Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 470: Defining Truth - Part 1

Chapter 470: Defining Truth - Part 1


Lerrin didn\'t answer Reth. He couldn\'t. His head buzzed with shock. Conflicting emotions roared through him, burning paths that filled some holes in his heart, even as they left gaping wounds behind. He was overjoyed to see her—home was wherever she stood. Her safety was his heart.

And yet she was here, giving soft smiles and seeking reassurance from his enemy—the male that had been his enemy. Suddenly her ability to get messages to Reth over the past two days, his concern for her safety, didn\'t seem quite so courageous.

He shied from the thought.

"A-are you safe?" he croaked to her.

Suhle rushed forward, tears in her eyes and threw her arms around his neck. "Yes. Oh, thank the Creator, you\'re safe, Lerrin. You\'re safe. I\'m here…"

He couldn\'t think. Couldn\'t speak. But he had to hold her, bury his nose in her hair and fill it with her scent.

But in the back of his mind, the drum was beating a rhythm he did not want to hear. Trying desperately to ignore it, he left his hands at her face so she wouldn\'t be scared and held her. But before he could check with her, she stretched for him, took his mouth in the sweetest tasting sip of the most delicious lips he\'d ever encountered.

He whined in his throat and pulled her tight against him. She pressed herself into his chest and gasped. He froze, ready to release her if he\'d frightened her—but she only tilted her head to take the kiss deeper, her fingers clawing into his scalp.

When they finally broke apart, gasping, Lerrin cut a look at Reth and stifled a growl—the male was watching his mate! But Reth immediately took his eyes away and down, shaking his head. "I am no threat to her, Lerrin. I am… overjoyed to see her happy and feeling safe."

Lerrin shuddered as Suhle rested her temple on his chest and squeezed him again. "Are you injured?" she asked quietly. "Do you have need of any—"

"I\'m fine," he said, his voice low and hard.

Suhle, feeling the tension in him, pulled back far enough to meet his eyes. He had to tear his gaze from Reth, but he couldn\'t deny her anything. Couldn\'t deny himself the sight of her. He\'d been afraid, so afraid, he\'d never have opportunity for it again.

For a moment, all the thoughts buzzing in his head went quiet because she spoke to him through the link and with her this close, it was like she spoke from within him.

Has he forced you to this? She sent. I told him I would not do it if you had been coerced.

Lerrin blinked. She had enough leverage with Reth to refuse an order?

I… no… he sent. I need him to believe me. I agreed thinking it would be someone else. A male. Someone he\'d perhaps had in the camps with us.

Then he blinked again. "Like you," he said, his voice a husky gravel. He took a step back and her brow furrowed. Then he looked at Reth. "Let\'s get this done and over with," he growled.

Reth nodded, then looked at Suhle, eyebrows up. She didn\'t look away from Lerrin right away, but she murmured that they could start.

Reth cleared his throat. "Tell me what he thinks of the battle this afternoon."

Suhle still had a hand on Lerrin\'s chest, but he felt her nudge in his mind, asking the question, being polite. He took a deep breath and opened to her. Completely.? Holding nothing back. Staring into her eyes as she rifled through his memories, his feelings, everything he\'d ever thought or done, to find the recent memories of the battle.

She told Reth of his frustration when Reth wouldn\'t speak, his fear that he would be forced to fight just to keep himself alive long enough to convince Reth.

She spoke of his grief when his own warriors began to shift and descend on the Hallowed Grounds.

And his admiration for Reth as a fighter—his relief that he hadn\'t been forced to take him to the death. But also, his conviction that he could have done it.

Lerrin broke Suhle\'s gaze then to look at Reth—and was surprised to see Reth rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "I certainly thanked the Creator that we never had to find out which of us would have won," he said quietly when he caught Lerrin\'s gaze.

Lerrin grunted, but turned his eyes back to Suhle.

He felt like he as being torn in half.

Then Reth asked, "What made him change his mind about seeking peace?"

Suhle took a deep breath and Lerrin\'s jaw went tight.

She knew. She didn\'t need to search his mind for this. But she did, because she was usually honest, and did things as they should be done.


A tiny candle of anger flared to life in Lerrin\'s chest. She marked it and her eyes got sadder.

"He… he began to observe the problems within the camp. The conduct of a certain faction of the wolves and our allies. When he investigated… he became certain that this faction would destroy the wolves from the inside out. That the leaders of it sought their own power over the good of the people—and that we had all, he had been manipulated," she said, her voice trailing off to almost a whisper.

"What opened his eyes? What moved him to seek me out?"

Suhle held his gaze never breaking it, rarely even blinking. Lerrin stared back as the candle began to burn bright, to blossom. She barely touched his mind, barely had to seek for it, because she was a part of the memory.

"I did," she whispered. "I… I commended you. When he shared the memory with me of your meeting at the river… I asked him to view it differently. And… he did."

Lerrin could feel Reth\'s eyes on him, but he was beyond caring. He rifled through his own memories too, suddenly seeing them all differently… suddenly seeing Suhle and her role in all this. Seeing the ways she\'d hidden her true loyalty.

His candle became a torch. She felt it and flinched.

**** Privilege Warning & Mass Release ****

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2. Your Golden Ticket support has earned an additional mass release chapter! But because I\'ve been so touched by all your support--reading, commenting, gifts, and summoning pens--I\'m going to release FOUR chapters on the last day of the month to say THANK YOU! (that\'s 30 September on Webnovel, 29 September in the USA.)

Thank you again for everything you do to help me and Reth & Elia continue to thrive. You are a gift to me!

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