21st century Goguryeo

Chapter 311

Chapter 311

March 1st, 2021, 09:00

Yokosuka Port at Kanagawa Prefecture, Honshu Japan (The Chungmugong Lee Sun-shin (CG-1101))

The war between Corea and Japan was officially over after Japan’s unconditional surrender on the night of the 27th.

The signing of Japan’s treaty to surrender was hosted aboard the Chungmugong Lee Sun-shin (CG-1101) cruiser’s flight deck docked at Yokosuka Port. The historic signing of a treaty from 76 years ago on August 15th, 1945 on a U.S. ship was being repeated this time aboard the Corean heavy cruiser, the Chungmugong Lee Sun-shin (CG-1101).

Lieutenant General Lee Hun-sang, the commander of the expeditionary forces and the marines, was appointed to officially accept Japan’s surrender. Deputy Prime Minister Aso Taro represented Japan as the proxy for the Japanese emperor and started to board the Chungmugong Lee Sun-shin (CG-1101) with the aid of his staff.

Deputy Prime Minister Aso Taro stood in front of the table. Lieutenant General Lee Hun-sang notified the start of the treaty and opened with a greeting.

“We will now begin Japan’s treaty to surrender unconditionally to Corea on March 1st, 2021, and the signing of the treaty here. This is Deputy Prime Minister Aso Taro, the current superior of the Japanese prime minister’s cabinet.”

When the general spoke in a disciplined and confident manner that befits his status as the commander of the marines, Deputy Prime Minister Aso Taro took his seat. He started to slowly read the treaty documents written up by the Corean government. Customarily treaty documents for a nation’s surrender would be jointly written by the winning and defeated nation through an agreement.

The documents for Japan’s surrender signed on August 15th, 1945 was also written up through negotiations between the U.S., Japan, and the allied forces. However, this treaty was written solely by the Corean government and was not revealed until the signing of the treaty started.

Deputy Prime Minister Aso Taro had a chance to read the treaty document’s demands for the first time at this place just like the term unconditional surrender suggested.

The demands written up and given to the deceased Prime Minister Abe by the Corean government with the White House’s foreign strategy negotiator Randy Johnson acting as the mediator for Japan’s surrender was nothing compared to the demands made by the Corean government now. The demands that were written on Japan’s surrender treaty were historically shocking and shameful.

Clause 1: Japan will admit that it is a nation that committed war crimes that threatened peace within East Asia and the world. It will take responsibility for the entire war and surrender to Corea’s demands without making any demands of its own.

Clause 2: Based on Clause 1, Japan will pay reparations to Corea of 10 billion dollars every January 1st for the next 20 years.

Clause 3: As a nation that committed war crimes, Japan will no longer be able to hold a standing military for the next 100 years, and will only operate minimal police forces to maintain public peace. The nation is no longer able to independently research and produce military weapons. All defensive corporations within Japan must have their corporate body erased and declared bankrupt.

Clause 4: Japan will officially make an apology for all the heinous acts it did to Corea during its imperial age, and apologize to the forced laborers and sex slaves, especially to the women taken as sex-slaves. Also, Japan is to pay reparations to all of the victims. A reparation of 5 million dollars per person will be given.

Clause 5: Daema Island (Tsushima) and Ryuku (Okinawa Islands), and the entire Kyushu territory will be handed off to Corea. Japan is also to declare Dok-do Island to be Corea’s territory and alert and apologize to the international community about its false claim of the island being Japan’s territory. Also, mark the sea between Corea and Japan as the ‘East Sea’, and the straits where Daema Island is located as ‘Corean Straits’.

Clause 6: Based on Clause 3, Japan can no longer hold a standing military, therefore the Corean military will be stationed to defend Japan’s territories. The costs will be split equally between nations.

Clause 7: Teach the citizens of Japan the correct version of history regarding the nation’s past. Japan will form a new academic research organization with Corea’s historical society and publish a new history textbook that will be required to be taught in every primary and secondary school.

Clause 8: Arrest every person related to the outbreak of the war and have them judged by the Corean ministry of justice as war criminals. Also, reveal everything from the investigation to the international press.

Clause 9: Abolish Japan’s monarchy.

Clause 10: Change the Japanese flag to an empty white one.

Clause 11: This document will have a political binding with the signature of Japan’s representative Deputy Prime Minister Aso Taro.

Deputy Prime Minister Aso Taro read over the 9th and 10th clauses and his expression became grim.

There was nothing more shameful in Japan’s history. Lieutenant General Lee Hun-sang quietly spoke to Deputy Prime Minister Aso Taro, who seemed to be hesitant, so that only he could hear him.

“Deputy Prime Minister Aso Taro! Are you not pleased with the clauses? Should we just cancel the treaty? Our government does not mind if you decide to back out. We will just turn the entire nation into a deserted island if you do. Our nation will just use Japan as a barrier for tsunamis coming from the Pacific Ocean,” Lieutenant General Lee Hun-sang spoke horrifically with a blank expression on his face.

Deputy Prime Minister Aso Taro seemed to have accepted his fate and signed the document.

The cameras of the press agents aboard the ship started to flash up, and the signing was broadcasted live by the Corean public network KBS to the world.

Once Deputy Prime Minister Aso Taro finished signing the treaty, Lieutenant General Lee Hun-sang signed the document as well. When the signing was completely done on the entire document, Lieutenant General Lee stood up and showed it to the press cameras.

