Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 371

Since Shu Ru was accompanying them, they didn’t have to linger at the entrance for a long time . What was kind of surprising is that the guards were either at the Deity Realm or Immortals .

There are above a hundred thousand scattered all over the capital, which was mind-numbingly big . It housed almost all of the strong factions of the Green-Leaf world and in a way, could be considered a small world due to its size . It wouldn’t be a lie to say that it’ll take you a day or two to see it all if you’re flying . However, if you by foot, it’ll undoubtedly take days .

Apart from Amidel’s city, this was the first civilized place Arthur visited in this world, that is if you excluded the Pigolo tribe, which was a bit barbaric .

What surprised him was the presence of mortals . Literally, low leveled people who are living in here while minding their own business . There was a meager amount of them but they still existed . Upon further thought, it’s to be expected since the ruling power of this world consists of mortals .

"You said that all the members of the Imperial Family are mortals?"

Arthur asked Shu Ru, who was guiding them to the blacksmith she was acquainted with . As she heard his sudden question, she nodded and replied

"Yes, however, they are descendants of Tyr, God of Justice . "

To explain more thoroughly, Claud said

"Tyr is the son of Odin and is considered a Minor God though he was influential . "

’Why does it matter if they are his descendants? They don’t wield his power and how can they be the descendants of a God when they’re humans . ’

It didn’t seem logical . The Imperial Family is human, however, Tyr belonged to the God Race, for them to be his descendants, they must be at least have the same race as him .

"It’s quite easy to explain, actually . The bloodline of the God Race deteriorated due to the Void Era . Even if their ancestor was the God, it isn’t impossible for them to transform into a human due to the thin bloodline of Tyr and the environment they were born in . "

’I see . . . ’

"Though they are mortals, do not underestimate them . They would surely have extremely powerful protectors . Though since they’re Tyr’s descendants, I don’t think they are bad since he was known as a righteous and brave God . "

’Whether they’re good or bad, I don’t care . As long as they don’t bother us, I won’t go out of my way to attack . ’

As he heard Arthur’s words, Claud burst out in laughter

"Hahahahaha you think it’s really that easy to avoid them? Just like you avoided Amidel, the Divine Beasts and so on? Some things that are bound to happen WILL happen no matter how much you try to avoid them . "

Arthur chose not to comment and, along with Lucy, followed Shu Ru, who zigzagged through narrow alleys for a very long time until they reached their destination .

What laid before their sight was a tall building with more than twenty floors . Arthur’s skill [The All Seeing Eyes] was automatically activated when he was close enough to the building . A protective formation surrounded the place and it ever-so-slightly shook when he laid his eyes on it .

From the highest floor of the building, he could feel a gaze land on him . Though it remained for only a split second, Arthur could clearly feel it .

’A God Monarch?’

"Alright, don’t be an idiot and ruin everything . Oh! And don’t get angry at everything, you must learn to endure . Remember, Arthur, if anything major happens here, it’ll reach the Divine Planet in a day or two at most . "

Shu Ru turned to look at the couple but found them as expressionless as ever . Even this grandiose building didn’t make them surprised .

Honestly, no matter how beautiful and big this building is, it still lacked compared to the ones on Earth . The only thing that the Humans on Earth got right is their focus on Science and Technology .

The only thing that caught Arthur’s sight was a massive castle . It was situated in an area where the ground is higher than the rest of the city . To dizzying heights it rises, the gleaming spire, its tip threatening to pierce the blinding canopy .

"This place is like a guild, almost all blacksmiths of the capital are here . If you like anything inside, feel free to tell me . "

Shu Ru took out a purple card and proudly said

"I have a VIP card so I can get a decent discount . "

Unfortunately, neither Arthur nor Lucy reacted to her words . They seemed to be busy thinking about something else .

They both felt the gaze from earlier and were discussing how to deal with any problem that may arise . Their conversation ended rather quickly and the results made Lucy displeased but she agreed nonetheless .

Arthur repeatedly warned her not to act no matter the consequences . Her hair was changed from silver to black and her facial features were slightly changed . If she were discovered this early, it’ll be impossible to stop the White Specter Clan, which is why she’ll have to lay low .


Inside the castle of the Imperial Family . In a luxurious study room filled with bookshelves and documents, there were two figures enjoying a hot cup of tea .

