Demon Queen Rebirth: I Reincarnated as a Living Armor?!

Chapter 329 - Kosmos: Invading Thanatos’ Soul!


Ervas had planned to leave a soul fragment in that world as well, mostly to aid Veronica, and Kireina wanted to hop in and increase the scope of worlds she was exploring.

Although they did not know where they would really appear, Veronica hoped that it could be in Nyx or Hades, either of the two seemed like good people based on Clone\'s information sent to her.

"Very well then… Anna-chan, you can let go of my hand, for now, I am not going anywhere, hehe," said Veronica teasingly, as Anna was completely red as she quickly took away her hand from Veronica\'s hand.

"Ah, my bad…" she said embarrassedly.

"No problem," said Veronica, petting Anna\'s head and caressing her cute squirrel ears for a few seconds as she finally glanced at her System Window.

[Available Evolution Options]

[Rank 11: Divine Shadow Underworld Thanatos Hades Nyx Living Armor Death Tyrant Empress]

[Rank 11: Divine Abyssal Netherworld Tartarus Nyx Hades Living Armor Hell Tyrant Empress]

"Such big names… I hope they don\'t get bigger… Alright… What should I pick? Now I am being given the option between Thanatos, the literal personification of Death, and Tartarus, the personification of the underworld… This is not easy…"

[Rank 11: Divine Shadow Underworld Thanatos Hades Nyx Living Armor Death Tyrant Empress]

Evolution is given to someone who has gathered the fragments of Nyx and Hades and has reached the requirements to gather those of Thanatos.

This evolution has achieved a level of power that might soon match Demigods, by converging the powers of death and darkness, your strength grows exponentially, and by gathering Thanatos\' fragment (if successful) your power might as well have endless possibilities.

This Evolution increases all capabilities, but Death-related ones are more enhanced.

[Rank 11: Divine Abyssal Netherworld Tartarus Nyx Hades Living Armor Hell Tyrant Empress]

Evolution is given to someone who has gathered the fragments of Nyx and Hades and has reached the requirements to gather those of Tartarus.

This evolution has achieved a level of power that might soon match Demigods, by converging the powers of death, darkness, and the netherworld, your strength grows exponentially, and by gathering Tartarus\' fragment (if successful) your power might as well have endless possibilities.

This Evolution increases all capabilities, but Dark-related and Soul-related ones are more enhanced.

"Fragments? Oh, so that\'s how it is? I guess I finally figured it out. This System sends me to Kosmos because there are Gods that match the powers I have, by going there and asking for their fragments, is like a trial of sorts… The Samsara system itself connects to many other worlds, and it let me assimilate their power too, which was already showed on Kireina\'s powers when they became Skill Points… I guess that\'s how it works, it\'s not like I am randomly sent there because of whatever random reason, everything seems to have a reason behind," thought Veronica.

"I kind of already met with Thanatos… But Tartarus? I mean, I know that the Underworld is also called Tartarus, but I do not remember meeting the personification of it in Kosmos… Also, Thanatos is usually with Hades, so we might as well aim for him," said Veronica.

Ervas and Kireina nodded.

"I agree, it would be better to go for the one you already kind of know and might be close to Hades which you already talked with," said Ervas.

"Well, I hope it really works," said Kireina.

Ervas fused with Veronica\'s soul, as Kireina created a soul connection with a piece of her soul to Veronica.

Then, Veronica chooses the Thanatos Evolution, and right afterward, her body was shrouded in black flames of death!


Veronica, Ervas, and Kireina\'s consciousness then dived through an endless darkness, until they reached a certain place!

Within a large black temple decorated with many skeletons and skulls, which was also being served by many walking skeletons wearing clothes or armor, ghosts, zombies, and other undead creatures, a tall and slim man with blueish black skin, glowing dark blue eyes and long knife ears sat down over a throne of bones, reading a book peacefully.

Although through the book, there was the vision of what was happening on the surface of the world of Kosmos, where Hades, the Queen of the Underworld, and his boss, alongside Nyx, the Goddess of Night, were defending an otherworldly being from Zeus\' rage.

The man sighed, he did not really know that entity so well, but he had heard a lot from it from his Boss and master, Hades.

