The Villain's Wife

Chapter 693 Falsified

The Villain’s Wife 693 Falsified

"Intimidation and coercion." Miss Jones said. "I was expecting that this would happen. But I never expected it to come from you."

Lily pursed her lips in response. "Intimidation maybe. But coercion? Not yet, Miss Jones. Not yet."

"This was the reason why I chose to fight against greedy corporates who can easily crush anyone that would dare file a case against them." She met Lily’s eyes. "A sexual harassment case can be fatal for any company. It is not something to be taken lightly."

Miss Hernandez added, "Moreover, Mr. Zhou allowed a hostile environment for women. Catcalling, obscene jokes and being abused by their male colleagues. These made a lot of women leave the company. If you think that this is something that you can just get out of by mere coercion then you are wrong." Disgust flashed in her eyes. "My respect for you... all of it just vanished the moment you tried to intimidate my client."

"Impressive." Lily smirked. "The thing about sexual harassment cases is... they can be falsified. However, the media will always blow it out of proportion. I’m sure... this is what you mean when you say that this is not to be taken lightly?" Lily lifted an eyebrow.

"You saying that things can be falsified—"

"Is it not true?" Lily interrupted. "Are you saying that you didn’t do it before?"

"You— "

"You see.... I am not afraid to play dirty." Lily uttered, her chin lifted as she sent a provoking gaze towards the two lawyers opposite her. "If you really think that this harassment will stand against my company then... I guess... we will see each other on the court."

Miss Jones’ lips thinned, her beautiful brown eyes darted towards Zhou Jingren then towards Lily’s smiling face. Everyone in this room except Su Mingyu was very familiar with Lily and her capability. Lily was one of the many who supported cases against conglomerates and corporates. She made sure to let everyone know she supported women’s rights and absolutely hated companies who did not respect these rights.

So... seeing Lily act this way was truly surprising to her and Miss Hernandez. After all, both of them had worked with Lily in the past. Both of them knew how much she supported women even without the recognition, even without the media surrounding them.

Was this because of her husband? Slowly, she narrowed her eyes towards Zhou Jingren. A man who stood behind his wife, forcing Lily to act against her beliefs. What a coward. She thought, disgust flashing in her eyes.

"You know," Lily said after a few seconds of uncomfortable silence. "False accusations like this only affects two types of people. The innocent that had been wrongly accused and the real victims out there."

"Why were you so insistent that what I experienced was fake?" Su Mingyu’s face turned red. "I was harassed repeatedly by my colleagues!"

Lily gave her a knowing smile. However, she did not answer Su Mingyu. Would she reveal that the person involved prefered men more than women?

Of course not. This was an ace. Something that they could use on the court against this woman.

"It’s alright Miss Su, you don’t have to say anything. We will handle this." Miss Hernandez assured her.

"You are afraid of her!" Su Mingyu exploded. "I can see it in your faces! You fear her!"

"Miss Su... let’s calm down. This is— "

"Why would you want me to calm down? I was abused! I am the victim! Why is she treating me as if I’m a liar? If someone should feel guilty about all this then it should be them not me! It’s him." She pointed at Zhou Jingren. "He allowed such things to happen under his nose!"

"Miss Su... I would advise you to stay silent." Miss Jones held Su Mingyu’s hands. "Please." She met Su Mingyu’s eyes. "Let us handle this."

"No!" Su Mingyu suddenly stood from her seat. "I knew this would happen! I knew that you would force me to settle! I know you will force me to just keep quiet and accept some payments!"

"Miss Su— "

"Stop it!’ Su Mingyu said. Seeing Lily looked at her as if she was the criminal was too infuriating. She was a woman too. Why was she siding with those people? Narrowing her eyes at Lily’s smiling face, Su Mingyu slammed her hand against the table. "You— Aren’t you embarrassed of yourself? You are a woman. But instead of sympathizing, you chose to use your power to try and silence me! You dare try to blame a victim like me?"

"Did I?" Lily tilted her head with the same smile on her face.

"Oh you think I don’t know?" Su Mingyu snorted. "These two... Did you send them to me?" She pointed at the women next to her. "Did you send them to convince me to withdraw the case? Did you?"

"Miss Su.. Please take your seat."

"Let me go!" Su Mingyu shook Miss Jones’ hands away. "I know where this is going! You three already know each other! There is no way that you didn’t plan all this beforehand." She turned towards Miss Hernandez. "Is this why you told me to observe carefully before I decide something? You wanted me to see this..." She waved her hand. "Whatever this is! Right?"

"Miss Su..."

"Stop touching me! I can’t trust you two anymore!"

"Miss Su... please..."

Seeing the current chaotic scenario in front of them, Lily leaned back on her chair. Her hand started drumming against the rectangular mahogany table inside the conference room, waiting for them to finish their argument.

Lily couldn’t understand why Su Mingyu would just explode, losing her composure like this. She was sure she never blamed the woman and was only saying some stuff that might lead the lawyer to convince Su Mingyu to withdraw the case. To Lily, it was a simple threat against two lawyers— nothing serious.

Why would Su Mingyu think Lily sent the lawyers just to try and chance her decision? To Lily, doing such underhanded schemes was not worth her time. After all, she was sure they would win.


Proofreader: Dragon777

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