Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 251

He gazed at the shutdown gate and the creature snoring near it, with a red skin and a longhorn erecting from its forehead and some kind of a large metal armor wrapping around its chest and abdomen .

It was none other than the minotaur he captured a long time ago and assigned it as a guard for his sect . The dungeon’s boss became quite strong, reaching the peak of the Spirit Realm .

Normally, it’s impossible for dungeon bosses to grow by themselves, especially in such a short amount of time, so Arthur guessed that Jackob or Anastassia helped the minotaur .

Using his newly acquired eyes, he could see dense green energy inside the minotaur, it was accumulated Qi that it absorbed from the Earth, it helped it shatter its mortality shackles and enter the Spirit Realm .

With such a strong guard protecting the gate, Arthur was delighted as no one would be foolish enough to attack them head-on, in fact, the enemies have more chances breaking through the gate than climbing the walls or destroying them .

To create these walls, it heavily exhausted him and cost a large amount of Mental Power, he wanted to strengthen even further but gave up on that idea as it wasn’t the time for it . He’ll do so after overcoming the catastrophe .

Dragon cries were heard from afar, they seemed to be approaching this area . They were connected to Arthur so once he was close, they immediately sensed him .

"Titan blood, it’s a shame that it’s to thin... really unfortunate . "

Swain shook his head as he looked at the red minotaur .

"Titan blood?"

"Yes, this minotaur has Titan blood, which is why his skin is red, but apart from the color change of his skin, the blood has no effects as it’s simply too thin to be able to transform its host . "

Arthur looked at the minotaur which woke up due to the dragon cries, it recognized Arthur and scratched its head, embarrassed and afraid that the big boss caught it sleeping while it was supposed to be guarding the gates .

"Can you do something about it?"

Swain shot a red beam at the minotaur, which was too slow to dodge it or even react, it backed away and touched the place where beam touched him but it felt no pain or anything strange which led it to look dumbly at the red-haired youth .

"I can stimulate it, it’ll take a bit of time though . Do I have your permission to proceed?"

"As long as it doesn’t die, you can die whatever you want . "

Swain let out a sadistic chuckle as he added:

"That’ll depend on its will to live . I also need a drop of your blood . "

Arthur didn’t even ask why his servant needed his blood, he handed the youth a small bottle which contains a drop of his blood . He guessed that his blood will help the minotaur since he too, has titan bloodline but it is not too strong, not to the point of giving him the real strength of a titan .

Zodiak described Titans as ancient beings that went extinct a very long time ago . From his notes, Arthur had read that the Titan Race was too strong compared to the other races, even the dragons paled in comparison, they were too powerful so they were dreaded by all .

They weren’t a domineering race, but the existing Races in the past decided to unite and kill them as they feared they’ll be dominated by the latter sometime in the future .

Their union was successful and their assault almost erased the existence of the Titans except for a few clever ones which hid in very secretive places .

The Titans weren’t aggressive but they were very prideful and they had the power to back it off, they had monstrous strength, a strength that could pulverize stars, crush planets and obliterate words . It’s no wonder that they were called World destroyers .

Many considered the end of the Void Era as the beginning of time, However, Zodiak thought otherwise . He was sure that the Void Era, which lasted a very long time and devoured everything, was only a small fraction of the history .

Zodiak also talked about the 4th Universe, he thought it had a connection with the Void Era, many try to deny the existence of this Universe but the old man was certain that the Universe existed .

Quote by quote, the old man said ’I’ve met him a few times, he’s disgustingly powerful... a little bit insane, illogical but mysterious . I cannot fathom him, the only person I could never see through, I sense no emotions from him, no reactions to provocative words, no anger nor sorrow, no hidden rage nor vengeful feelings . I do not fear him... in fact, I pity him... with no home and no friends, forever roaming the nothingness and searching for something that exists no more...’

Unfortunately, Zodiak didn’t mention the person’s name, so Arthur had no idea who the old man was talking about, he wanted to meet this person, the survivor of true Hell .

The red-haired youth brought the pitiful minotaur, which was wary of Swain, away from this place, he grabbed the beast and flew far off, heading North .

Arthur trusted Swain and knew that he’ll get the job done, even if the minotaur doesn’t acquire the powers of the titans, he’ll power up a lot .

At last, when Swain left, two large bone dragons descended from above, happy to reunite with their masters . One of them is the first bone dragon that Arthur summoned, it is the most intelligent out of the four bone dragons and is oddly the strongest .

Once they were close enough to their master, they became affected by his new stats and Realm, so they automatically powered up, although not in an absurd way .

The main bone dragon, which was at the Heavenly Realm, jumped to the late stages of that Realm . As for the other dragon, it broke through to the Heavenly Realm .

Arthur caressed the dragons, which dropped their heads obediently, showing their sincerity to him . Since a free ride came to him, Arthur decided to use it, he hopped on top of the dragon, which flew toward the headquarters of the MoonStar sect, where the leaders are .


In a white room with no decoration whatsoever, there sat a man on a white chair, a kneeling woman knelt before the man, she had a pale face and was slightly trembling, clearly afraid of the individual in front of her .

"Report what you found . "

"Y-yes... the staff was felt some time ago, in the Green-Leaf World . The signal was much stronger than a few years ago . "

With a hand on his chin and in a somewhat happy mood, the man nodded his head and said

"Ohh? And where exactly was it sensed?"

"In the wasteland... but"

The woman was afraid that she’ll anger him, so she hesitated and didn’t know whether to spit everything or not, she knew that once he’s displeased or angry, she’ll be the one who’s punished .

Nonetheless, she was forced to spit everything once she saw him frown as it was definitely not a good sign .

"It was sensed exactly inside the castle of the Kang Family . "

The man furrowed his brows, clearly unhappy to hear this, however, he didn’t lash out at her and merely waved his hands dismissively .

"So it’s the Kangs... tsk! You’ve done a good job, you can go back for now . Once the catastrophe ends and those beasts die, you will go to the Green-Leaf World and properly investigate how the Kang Family got their hands on it... without raising any suspicions, do you understand?"

The woman repeatedly nodded her head then left after respectfully bowing to the seating mean . If Arthur saw that woman, he’ll recognize her with only a glance because it was none other than the woman who almost killed him when he was at the Ma Clan . If not for Zodiak’s help, he would have died miserably without being able to resist as she was too strong, at that time .

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