MMO: Pierce Heaven Til' It Breaks

Chapter 742 - Two more players required, message me if youre interested

Chapter 742: Two more players required, message me if you’re interested

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Li Yi needed to head to the North Pole Continent in order to hand in his quest, and the two-way journey would require at least an entire day in real-time.

Thus, he decided to go there alone. He would leave Qian’er in Karan City and let her search for her own quests to carry out.

Whenever Li Yi consumed a Morphing Potion, he would take on the form of a hideous-looking lower-class demon. However, when Qian’er consumed it, the appearance her demon form took was highly bewitching. The Demonic Tribe was a weird tribe, as aside from the upper-class demons, every other male demon was ugly beyond measure. Conversely, all female demons were as pretty as flowers.

“Once I depart, make sure to not leave this straw hut within the next two hours,” said Li Yi to Qian’er moments before he left.

Initially, Qian’er did not understand the reason behind Li Yi’s instruction. It was only until a while later that she would finally be enlightened.

“The Third Prince has been murdered by a bunch of scum! The Third Prince has been murdered by a bunch of scum!”

News of the Seventh Demon God’s demise had reached Karan City, and it had incited the fury of the demons. They gathered outside the city gates, forming a battalion of over a million troops. Then, they marched towards the Foreignland Entrance.

Whenever the Seventh Demon God died, and before it respawned, there was a chance that the demons within Karan City would gather together and march towards the Foreignland Entrance to avenge the Seventh Demon God.

Due to the Seventh Demon God’s death, countless players were now swarming into the Sixth Demon God’s domain. It had not even crossed their minds that the Demonic Tribe would choose that moment to strike.

The Demonic Tribe’s army was composed of millions upon millions of upper-class demons, and each one of them wielded the strength of a gold-named mini-boss. With that many demons clumped together, not even the combined might of all the players in the Pantheon Continent would stand a chance against them.

Wherever Karan City’s Demon Generals roamed, piles of corpses would follow, and no matter how the players fought back, they were still powerless against them.

The players who had entered the Sixth Demon God’s domain early on had managed to evade the massacre. However, those who were leveling up at the Foreignland Entrance were not so lucky. Without exception, every single one of the players there had been wiped out by Karan City’s Demon Generals.

Fortunately, Karan City’s Demon Generals did not pursue the players to the ends of the earth. Their goal was only to chase the players out of Foreignland, and once their goal was achieved, they stood rooted to the spot, not taking a single step forward.

Outside the Foreignland Entrance, the Three Heroes of Humanity stood guard. Should a fight occur, in theory, the three heroes would definitely be defeated. However, as the three heroes possessed the ultimate, logic-defying skill called Plot Armor, forget millions of demons, they could take on tens of millions of demons and still emerge victorious.

As the millions of demons were still roaming about the Foreignland Entrance, those who had been chased out were temporarily closed off from entering Foreignland; whereas those who were fortunate enough to be in the Sixth Demonic Domain were unaffected by the demons’ crusade.

Qian’er was among the lucky ones. She had followed Li Yi’s instructions to the letter, and after waiting in the Uninhabited Straw Hut for about two hours, she chugged a Morphing Potion and leisurely walked out.


“Party recruitment for Deathwing! We desperately need a main tank and a healer! We need two more players to complete our 800-men party, message me if you’re interested!”

“Party recruitment for Deathwing! We desperately need a main tank and a healer! We need two more players to complete our 800-men party, message me if you’re interested!”

“Party recruitment for Deathwing! We desperately need a main tank and a healer! We need two more players to complete our 800-men party, message me if you’re interested!”

Just as a massive number of players were being cleared out of Foreignland, Scumbag Wang’s shouts appeared in the World Channel.

Scumbag Wang had been going at Deathwing ever since the players had marched into Foreignland to fight the Seventh Demon God. Despite that, they still had not seen the light of victory. After going through their losses and analyzing them, he realized that the problem lied not in his party’s composition, but rather, his lack of members.

