21st century Goguryeo

Chapter 259

Chapter 259

February 19th, 2021, 18:30 (Pacific Standard Time 20:30)

The skies above the Pacific Ocean, 1,850km southeast of Honshu, Japan

The red beam falling from the sky had blown up six aerial tankers at once, and 11 F-22SR Super Raptor jets also exploded from the flames. The 100 F-22SR Super Raptor jets split into groups of flight wings and started to make evasive maneuvers.

There was a problem. About 40 F-22SR jets did not receive fuel. The U.S. Air Force considered sending out additional aerial tankers from the Yokota Base, but since the tankers could be attacked again, they decided not to. The 40 unfueled F-22SR jets were ordered to land at the 7th fighter wing’s base which was closest to their location.

The 60 fueled F-22SR jets flew towards their destination, the Kadena Air Base in Okinawa at supercruise. The 40 remaining F-22SR jets turned around to head to the 7th fighter wing’s Iwakuni Base and flew while conserving fuel.

* * *

February 19th, 2021, 20:00

Chungbook Cheongju-si, the 17th Fighter Wing’s underground research facility, X-4 lab (radar systems lab)

The researchers from the X-4 lab, who had developed the Quantum Multi-Zone (QMZ) radar system, watched the footage sent by the Blue House two hours ago. The QMZ radar system started development in 2018 and Chief Researcher Na Yeon-hee claimed that no stealth jet nor ship could avoid detection by the QMZ for the next 10 years. However, the footage they saw today toppled that claim. A plane that could avoid the radar’s detection had appeared in 3 years instead of 10. Chief Researcher Na called for an emergency meeting.

“As you can see, the QMZ radar that we equipped on the Apollo satellite did not detect these planes. We must come up with a solution.”

When Chief Na spoke quietly, the 30 researchers working under her all looked concerned but could not easily give an opinion. Chief Na continued to speak.

“According to the Joint Chief of Staff, the jets have been confirmed to be American.”

“Chief, I don’t understand how America obtained the technology to avoid our radar system. Is it possible that our tech has been leaked to the Americans?” Senior researcher Kang Hyuck-dong said, as if he could not understand how this could have happened.

Chief Na Yeon-hee fell silent for a moment and continued. “This is an S-ranked national secret, but considering how things are, I suppose I need to fill everyone in.”

The researchers’ eyes lit up from the mention of the national secret.

“America had been researching the Splithian alien technology that we have been developing decades before us.”

When the researchers learned the secret that only the chiefs of each lab knew, senior researcher Kang asked again in shock. “Really? How could this be...”

“Yes, it is top secret information, so I cannot give you the details, but America has been researching the Splithian technology for over 60 years. All the military equipment that has been developed by the American weapons companies has been based on alien technology as well.”

“That changes things, doesn’t it? If the Americans have the same technology that we have.”

“I suppose so.”

“If that is the case, shouldn’t we have started the development of the next-generation radar earlier?”

The X-4 lab started developing the QMZ-radar in September of 2018 and focused on how to equip the radar to different types of equipment. The Apollo satellites and the Hocula destroyers were the first to be equipped with the radar. Then, by going through miniaturization, the lab continued research to equip the radar to planes and anti-air armored vehicles. In February 2021, the development for the next-generation Hyper QMZ-radar system started.

“That I regret as well, but who would have thought we would be in a war against America? That was why we focused on which platforms the radar would be equipped to,” Chief Na Yeon-hee also expressed regret and glanced at Chief Researcher Gil Young-won.

“Chief Gil.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“How far along are we on the Hyper QMZ radar system’s development?”

“We are about 30% finished.”

“30%. We still have a long way to go.”

When Chief Na Yeon-hee seemed disappointed, Chief Gil Young-won spoke carefully. “Ma’am, I can’t guarantee anything, but it could be possible to apply our core technology for the Hyper QMZ radar system we are developing to the current one.”

“Do you really think that is possible?”

“As I have said, I cannot make any guarantees. However, I think it’s worth a try.”

“I see. The fate of our nation is on the line, so please finish the hyper quantum waves part as soon as possible and try to apply that to our current radar system. It’s a race against time, so let’s start research in shifts of two. Is everyone okay with that?”

“Of course.”


When senior researcher Gil Young-won answered with a bright smile, the other researchers cheered as well.

* * *

February 19th, 2021, 21:00

The Yomiuri Golf Course, 22km west from Toyonaka, Honshu, Japan

Two days ago, the 3rd marine mobile division’s armored ranger battalion had moved along the Jugoku roads to pave a path to Osaka. When they reached the point near the Kasai area, the road was blocked and they had to make a detour.

The marine division had managed to move 22km west from Toyonaka, the final area before they reached Osaka, by mobilizing for two days. However, the anti-tank mines the Japanese army had planted along the way had made them fall a day behind schedule.

The main forces under the 3rd mobile marine division started to head along the established path to detour into Kasai. The 10th armored brigade moved away from the main forces and started to occupy the Himeji area by moving along the Hantenreraku road. When the forces took over Himeji, then the marines will move along the southern shores and march into Osaka.

Beep, beep.

The communication line sent out an alert notifying the entire battalion that its commander was on the line.

“This is the battalion commander. Each company is to be on high alert while using the next three hours to conduct maintenance and take a break.”

