Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 538: Youre Really Here

Chapter 538: You\'re Really Here

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QUEEN OF BEASTS: Alyssah_Maree

Congratulations!! If you can both contact me on email ([email protected]) and let me know the address you\'d like me to send the book to, and what name I should sign it to, that would be great!

And don\'t forget, I\'m doing another Paperback draw for Top Tier readers of both books in October. All you have to do is buy the top tier of privilege, then comment on the most recently published chapter, "I want a paperback" and you will be entered!



Aymora wiped her face quickly, squeezed Elia, and hopped off the sleeping platform. "I\'ll leave you two alone," she said, not meeting Elia\'s eyes, or Reth\'s.

Elia wanted to comfort her, to reach out. But she couldn\'t take her eyes off Reth. And he stared at her like she was water in the desert.

He was wearing the vest he\'d worn the first night she saw him—shirtless again, though unaware of it. He stood in the doorway, on hand on the handle, his chest bare under the vest, his muscles casting shadows down his torso in the lantern light. His hair was tied back, though some pieces had fallen forward from his temples to frame his eyes, that were a touch too wide. Reth was drinking her in, scanning her from head to toe again and again, as if reassuring himself that she was still there.

She felt his gaze like a touch. Everything within her yearned for him. It was an effort not to raise her arms like a child and beg him to come hold her. But they weren\'t alone yet, and she was desperately aware of not increasing Aymora\'s pain by clinging to her own mate, when Aymora would never again have that comfort and strength to draw on.

Even the thought made Elia\'s tears swell again. Reth looked alarmed, but she shook her head and glanced at Aymora.

Aymora stalked across the room, but paused in the doorway, murmured something to Reth about making sure Elia stayed in bed, then hurried out of the room and down the tunnel towards the rest of the cave.

As soon as she was gone, he closed and locked the door, turning back to Elia, a careful smile on his face. "I missed you, wife," he said, his voice a low, gruff rumble that warmed Elia from her center, out.

"Oh, Reth, I panicked when I woke up and you weren\'t here."

He frowned hard and rushed over to the sleeping platform. She did reach for him then as he crawled up and laid his massive body down next to her, sliding one arm under her head, and wrapping her in the other, pulling her and her belly into his chest.

They both sighed with relief.

Elia\'s body shivered with the sheer relief and joy of being close to him, bathed in his scent. Her tears wanted to fall again, but she blinked them back and just held on.

"Elia? What\'s wrong? Are you in pain?"

She shook her head. "Aymora told me about Dhrake."


Elia thanked the Creator when he tightened his hold on her.



Reth stroked her hair and let his hand trail down her spine, then returned it to cup the back of her head and hold her close.

She was curled around her belly, and he curled around her.

He knew there were things he was supposed to be doing, things he was supposed to say just then, but for a moment he indulged in a simple time of being close to his mate and soothing his heart that she was there in the flesh, and still his.

But after a long minute of inhaling her scent and reassuring himself, he knew he had to talk to her. "You are missed, Elia," he said quietly, kissing her temple.

"I\'ve missed you too, Reth. You have no idea."

"I think I have some," he said gruffly, pushing away the darkness he\'d felt for these months. "But what I meant was, Brant and Behryn are here and they want to see you. Reassure themselves that you\'re still alive and I\'m not lying to them."

Elia sucked in a breath and pulled her head out of his chest to meet his eyes, hers still red and bloodshot from her time with Aymora. "Aw! That\'s so sweet! I want to see them too!"

Neither of them moved. Reth stroked the hair from her temple, over her shoulder. "I\'m so glad you\'re back and safe, Elia," he murmured. "I\'m… it was a struggle to leave you today, even when you were sleeping. I don\'t want to bring them in here right now, I don\'t want to talk to them. I just want to be with you."

She nodded, smiling. "I know the feeling."

They stared again and Reth felt his chest swell with pure love. "Creator\'s Light I\'ve missed you," he breathed, pulling her close again, tucking her under his chin. "I will never send you away again, Elia. Ever. No matter what."

"Thank you," she whispered, her arms tightening around his neck. "I think… I think it\'s going to take me some time to feel sure of that."

He nodded. "I know. I was meeting with the security council and I got distracted for a minute, and when I saw Aymora come out to get a drink, there was this moment of panic. For a moment, you weren\'t here, I was still waiting to get you and… Elia, it physically hurt."

"I know!" she wailed. "When I woke up and I could smell you, I was so happy. Then I reached for you and you weren\'t here and I thought it had all been a dream. And… I panicked, Reth. I was about to run into the cave naked when Aymora caught me and forced me back into the furs!"

"Naked, you say?" Reth quipped. "I would have enjoyed that. I imagine you might have been less pleased when you ran into the council. Though they probably…" he trailed off into a growl.

Elia giggled. "Could you imagine."

"I\'d rather not, honestly."

She tipped her head up and kissed his neck and Reth\'s body leapt to find her. He had to force himself to think of things other than her warm softness, and those lips, before he lost the self control to abide by Aymora\'s rules.

How was he supposed to hold his beautiful mate and not love her—not bring her pleasure? It was unnatural!

But then he remembered those hours watching her writhe on the bed, her body trying to deliver, the helplessness and fear he\'d felt…

He sighed and pushed her back so he could meet her eyes. "Aymora says you aren\'t to walk around. Should I have them come in here to say hello? I don\'t think they\'ll leave until they\'ve seen you for themselves."

Elia smiled. "No. Grab me one of your shirts. I\'ll wear it like a dress and I\'ll go out there."

"Are you certain?"

"Of having to share you with them? No," she said with a smile. "But I\'m certain that I\'m home and… I just want to feel alive again, Reth. Let me see home and our friends. It\'s time."

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