One was a young man with long blonde hair and a small beard, he had sky-blue eyes and was very handsome . His height was average and his body looked fragile . This was none other than Isadore Marfront, the Crown Prince .


Facing him was a middle-aged man with a thick black beard and fierce-looking appearance . As the two were quietly their time in relaxation . The older man suddenly flinched, alerting the prince .

"Wrath, what’s wrong?"

The middle-aged man remained unresponsive as he spread his sense as far as he could but couldn’t find anything strange or suspicious .

"Nothing, your Highness . "

The Crown Prince stared at the middle-aged man with a deep look but didn’t speak . Very Soon, he resumed reading the documents that laid before him .

. . .

"Welcome, Miss Shu Ru!"

Just as they stepped inside the building, an energetic young man dashed toward Shu Ru and politely bowed . He had a friendly smile plastered on his face and despite not knowing the identities of Arthur and Lucy, he treated them courteously . Since they came with Shu Ru, they’re surely her companions thus it’s natural to treat them with respect .

Speaking of Arthur and Lucy, the two of them glanced at displayed weapons and were actually surprised by the quality of the items . Though they weren’t extraordinary, they were still decent and would boost anyone’s battle power . However, the prices were outrageous, even for such weapons .

Both Arthur and Lucy had weapons and in the near future, Arthur intends to remodel Lucy’s saber so it fits her current cultivation . What he’s missing are suitable materials .

Zodiak rarely used weapons and he wasn’t a blacksmith so despite having a lot of rare materials, none of them were what Arthur needed .

Shu Ru glanced at the couple but noticed no reactions from them . With the young man from before as a guide, they headed upstairs . Their purpose for coming here wasn’t to buy weapons but to visit her friend, the blacksmith, and see if Makaze can be fixed .

The higher the floor, the emptier it was, in fact, the last few floors were devoid of people . Arthur saw a couple of weapons that were protected by an unbreakable formation but he didn’t pay them too much attention . He didn’t come here to sightsee but to find a solution for his partner .

Very soon, the trio was guided to an office at the highest floor of the building . The room was filled with books and scattered weapons, whether it was swords, axes, hammer or even gauntlets . Furthermore, every one of these weapons was Mystic Rank or above .

A carpet covered the whole floor and wide desk was situated at the center of the room . Only one person was in the office prior to their arrival . This person was the blacksmith Shu Ru was talking about as well as the owner of this building . A famous figure in the Imperial Capital and a powerful God Monarch .

Losha Alpenwatcher (Race: Human): Realm : God Monarch ????

Age : 80

Emotion : Interest (Lucy) / Curious

Shot Description : A powerful woman born in the Divine Planet .

Title: Reincarnator

Skills/Techniques (Random) : Star Forging (Lv Max)

Reincarnator : One who used a technique or an artifact to reincarnate after dying once . +50% Stats when in combat .

As he read the results of the appraisal, Arthur couldn’t help but feel shocked . It is the first time he encountered a reincarnator like him, though they didn’t reincarnate the same way .

Moreover, she was interested in Lucy for some unknown reason which made him a bit restless . It’s unlikely that Lucy’s identity had been exposed but the probability still exists . In fact, he already started regretting following Shu Ru here .

If it was a normal God Monarch then he wouldn’t have reacted like this, however, this woman seemed strange, very strange, in fact .

Although she was a God Monarch, he felt overwhelmed as if she’s undefeatable even if she were to go all in .

"Fuck! Out of everyone you could meet, you still manage to stumble upon a reincarnator . It’s like you’re doing it on purpose, seriously!"

Claud lashed out at Arthur and angrily berated him . The copy didn’t seem to be pleased after he read the appraisal . It wouldn’t be a lie to say he was more shocked and restless than Arthur .

"Listen very well, once this meeting is over, you have to leave this place, do you hear me? I don’t know where you go but don’t stay here . "

In response, Arthur said

’Must you react this intensely? While it’s true she’s strong and a reincarnator, she isn’t our enemy . ’

Unfortunately, Claud wasn’t going to let go of this matter this easily . He loudly retorted

"Are you stupid or what?! Look at yourself, you’re a reincarnator and you’re this strong when you’re only at the God Realm! Do you honestly think that her Realm is her real power? I wouldn’t be surprised to see her kill Overgods!"