Hades had told him that one day she was assaulted by it, the entity had appeared inside of her very soul.

Of course that he would get all scared if something like that happened to his lady… but alas, she seemed happy and interested in it.

And since Nyx came out with a strange new servant out of nowhere, Hades had been glancing at this entity.

Thanatos, the man glancing at the book and the Personification of Death, or simply said, the God of Death, was rather confused about this whole ordeal, however, he knew that if Hades was so dead-set in using this otherworldly entity to help save the world, that she might be right.

"Hades-sama, aren\'t you sacrificing way too much? Zeus is now angered with you…" said Thanatos, communicating with Hades telepathically.

Hades answered him quickly after.

"Hehe, of course, I am. And I have not sacrificed anything, Zeus gets a bit cocky sometimes, having acquired Cronus power does not mean that he is actually all-powerful," said Hades, she was the Queen of the Underworld and the entire Underworld and all the Gods, Demons, Undead, and Souls that lived there were her strength, which she could use to become as stronger as Zeus if not more.

Even Zeus seemed to hesitate to enrage his sister and decided to not continue this, asking Nyx to be responsible for the alien.

"Sigh… What a problem. Hades-sama can never do something normal? Well, she intends to save this world… Perhaps I should be the one that should stop worrying so much and go along with it? …No, I can\'t," sighed Thanatos.

"And well, Nyx\'s abilities let her talk with entities from other worlds through her Star Reading. So through their info, she has figured a lot about what is happening in here. It seems that things are not going easy in other worlds, and this problem of an apocalypse is happening everywhere… An entity, or perhaps many more are behind all of this… Entities that we might not be able to fight back by ourselves… We might be gods, but only of this world, our power is greatly limited in others… Well, unless the Alliance is made, and Origin Cores are shared through the World\'s Laws of many worlds… but for that to occur, Zeus has to stop being like this. And well, it is not like the Olympians are helping," thought Thanatos, drinking some wine.

"Perhaps I should go talk with Hades and Nyx directly? Oh, I rather not, if I appear near mortals, they might die immediately…" thought Thanatos, waving his head.

He was the literal personification of death, any mortal that was to see him would die instantly, and this is not what he wanted, all people would one die, but it wasn\'t his job to hurry their process, but to assure that they would die at their due time, not hastened by his own lack of common sense.


However, right as he was about to talk with Hades again, Thanatos felt a strange presence emerg… right inside his soul!

"Aaaahh! In the name of Tartarus, what is happening?!" roared Thanatos in disbelief, almost jumping out of his throne as his countless Undead Servants ran towards him with concern.


"Thanatos-sama, what is the problem?!"

"Are you okay, Thanatos-sama?"

Thanatos began to hear a voice resonating within his soul!

"We are here!"

"Hm, so this is another world… there is a bunch of skeletons?"

"Oh, nice palace… Are we inside of Thanatos body by any chance?"

Three voices, three entities were inside of Thanatos soul!

He could barely keep his sanity, he was panicking!

"Get off my soul now! Who are you?! Speak!!!" cried Thanatos, as he began to exert a large amount of power into the three entities, trying to reject them!

"W-Wait a second! Thanatos, right? We come in peace!" said Veronica\'s voice.

"Do you know Hades or Nyx? She is friends with Veronica," said Ervas\' voice.

"Oh my, what a strong soul!" said Kireina\'s voice.

"What?! Veronica?! You… Are you that entity from another world?! But how?! You\'re in the Nation of the Night now!" said Thanatos.

"Ah, no, no, that\'s one of my Soul Fragments, a clone of my main body… We have come to back it up so Nyx can have more alien allies, would you let us out?" asked Veronica.

"We are running out of time," said Ervas.

"Maybe ask Hades?" asked Kireina.

"I am the God of Death! I shall not let you do as you please so easily! Hades-samaaaa!" cried Thanatos, calling Hades through telepathy!

Hades who was now conversing with Nyx and the rest of the citizens, convincing them of Veronica\'s power and that she was the key to this world salvation, received a scream from Thanatos!


"Eh? Thanatos? What is wrong with you? You never scream like that!" said Hades.

"Hades-sama, Veronica, Veronica has entered into my soul!" cried Thanatos.

"Eh? What?!" asked Hades in surprise.


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