When Lieutenant Colonel Hong Man-ho gave the order, each company set sentries by groups of platoons and started to take breaks and conduct maintenance. The armored ranger battalion’s 10 tanks stopped moving and took some time to take a break at the large golf course nearby. If it was not for the war, then the golf course would have hosted an international golfing tournament or had guests golfing. However, the golf course was ruined by the C-3 White Tiger tanks trampling their courses with their caterpillars.

“The HQ company is to continue the aerial reconnaissance for downtown Itami.”

“Yes, sir.”

At downtown Itami, Japan’s 3rd mechanized infantry division, the 7th infantry regiment, 36th vehicle regiment, 37th vehicle regiment, and the 3rd armored battalion made their encampment and formed a defensive line along Osaka.

* * *

February 19th, 2021, 22:00

The seas 46km west of Tae-an Peninsula, Chungnam

The 10th amphibious fleet’s numerous vessels with the second expeditionary force aboard had set sail from Incheon four hours ago at 18:00, and were sailing across the Tae-an Peninsula at high speed. The second expeditionary force’s fleet consisted of 20 amphibious vessels, 30 logistical vessels, and civilian transporting vessels. There were about 150 ships in total. It was the largest number of ships deployed for a single landing mission.

The second expeditionary force included Corea’s elite force that had played an active role in achieving victory against the Chinese: the 7th mobile corps, its subordinate forces the 20th armored division, capital armored division, and the 1st corps’ 9th mechanized infantry division.

Also, the 7th maritime flotilla’s 72nd mobile fleet’s 2 Hocula destroyers and 9 escorting ships from the 2nd fleet guarded the 150 ships against enemy jets, ships, and submarines.

At the center of the fleet, two of Corea’s next-generation Super Hocula submarines were sailing in the deep, looking out for enemy subs.

Two days ago, the Super Hocula submarines had been deployed onto the field quietly without any ceremony and were tasked with guarding the second expeditionary force.

These two submarines were 200m in length alone. Despite their size and the seas being shallow, the submarines glided in the ocean with the super computer’s aid.

* * *

February 20th, 2021, 08:00

Seoul, Yongsan-ku B2 bunker (ROK military joint command center)

It had been eight hours since the second expeditionary force set sail aboard the 10th amphibious fleet and other vessels. The Joint Chief of Staff’s command center was watching the main screen since this morning with the chairman and the military commanders in attendance. Soon, the fleet would sail past Jeju Island and move into enemy waters full of danger.

There were no reconnaissance satellites from the enemy nations scouting the Corean peninsula, but America could definitely be aware of 150 ships moving along the ocean. Therefore, sailing past the Corea Strait and entering the enemy territory required caution. If the second expeditionary forces were to be attacked by the U.S. Air Force or Navy while sailing, then the damages could be so severe that they would not be able to land on Japan.

If that was the case, then the 50,000 special forces conducting guerilla warfare across Japan and the 2nd marine division in charge of occupying Kyushu, as well as the 3rd mobile marine division headed towards Tokyo would be in danger.

The American and Japanese armies stationed in Japan were not a threat to the Corean military. However, the U.S. Marine’s elite MEAM (Marine Expeditionary Armored Mobile) brigade that had landed on Yokosuka Port was the issue.

Based on the data hacked from the USSC, the marine expeditionary consisted of tanks and armored vehicles equipped with railguns, and the self-propelled guns could not be underestimated. The second expeditionary force had to successfully land in Japan.

While the secondary expeditionary force was sailing across the Corea Strait, 48 KF-21P Phoenix jets and KF/A-25P Black Phoenix bombers that had taken off from the 23rd fighter wing flew in groups of flight wings at a low altitude to guard the skies. 48 additional Phoenix jets from the 38th fighter wing also took off from Gunsan and guarded the seas along northern Kyushu and Honshu.

The Apollo 2 and 3 reconnaissance satellites started watching the Tsushima Island area with their radar outputs at maximum. The Joint Chief of Staff must have thought that that would not have been enough and deployed two E-737 early-warning planes to increase the radar outputs in the air.

“No threats have been detected so far, sir,” Lieutenant General Kim Yong-hyun carefully reported to Chairman Kang, who was watching the screen anxiously.

“That’s a relief, but as you know, I am concerned about the U.S. Air Force’s next-generation jets.”

“The Apollo 2 and 3 satellites are scouting the area at the same time, so no matter how powerful their stealth capabilities are, we would be able to at least detect a trace of them, sir. Also, two Hocula destroyers are guarding the fleet, and the Chungmugong Lee Sun-shin cruiser is also standing by watching the skies 200km east.”

“Yes, I am aware, but I am still worried.”

Chairman Kang placed his hands behind his back and continued to watch the main screen while speaking the Lieutenant General Kim Yong-hyun.

Dozens of red dots appeared at the lower part of the main screen.

“N 29°33’1.27″ E 127°44’8.18″, multiple enemy planes approaching.” The 71st maritime flotilla’s Hocula destroyer standing by at 72km southeast from Jeju Island had detected the enemy jets first, and the data was sent to the Joint Chief of Staff.

“Check the type and their numbers!”

When the operations director gave the order, one of the senior operators shouted back a report.

“They are F-35C jets and there are 48 jets total. They seem to be jets from the 3rd fleet’s 11th carrier strike group’s Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78).”

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