“As of March 1st, 2021, 10:00 am, the Corean government has officially received the signature of Japan’s representative to surrender, and we will now declare an end to the war.”

Yeah! Whooo!

Some of the Corean press agents, the government officials, and soldiers all cheered and raised their hands. On the other hand, the Japanese government officials all knelt and started to cry.

On the anniversary of the independence movement in Corea where many citizens waved the nation’s flag to protest against Japan’s imperialism on March 1st, 1919, Corea officially received signatures to Japan’s document to surrender. This day would mark another historic moment for the nation.

The war that started against China and now ending with Japan was over in four short months. Many citizens in Corea walked out to the streets and watched Japan’s surrender live. Many started waving the nation’s flag and cried while cheering for the nation. There were more people out on the streets compared to the 2002 World Cup.

* * *

March 5th, 2021, 10:00


When the war came to an end after four months, the Corean government withdrew the state of emergency and immediately went into its 20th presidential election. President Suh Hyun-woo had surpassed his 5-year term due to the reunification with North Korea and war against China. He could finally return to being a normal civilian after two months.

President Suh Hyun-woo, despite only have 2 months left in his term, received reports about the soldiers who passed away or were injured in the line of duty as well as the civilian casualties that occurred during the war.

The Corean military had suffered 1052 casualties, and 8537 were injured. Most of those were from the Chinese and Japanese military’s tactical nuclear weapon strikes. Despite using the latest equipment during the war, they were not 100% effective against nuclear weapons. However, the numbers were only up to this much since the Corean military had its equipment during the war. Had it been another country, the casualties would have mounted to tens of thousands.

President Suh Hyun-woo finished receiving the report and requested an additional budget of 50 billion won to the congress. 10 billion would be used for those who passed away in battle as compensation for their services. The 20 billion from the remaining 40 would be given to the soldiers as a bonus for being victorious. The remaining 20 billion won were given to the citizens of Corea who had lost their lives or suffered damages during the war.

With the end of the war, the race for the 20th presidency in Corea started to heat up. Politicians from every party were out on the streets campaigning for votes.

This election would be the first since the reunification between the North and South. The election would be held for the seven state governments in the South, North states, the West state which had previously been China’s territory the Shandong province, the West Manchurian states, the Central Manchurian state, the Northern Manchurian state, the Mongolian self-governed state, and the East state that was once Kyushu of Japan along with the federal government.

The eastern state was located on the southeastern side of the southern state, but the federal government had decided to name it the east state.

After the reunification, the Corean territory was expanded more than ever. Therefore, the Harmonious Innovation Party with the president, the conservative Welfare Corea Party, and the moderate Citizens Union party entered the election in a three-party system.

However, due to President Suh Hyun-woo’s popularity, many political analysts and professionals predicted the 20th Corean presidency would be won by the Harmonious Innovation Party that had the most support with Choo Un-hee as the candidate.

* * *

April 1st, 2021, 14:00

Seoul, the Gwanghwamoon Plaza

President Suh Hyun-woo, who had been elected at Corea’s most difficult time, had created rapid changes for the nation. Due to his wise leadership, Corea had surpassed the U.S. as being the world’s most powerful nation economically and for the military. President Suh Hyun-woo could finally let his responsibilities rest after a five-and-a-half-year presidency and resign.

After the official ceremonies were over, it was now time for President Suh Hyun-woo to make his final address. He walked up to the podium installed on the king’s palace and bowed to the million citizens that had gathered in the plaza.

“Thank you very much. Citizens of Corea! I am sorry I couldn’t have done better. Thank you!” President Suh Hyun-woo finished his first statement for his address and continued after gazing at everyone gathered on the plaza.

“I would like to use this opportunity to speak to the citizens of our nation about things I couldn’t before. I would like to ask for forgiveness for all the sacrifices everyone had to endure. I am not the president who should be proud of fulfilling the wishes of our people to reunify the country along with turning the nation into a world power. I am a criminal who has taken numerous lives of our citizens and soldiers. Regardless of the results, I must take responsibility for all the lives that were lost during the war as the leader of the country who decided to go into war. I am nothing but a criminal in my own eyes.”

“No. We respect your decision.”

“Every citizen must sacrifice him or herself for the greater good of the nation, sir!”

“That’s right. Why? Why would you think of yourself in that way?”

Some of the people from the crowd started to shout.

President Suh Hyun-woo must have organized with the staff for the address since he used the remaining time to call out the names of every single person who lost their lives during the war. After calling out every name for a whole hour, the address was officially over. Then, the national address for the 20th president-elect followed.

As the political analysts have predicted, candidate Choo Un-hee was elected to be the 20th president of Corea. She was the first female president of Corea and had performed as a party member in aiding President Suh Hyun-woo actively during his presidency.

Former President Suh Hyun-woo and now President Choo Un-hee held their hands and raised them to the air in front of 1 million citizens. Cheers rang out across the entire Gwanghwamoon plaza.

Corea had once been pressured by other powerful nations both economically and politically, but now it had resembled Goguryeo of the past that had commanded the entire Manchurian area. Now in the 21st century, it had regained its glory and became a world power that holds the international balance.

There was no knowing what was in store for the future. However, Corea would continue to use the alien technology as a basis to develop new technology and will remain as a world power for another 1000 years.


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