Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 199: The Challenger

Chapter 199: The Challenger


She\'d hugged herself when Reth called for witnesses to his honesty, and even Lerrin agreed that he spoke the truth. She\'d glanced at Gahrye, a hopeful smile on her face. "Is it working?"

Gahrye\'s expression was strange, his brow furrowed, but eyes wide. "They are… undecided," he said.

She\'d kept listening, hoping, praying, as Reth continued to count through the event of that night and even Lerrin was forced to admit he didn\'t lie. Her heart dropped to her toes knowing the pain Reth must have felt at forcing Lucine to face her lies publicly. But he did not waver, and Elia\'s hope continued to rise.

Then he leaned over the people, his massive shoulders straight and broad as he showed them his chest. "…I did not give Lucine more than her due. It was a mistake. A bitter mistake that I regret. I will pay whatever price is required. But do no misjudge me, Anima—I did not make that female Queen!"

Elia brought her hands to her mouth to hide her smile. She could see the truth in him—knew they wouldn\'t deny it, either. And sure enough, even Lerrin affirmed him.

Aymora relaxed a hair when she heard the wolf confirm it and they met eyes, both alight with hope. But Gahrye made a strange grunt. Especially after Lerrin raised his father\'s death, though Brant\'s affirmation was enough to put that issue to bed.

"What is it?" Elia whispered.

"Lerrin," Gahrye said, his eyes narrowed at the wolf. "He\'s—"

But the wolf-man stepped forward, snarling at Reth, "The truth you spoke was your own. What you understood, how you saw it. If the wolf-daughter was truly mistaken, she should be given an opportunity to prove her worth, to regain her status—or die in the trying."

Elia\'s heart stopped. Surely he didn\'t mean—

Then Lucine stepped up, beaming smugly and adrenalin shot through Elia\'s system, lighting her veins like electricity, when the woman screamed, "I challenge the Queen for her throne! I call the Anima to witness—I will prove my claim. I will take my seat, or die trying!"

No! Elia\'s heart screamed along with Reth, who roared the word. But the Anima… they didn\'t quiet.

"Holy shit," Gahrye breathed next to her. "The winds…"

"What is it?" she hissed.

"They\'re… they want it." He turned to look at her then, his eyes grieving. "I\'m so sorry, Elia, but the people want to see it. It feels… it feels like a solution to them. To end the questions."


"The Queen is not dominant! The Queen cannot be challenged!" Reth bellowed at the people, but they still didn\'t quiet, everyone nodding, calling for the conflict. The wolves howled their support for Lucine, while the other tribes called for the fight, or stayed silent.

Elia scanned the crowd. Throughout, groups of Leonine stood, faces stern, arms folded, or hands on hips. But always they were circled by others who jumped or brayed, clearly in support of the idea.

Then Reth turned to find her with his eyes—eyes wide with love and abject terror.

She knew hers shone with fear as well, but there was also something inside her, something solid. As it came? home to her what was being proposed, what she was being asked to face, the fear left her chittering. But that warm rock in her heart didn\'t move.

Reth. His love. His certainty. His belief in her…

No matter what, nothing would sway that, she knew. No matter what.

She put a hand to her throat, to the place where he\'d marked her, where the skin was still dark and she mouthed, "I love you."

His eyes turned hard as he returned her words, but he didn\'t drop her gaze.

Something passed between them in that moment, something she would cherish for the rest of her life—short as it might be. While the rest of the world was consumed by the events playing out around them, the two of them locked onto each other.

Despite being unable to touch him, she knew. They breathed together, hearts beating as one.

She felt him plead with her, and she refused him. He could not save her from this, she knew. He should not. He had to remain King. This people needed him.

More than they needed her.

He took a stumbling step towards her, but she shook her head.

Then, against her will, the rest of the world became present again.

She tore her gaze from Reth\'s as Gahrye murmured at her side.

She turned, but she couldn\'t take in the words. At the front, Lucine was still calling to the crowd. Brant\'s face was thunderous. Lerrin looked relieved. And Reth… she couldn\'t look at Reth or she would fall apart.

She turned to Aymora who glared at the crowd, but when she caught Elia looking, her eyes were dark and sad.

She knew, too. She nodded and put a hand to Elia\'s arm, without words.

Elia nodded. And even though her breath caught and her heart thundered so hard she wondered if it would burst, she stepped forward, keeping her shoulders back and her chin down, she moved to the front of the stage—still keeping space from the others, she stood and waited for the people to notice her.

And notice her, they did.

Even as Lucine continued to call to the wolves, howling, Elia stood, her hands clasped at her waist, and waited.

The crowd died down, holding their collective breath, shushing the wolves and pointing at her, until the amphitheater was near-silent.

Reth\'s gaze bored into her skin, but she couldn\'t look at him, or she would crack. So she stared a few more seconds, scanning the crowd, letting them see her and scent her. Then she swallowed hard and forced herself to speak with strength, though every muscle in her body wanted to quiver, and give way.

"I hear the challenge of the wolf-daughter," she said carefully, praying she was using the right words. "Before I give my answer, know this: I do not need to defend the actions of my mate. I know his heart—and so do you. He acted poorly, but not in deceit. He has told you the truth of the events of that night, and his regret. I pray, whether we are separated now, or years from now, that you remember… We are mated, claimed, and I have given my throat to him. He returned the vow. To ask him to join with another would sear his soul. I remain his mate, and he remains mine, even if one of us is taken from this world. So, Anima… if you wish to see your Queen fight for you, you must promise me you will not ask my mate to break his vow."

Then, in the following heavy silence, she waited.


WANT MORE? The next book in the BEAST Series is available NOW! (And it\'s set 20 years in the future, so (mostly) won\'t have spoilers for this book! Currently 100% FREE (June 2021): Check out my author profile, or search "Taming the Queen of Beasts" and add it to your library TODAY (Check out the beginning of the first chapter in the author note below!)

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