taking out her anger on the ocean by splashing its water all over the place.

She\'s this infuriated since she\'s really close to finishing her sand castle by that point. All there\'s left to do is to poke holes on it to make windows and doors. But then, nature has to interrupt at the last minute and ruin her fun.   


"Party pooper...!  Hmph...!" Cassidy huffed for the last time, crossing her arms indignantly all the while.

"Aunt... Cassidy? Is that you?" Damien called out as soon as he finally recognized her voice. 

That\'s when the redhead snapped out of her tantrum and turned around to look at him.

Both of them are taken aback to see each other. While she only stared down at him with a surprised expression, he has already gotten over his own nonplus and turned to beholding her new appearance instead.

For a second there, he feels like he has seen the most beautiful redhead that he has ever laid eyes on.

The scintillating light of the sun kisses her porcelain skin while her crimson hair gleams like the glistening surface of the ocean. It\'s a sight that one can\'t see anywhere else. Only this woman before him now can display such a captivating image. 

"Oh my, it\'s little Damien!" Cassidy chirped with an ebullient grin, pleasantly surprised.

"I-I\'m sorry, Aunt...!" Damien trailed off hastily after realizing that he\'d been staring for a while now.

"I didn\'t recognize you at all. I\'m sorry."

"Hmm? What\'s there to be sorry for, though?"

"I-I... I was thinking of telling you to leave, you see, and I was about to say something rude... I\'m sorry."

Seeing him blushing bashfully and averting his gaze, she came to realize that what she thought during their first meeting was right after all - that he\'s a perfectionist young boy who probably thinks that first impressions and good demeanor are everything. At first glance, he may act like the most well-behaved son out there, but in her eyes, there\'s that shyness that makes her think that he\'s only been wearing a facade the entire time.

"It\'s okay. No need for apologies. Besides, you thought right of sending strangers away, and I understand that you\'re not able to recognize me..." Cassidy continued before flipping her hair with her hand and lifting up her chin. 

"After all, I look extra awesome with my red hair, right~? You can\'t find this awesomeness anywhere else. Maybe that\'s why you didn\'t recognize me."

At that, Damien only blinks at her, a bit dumbfounded again.

He didn\'t expect that she\'d brag. But then, as she just continued posing like a model and showing off her new look, he couldn\'t help but let out a small chuckle. She\'s really fond of acting their age, and it amuses him to think so, especially since he\'s one who always tries hard to act her age.

"Aunty...! You look gorgeous with your new hair!" 

Then came his two younger brothers.

With a bubbly look on his face, Hugo comes rushing to where they are while bouncing on his feet, clearly ecstatic to see their aunt. Joshua also runs and follows after his brother, looking pleasantly surprised the moment he realizes that it really is her. 

"It\'s nice seeing you again, boys! Thanks for the compliment too. Are you going to take a swim?" Cassidy greeted with a smile before bending on her knees and returning their effervescence with open arms.

"Yes, we are...!" Hugo chirped zestfully as he leaped right in and hugged her, much to her delight. 

"What\'s Aunty doing here? Were you making a sand castle?"

"I was, I was~ The water already washed it off, though."

"I can help you make a new one!"

"Really? How sweet of you~"

"By the way, are you all by yourself, Aunt Cassidy?" Joshua asked while scanning their surroundings.

"Uncle seems to be not here. There\'s not a single bodyguard around as well," Damien pointed out.

"Well, Uncle Adrian is always very busy, so that\'s already expected. I doubt that he\'d even step a foot in here, much less make a sand castle too-"   

Damien nudged Joshua on his arm at that insensitive remark - just hard enough to make him yelp a little in pain and shut up. Most people know that Cassidy is head over heels in love with Adrian, after all. His younger brother should know better than implying that their uncle has no time for his wife.     

"I decided to sneak out of the mansion in secret since I didn\'t want any attendants around. I wanted to spend this day for myself, you see. Bossman was still sleeping like a log after staying up late at night, so he would definitely be not here either," Cassidy reasoned out while she just continued squeezing the toddler in her arms. 