He was missing a god-like main tank, one that was capable of single-handedly tanking Deathwing.

He was also missing a godly healer, one that was capable of healing over eight-hundred troops in a single moment.

Originally, Scumbag Wang had been shouting in the Alliance Channel. However, he did not receive any response, thus, he decided to ask the entire server instead.

“Party recruitment for Deathwing! We desperately need a main tank and a healer! We need two more players to complete our 800-men party, message me if you’re interested! Is there really no one who’s brave enough to join? I’m getting really tired of this. With a huge server like this, you’d think that there would be at least an Overpowered character that would answer, right?”

“Party recruitment for Deathwing! We desperately need a main tank and a healer! We need two more players to complete our 800-men party, message me if you’re interested! Is there really no one who’s brave enough to join? I’m getting really tired of this. With a huge server like this, you’d think that there would be at least an Overpowered character that would answer, right? Hellooo? Is everyone dead??? F*ck!”

After scolding for a few more times, Scumbag Wang stopped.

It was not that he wanted to stop, but rather, he had already spent all of his money. After all, shouting in the World Channel cost money, and the Huashan Sect was many things but rich...


When Li Yi arrived at the Invincible Continent, he received a voice message from Hua Feihua. Its contents were basically saying that her cousin, Princess Huaiyu currently had some spare time and she would like to apologize to him at the Sea Island’s Trading Center.

“No problem!” replied Li Yi.

When Li Yi arrived at the Sea Island’s Trading Center, he spotted Hua Feihua and Princess Huaiyu standing side-by-side. They were waiting for his arrival.

When Hua Feihua noticed Li Yi, she excitedly waved her hands at him and trotted over to his side. She had even grabbed onto Li Yi’s hand in an intimate manner. Nevertheless, her actions had only earned Li Yi’s disgust as he shrugged her off before heading towards Princess Huaiyu.

Princess Huaiyu bit her lip, and with a pitiful expression, she apologized, “Brother Dark Wing, I shouldn’t have cursed you last time. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.”

“It’s fine, I’ve already forgotten everything a long time ago.”

Hua Feihua interjected, “See, sis? I already told you, my Lil bro here is pretty forgiving, do you believe me now?”

“Um-hmm.” Princess Huaiyu lowered her head in shame and timidly extended her hand to Li Yi. “I hope that we can be friends.”

Li Yi flinched for a moment, but he still ended up shaking her hand.

Li Yi had been wondering for quite some time now how Tyrant Sword King the Fifth and Princess Huaiyu had intended to settle their grudge with him. It was for this reason that he had decided to meet up with this lass with a serious princess complex.

However, his expectations were dashed, as the lass with a princess complex did not say anything demeaning at all. She only shook his hand before bashfully hiding behind Hua Feihua.

Had Li Yi not understood Princess Huaiyu’s true personality, he would definitely have thought of her as an obedient goodie-two-shoes. However, the image of her lambasting her various boyfriends at the North Pole Continent had already been seared into his mind.

Li Yi asked, “Is there anything else you wish to do?”

Giggling, Hua Feihua replied, “Nope, all she wants is to apologize to you.”

“Oh okay, if there’s nothing else, I’ll be taking my leave.”

Li Yi turned around and left, but before doing so, he joked to Hua Feihua, “Scumbag Wang is in need of a healer. Why don’t you lend him a hand?”

Without waiting for a reply, Li Yi vanished into thin air.

Once Li Yi left, Princess Huaiyu’s smile turned upside down.

“Hua Feihua, can’t you do your job properly? What kind of attitude is this? Is he not satisfied with me? Or is he just not bothered enough to care for me? Why did he even come then? He shouldn’t have bothered to come if he isn’t truly interested.”

Hua Feihua chuckled bitterly. “Did you think that it was easy calling him here?”

“I don’t care. You’d better put in the effort to keep me on his good side. Otherwise, fufu, you know what I mean...”