Arthur, still calm, added:

’So what? It’s not like I provoked her . I’m just here asking for help . ’

"First, reincarnators can sense each other, meaning that she already knows about you too . Second, more often than not, reincarnators end up killing each other as it’ll grant them endless benefits . Though you’re weaker than her, that doesn’t mean she’ll not kill you . "

’You’re jumping to conclusions, moreover, I’m positive I can escape with Lucy . ’

Hearing this, Claud sighed and stopped talking . It didn’t seem that Arthur will heed his warnings . The reason Arthur chose not to listen Claud is because this encounter will surely benefit him .

If he uses his cards right then Makaze will be fixed by her . At first, he doubted Shu Ru’s friend will be able to fix Makaze but if this woman is as strong as Claud proclaims, there’s a sliver of hope .

To him, the most important thing right now is fixing Makaze because, without his blade, he’ll not be able to face what’s about to come . In fact, the sooner the dark blade is fixed, the better it is for him .

Lucy, who was beside Arthur, also saw the appraisal but still kept calm . A frown momentarily appeared on her face before vanishing, what made her confused is the interest Losha had for her .

They don’t even know each other and she didn’t do anything suspicious or special so why would she grab the blacksmith’s attention .

"Hi, Aunty!"

Shu Ru walked up to the seated woman and grabbed her heads, shaking them happily . In response, the woman smiled back at Shu Ru and spoke with a pleasant voice

"Little Ru, aren’t you going to introduce me to your friends?"

It was only at this time that she directed her gaze toward the couple . She had long black hair and yellowish pupils . Her beauty was exceptional and what made her more stunning is her tanned skin .

"A-ah! Yes! They are friends I met in the Wicked Forest . "

The smile on Losha’s face widened as she heard that . She didn’t say a word as Arthur and Lucy introduced themselves .

She didn’t seem to give too much attention to Arthur despite knowing that he’s also a reincarnator .

"Greetings, I am Arthur MoonStar . "

"I am his wife, Lucy MoonStar . "

The two politely bowed then waited for the woman talk . Unfortunately, the blacksmith didn’t talk which made it awkward, especially for Shu Ru, who brought them here .

She thought that Losha didn’t like having them here so she decided to quickly tell her about why they’re here . Shu Ru was about to start talking when Losha, at last, spoke

"Did you get what you need from the Wicked Forest? If not, I can accompany you there . "

Hearing this, Shu Ru softly smiled and called out the Yin Beast, which became extremely small . This was its spiritual form as summoning its real body in this crowded place isn’t convenient .

"Oh? A High Sovereign . . . I assume they helped you subdue it?"

Losha obviously meant Lucy and Arthur, who remained silent . Shu Ru nodded her head in confirmation and explained a few things but didn’t divulge everything she saw, especially the jaw-dropping power they displayed .

"It’s been a very long time since I saw a Pure Yin Physique . "

This statement startled the couple, who warily stared at Losha, waiting to see what she’s about to do .

’She doesn’t seem hostile but prepare yourself just in case . ’

Using [Telepathy], Arthur warned Lucy and urged her to prepare for the worst . They can’t gauge Losha’s power but if they were to go all out, they have the confidence to escape from the city .

"What about the book?"

This time, Losha’s question was directed toward the couple . In response, Arthur raised his left hand, which started glowing with a holy light until a white book appeared .

This phenomenon caused Losha to frown and ponder for a few seconds . After some time, she waved her hand nonchalantly and said:

"Well, whatever . "

No one knew if she was speaking to them or to herself . Shu Ru, who started fidgeting as she didn’t know what to do, finally talked

"Actually, I’ve brought them here because they need help . "


Losha tilted her head in confusion then said

"Are you talking about that dark katana? It’s been eyeing me maliciously since earlier, just like its master . "

"I wouldn’t dare . "

Arthur immediately replied but it didn’t seem like his words held much value in her eyes as she ignored him and focused her attention on Makaze, who trembled intensely, not from fear but from anger .

Surprisingly, Makaze was very hostile to her for some unknown reason .

Even Losha was curious about this and wanted to know why is an inanimate object angry at her . The reason was finally shown when a sheathed sword that was hanging on Losha’s waist, started showing an intense reaction .

’Oh? For Grail to react like this . . . ’

Losha’s interest reached its peak once her beloved sword was showing signs of fear, for the first time ever .

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