"Bossman...? By that, you actually mean Uncle Adrian all along?!" Joshua asked in surprise and enlightenment.

"W-Why bossman, though?" Damien added with an incredulous expression.

"Uhhhh... Because he\'s bossy and he\'s a man?"


While Joshua ends up laughing after Cassidy says that matter-of-factly, Damien only bites the inside of his cheek and keeps himself from reacting the same way. Both brothers know that they can\'t afford to disagree to that, but when she points that out with a flat look on her face, it can actually be comical. 

That\'s until their youngest suddenly brings up something that makes them come to a halt at once.

"Is Uncle a bad guy, Aunty?" Hugo questioned out of nowhere, much to their surprise.

"What do you mean?" Cassidy replied with a small and understanding smile - thinking that toddlers like him do have this kind of innocent curiosity.

"Bossman just sounds like a villain in a superhero movie, especially with the \'man\' on the end."

"But what about Superman...? Batman, Spider-man, and Iron Man?"

"Hmmmm... They don\'t really share the same vibes as bossman."

"How \'bout you, though? What do you think? Is your Uncle a bad guy?"

Hugo didn\'t say a word. 

The way he casts down his gaze and thinks deeply is giving Cassidy the impression that he is uncertain and conflicted. But eventually, he just slowly shook his head. 

At this point, she herself is also not sure how to see Adrian. Of course, he is still a big dumbass in her eyes after everything that he has done to her in the past.

But then, she\'s not so dense that she can\'t notice how he\'s trying to change lately.

Again, of course, what he\'s showing so far couldn\'t make up to all the negligence he did before. In fact, she isn\'t certain how exactly he can ever make up to that. It\'s probably too late for her now.

Nevertheless, since Cassidy has no choice but to stay put beside Adrian for the meantime, she will have to give herself a chance to see him turn over a new leaf. 

"Anyway, you guys are going to play here for a while, right...?" Cassidy chimed in once more, changing the subject.

"Do you mind if I join you?"

"Of course we don\'t!" Hugo answered blithely while his two elder brothers simply nodded and seconded the motion.

From that point on, the four of them decided to put aside any other heavy matter and went ahead to enjoy themselves.

Cassidy finally took a swim like her nephews. Since she doesn\'t own any one-piece or two-piece outfits, she just wears a plain white spaghetti top and a pair of blue shorts. She also made sure to put on some sunblock before diving in and embracing the water.

Hugo likes hogging her attention all for himself. He always clings onto her arm while he aimlessly floats around the water with his dinosaur-themed swim ring.

Damien and Joshua have brought their toy guns and beach ball with them. They keep insisting her to play with them, but their youngest brother is being too greedy and clingy to her.

"Why don\'t you join me and your brothers, Hugo?" Cassidy offered to him as her last resort to keep the brothers from arguing. 

"I can\'t swim, and since you\'re gonna play ball, I\'ll have to run all the way to the deep side if the water carries it over there," Hugo reasoned out with a dismayed pout. 

"Don\'t worry. I\'ll be the one who\'ll go over there and get it back, then."

"Still, I can\'t swim without my floatie. It\'s hard to play ball while wearing my floatie."

"Hmmm... Oh, I know! Should I teach you how to swim first?"

"Huh...? You can?" Joshua asked her in surprise after hearing their conversation.

"Did you take swimming classes before, Aunt?" Damien joined in while holding the ball with both of his hands.

"I learned by myself and with the guidance of some of my friends before. You don\'t need no complicated lesson for that."   

"We needed it, though. Our father hired a swimming instructor to teach us back then. Hugo hadn\'t one yet." 

"Well, you guys are rich, so I ain\'t gonna be surprised if you also spent some hundred thousand for such a small thing-"

"Father did."


While Cassidy and her nephews are having this exchange, they failed to notice a figure observing them from a distance the whole time.

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