Princess Huaiyu fumed as she left.

Hua Feihua, who had her brows scrunched, was now the only left on the Sea Island’s seaside.


The moment Li Yi left the Sea Island’s Trading Center, he immediately headed towards the North Pole Continent. In order to activate the Luo Lan Empire’s Hall of Fame Quest, Li Yi had to make the most out of his time.

While Li Yi was rushing towards the Northern Continent, something major occurred within the Pantheon World.

The secret of the Mysterious Scrolls had been discovered, and news of it spread like wildfire.

The Fluttering Snow Alliance had suffered terrible losses. Their Guild Master, Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut had lost to Li Yi not once, but twice, and news of her powerlessness had already made rounds across the Pantheon World.

To those within the Fluttering Snow Alliance, the news had brought upon great shame!

However, with pressure came motivation. After a thorough investigation, the secret of the Mysterious Scrolls had come to light. The Fluttering Snow Alliance had finally discovered the reason behind the strength of the Iron Alliance and Windcloud Clan’s members.

With that, the Fluttering Snow Alliance’s rage had been abated.

After all, there was no shame in losing. However, losing without understanding the reason was embarrassing. Now that they finally understood, their mood greatly improved.

Due to this revelation, however, the price of the Mysterious Scrolls had skyrocketed...

Confused Fox and plenty of others were anxious about the news, but Li Yi, on the other hand, was unperturbed. “Of course, it would rise. Secrets like this were never meant to be kept secret in the first place. Plus, we’ve already gathered quite a number of those scrolls. So, if we were to compare losses, they would be even worse off.”


The Fluttering Snow Alliance’s Celestial Capital, inside Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut’s Mansion.

With two of her slender fingers clamping her little mouth, Bai Xiaoya delivered her post-battle report to Fluttering Snow Purple Chestnut.

“I’ve finally found the reason for our loss. Dark Wing and his crew have been using Mysterious Scrolls to rapidly increase their Holy Attribute points. Lil Purple, your loss was not unjustified. Your Holy Value is only at 56, but that despicable Dark Wing has over 160 points of Holy Value by my estimates.”

The more Bai Xiaoya spoke, the more agitated she got, and her thin, delicate lips were trembling even more strongly.

Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut shook her head. “Even I could tell that it was due to the difference in our Holy Values, but have you ever considered the outcome even if we were to purchase Mysterious Scroll en-masse now? Do you know how much it would cost us to surpass Li Yi?”

Bai Xiaoya violently gritted her teeth. “I don’t care what it takes! As far as I’m concerned, we have never lost a single battle, and the next time we meet, victory will be ours!”

Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut groaned, “I don’t know why, but I’ve suddenly lost my confidence...”

“This cannot be! You’re my Invincible Goddess of War!” Bai Xiaoya leaped to her feet and stared wide-eyed at Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut.

Bai Xiaoya had known Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut for a long time, and this was the first time she had heard such negativity from her.

Bai Xiaoya harrumphed, “Wait, why didn’t you-know-who help you this time? With him there, I’m confident that we would suffer a way smaller defeat!”

“Need I say?”

Bai Xiaoya raised her chin. “Of course!”

“I...I can’t bring myself to.”

“I don’t care what you think, spit it out!” urged Bai Xiaoya.

“He said that he would provide his assistance, but only under one condition. He wanted to use his Quarterstaff to slap your mouth a hundred times.”

Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut turned around to face Bai Xiaoya. “I didn’t have a problem with that, but what about you? Would you have agreed?”

Bai Xiaoya flinched for a moment before breaking into a string of expletives, “F*ck him! F*ck that piece of sh*t scumbag! That good-for-nothing rotten garbage of human society...”

“Kek...” Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut was trying hard to stifle her laughter.

“You dare to laugh?! Prepare to get slapped ten thousand times!”

Bai Xiaoya took out her piccolo, and whipped it nastily at Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut...


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