Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

Chapter 629 Abyss and Chaos

Chapter 629 Abyss and Chaos


"Swish swish swish...."

If all the people who had knowledge about the Multiverse were to be asked if they knew what was outside the Multiverse, most of them will say that they have no idea.

This answer is to be expected, as it takes a lot of power and courage just to leave the safe confines of the Multiverse.

The void outside the Multiverse were dangerous after all, and most will easily die once they reach this place.

But although many do not dare to come out because of these dangers, there are still some who choose to leave the Multiverse.

These ’madmen’ could have chosen to leave because they need to improve their powers, or because they were just bored. Or maybe they were forced to come here just to escape some enemies.

No matter what their reason is, these people surely had enough power to let them survive the void outside the Multiverse.

"Tak tak tak."

One such person was currently making his voyage outside the Multiverse today, with his masked face and cloaked body moving nonchalantly through the void, as if he was just having a casual stroll.


Due to the way that his cloak and mask covered his body, not much can be seen from this person’s appearance, although one can easily detect a hint of smugness emanating from his body.

This smugness was enough to make the masked voyager look irritating, but with no creatures nearby him, he was able to maintain his aura without getting mobbed.

"Flap flap flap."


The void, which this man was currently travelling in was a large space filled with danger.

Countless dangerous materials were being spawned from this space every second, most of which has the ability to kill any beings that were below the Sixth Stage.

With these kind of dangerous materials around, it was weird to see someone like the masked voyager acting unworried for his life.


And even when a large glob of acid was about to fall on him, the masked voyager did not show any signs of panic at all.

Instead, the masked voyager only laughed, as if he was merely amused by what he was seeing.

"Hoho, this is a large glob of Soul-Shearing Acid. If I managed to take this with me, I can sell it to the Soul Monarch..." The masked voyager suddenly said as he did nothing to dodge the incoming acid. "Hmm, but if I sell it to him, the Infinity Monarch might complain again...."

"Wait, why would I even think of selling things now? I’m here to visit a friend, so gathering materials is a no-go for me!"

As if he was affronted with himself at this point, the masked voyager began berating himself, with the danger of the acid still ignored.

"I wasted a few parts of my Origin Energy just to visit Chaos, so I must not waste my time anymore. I should really start looking for him seriously..." The masked voyager muttered just right before the acid could hit his body.

"But where is Chaos anyway? He’s not the type who likes to stay in one place, so I doubt I can see him fast..."

Because of the way that the acid had appeared, it looked like it will be able to kill the masked voyager in just an instant

After all, with this acid having properties that can easily melt even the strongest of souls, it is hard to believe that the voyager has a way to save himself.


But instead of getting the masked voyager killed, it was the acid that met its doom.

"Tsk, so it’s decided then. All material gathering shall be done later. For now, I must rush towards Chaos, since that’s my original plan." The voyager muttered while staring at his acid-stained shir.t "As for the obstacles facing me now, they will have to be ignored first...."

"Tsk, and since this acid here is one of those obstacles, I guess this must go out already."

With a voice sounding like he was experiencing a great emotional pain, the masked voyager let out a sigh before he performed an action against the acid.


This foul-sounding, malicious language came out like a screech from the masked voyager’s mouth, which instantly turned the whole area around him into a molten pile of black sludge.


Everything around 5 meters of the masked voyager was under this effect, and they were all turned into sludge. Even the smallest atoms and quarks were not spared too.

This change made the masked voyager’s surroundings look like a nightmare, although the caster himself did not act bothered by this.



Since the acid that hit the masked voyager was within this ability’s range, even it was also turned into the slimy black sludge.

Now, the acid just hung on the masked voyager’s shirt harmlessly, making it look more like a toy at this point.


Such change did not receive any admiring reaction from the masked voyager. Instead, he just continued on walking forward all the while ignoring the sticky black sludge around him.

"Hmph, what a dirty appearance.... Is this the cause of my new spell? Tsk, if that’s the case, then I think that I should do more research about my new spell later." Like a kid who was serious about everything, the masked voyager continuously reminded himself on what he should do. "Hm, I will do it once I finish visiting Chaos."



With his evil language and his unique power, the masked voyager faced no obstacles or delays on his way.

Every single object that appeared on his range were all properly dealt with, with none able to last even for a second in face of his power.


This seemingly endless cycle of the masked voyager turning everything into black sludge went on and on, and he only stopped once he had reached his destination.


A small rock basin, one which contained nothing but a burly old man inside it, was the object that forced the masked voyager to stop moving.

Instead of destroying the rock basin like the earlier objects, the, the masked voyager only stared at the it, as if he was trying to send it a message.

This certainly made the masked voyager look weirder, although just like earlier, the man himself had no qualms about that.


But as it turns out, the masked voyager was not staring at the rock basin at all.

Instead, he was actually looking at the burly old man inside the basin.

"There you are Chaos. Do you know how badly I wanted to see you now? Come here and greet me!" Like a man who had seen a long-lost friend, the masked voyager let out a loud laugh after he sized up the burly old man.

"I haven’t seen you in years, and you did not look like you changed! What’s your secret to your appearance?’

The way that the masked voyager talked to the new person(Chaos) was interesting, making it appear as if he and the new person were actually friends.

Even someone like Alex could have been fooled too, as the masked voyager just sounded genuine.


However, the reply given by the burly old man did not show any signs that he was friends with the masked voyager at all.

"Tsk, I have no business with you, Abyss. So get out of here before I lose my temper with you." The burly man, who was called as Chaos, gave this scathing answer to his ’partner’. "I am in a bad mood now, so don’t escalate my temper anymore."

"Aw, what’s with the long look, Chaos? Did something bad happen to you?" The Abyss, who seemed to be the masked voyager all this time, did not let the chilliness of the Chaos affect him.

Instead of letting Chaos shut his mouth, the Abyss just pressed on with his words.. "Perhaps, someone dear to you had an accident? Tsk, that’s a bad thing to happen to yo-"

"Abyss, in case you don’t know it, let me say this to you. My youngest son, who was so full of talent and life, was suddenly killed earlier. Do you know who killed him? It was your Envoy." The tone of Chaos’ voice was flat as he said this, although the way that he glowered made it apparent that he’s boiling with anger already.

"Abyss... It was your Abyss Envoy that killed my son, and yet you still have the audacity to come here? Tsk, you’re just wasting my time!"

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