Jikuu Mahou de Isekai to Chikyuu wo Ittarikitari

Chapter 409 - A new light

Chapter 409 - A new light

Translated by: Parthios

Edited by: Black Jesus


Jikuu Mahou chapter 409: A new light

Laila arrived in the large room with the evacuated people who panicked, while entire shelter shook amid the typhoon.

『Not good. We will die here!』

『I don\'t want to die! Mama~! Help~!』

The evacuated people are in havoc.

Apparently, the violent wind extinguished the candle, and it turned out that the room became dark which triggered the panic.

Laila also has a crying expression.

However, when she thinks of the evacuated people who are panicking her face became normal.......


Laila raised a loud voice and put together the evacuated people.



She produced bright light with [Light magic].

What? That light magic..... is brighter than Laila′s usual magic.

Refugees calm down looking at it.

『Everyone, I 【Iron wall Laila】 will protect you! So you′re safe and protected』

When Laila spoke these words, the refugees regained their coolness, stared at Laila with respect and began to pray.

The magical light created by Laila gradually leaves her hand and moves near the central ceiling of the room.

And then the light became stronger and covered the whole room with brightness.

Hmmm, this is Laila′s [Light magic] level.

The refugees felt that this light made them completely cool. Maybe there is a special effect added to this light.

Laila traveled through several rooms, brightening each room and soothing the refugees.

Good job, Laila. You\'re here and doing fine.

After I close the barrier and returned, Laila sat down on a bed.

「Laila, I′m back. Are you alright?」

「AlAlAl, Alright」

She showed calmness in front of the refugees, but she was trembling as soon as she was alone.

Well, but.......

「Laila, good job. The rest is just waiting for the typhoon to pass」

Then, when I tried to soothe her, she hugged me.

Well, Laila is younger than Aya.

When I sat on the bed and let Laila hug me, she fell asleep.

As I couldn\'t help it, I gently lifted Laila and let her lie down on the bed.


After a while, the outside has become a bit brighter.

As soon as I checked the situation on the map, apparently, the center of the typhoon has moved to the east, and now it will be the area of "Fuji Mountain", which soars in the center of Dreados.

Rain and winds are still strong, but at last, it seems like the danger has passed.

If it goes as it is, it may be overcome. I\'m looking at Laila, who is still asleep.


The sound of knocking on the door!

「Laila-sama. It\'s an emergency!」

Apparently, something happened.

「Hey, Laila. Get up」

Laila who sleeps on the bed is shaken and wakes up.

「What? Seiji...... why are you in my room?」

Apparently, she is still half-asleep. Such a Laila is cute.

「Laila-sama. Please get up! The state of the capital!」

Hmm? Capital? Oh, did the person who is in contact with the capital come to inform of something?

Laila opened the door in a hurry, with a slightly disorganized appearance.

「What\'s wrong?」

「So, Sorry for disturbing, I was rude」

Disturbing, why is he disturbing!

「Please report」

「Ah, yes....... During the regular contact with the royal capital......., I heard loud noises and screams from the other side before...... the connection broke up」


We hurry and go to the room where the twin magic stone telephones are placed.

「This is Shinju Town. Royal capital, please reply!」

The person at the phone kept on calling hard.

「How\'s it going?」

「Ah, Laila-sama. Not good. There is no response」

「Se, Seiji...... what to do...... what happened to my father......」

Laila looks at me with squishy eyes.

「Understood, I will take a look」

「Really? Th, thank you...」

Well, there are many acquaintances in the royal capital, so its something else. I\'ll take a look at Lyle Gebalt too.


「Th, This is......」

When I get to the royal capital by [Teleportation]...... a terrible scene was spreading.......

「The castle is......」

Due to the heavy rain, the castle was broken in half.......

I hurry and go inside the castle.

Inside the castle, the cooks and maids ran away from the castle and soldiers were running around on a large scale.

「Hey, what happened?」

I catch one of the soldiers and listen to the story.

「The castle collapsed......, the king and Lyle Gebalt-sama......, are under the rubble......」

Eh? As for the soldiers, as the ceiling collapsed and heavy rain blew in, several soldiers were trying hard to get rid of the rubble.


「Please over there」

Despite short words, I also help remove the rubbles.


One of the soldiers yells.

When I rushed to the bottom, under the rubble, completely tattered...... Lyle Gebalt came out.


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