Rise of Humanity

Chapter 83 - Zither Without Strings

Chapter 83 - Zither Without Strings

Jun Sixie clenched her teeth, not long later the young man had disassembled the strings from her soul weapon. The strings were actually threads of sword silk that was continually by Jun Sixie countless of times whereupon it hid a formidable Sword Qi, allowing it to become extremely sharp!

Zhong Yue took down the zither string, he erupted his psyche into it and it slowly extended out. It grew to over three hundred feet long, continuing to grow longer and thinner with the continued inflow of his psyche where soon, it had reached a length of a thousand feet and was still stretching out!

“Senior Martial Sister Jun’s zither string is quite similar to the Sword Cocoons.”

Zhong Yue praised, and with a shift of thought, the zither string slithered in the air, fast as lightning and yet silent as the grave, it was nearly impossible for the opponent to ever guard against its assault.

“The Sword Cocoons of the Ten Malefic Weapons?”

Jun Sixie heard the mumbles and she sneered, “Sword Cocoons is just famous for being in the Ten Malefic Weapons, my zither can be used like the Sword Cocoons, and what’s more, it can slay my enemies with an ear-soothing melody underneath which are hidden a myriad of deadly Sword Qi. It can also be used to place down a sword array. One day, my zither will be stronger than the Sword Cocoons!”

Zhong Yue smiled and said, “Sixty four Sword Cocoons are like sixty-four deadly assassins, it’s not that simple. But senior martial sister, your zither really is something else, it might just be able to surpass the Sword Cocoons.”

“You’ve seen the Sword Cocoons?” Jun Sixie asked curiously.

Zhong Yue nodded, “In the Lawless Battles of the upper house, I’ve fought with it.”

Jun Sixie was stunned, she then rebuked. “Don’t you boast!”

Upper house Lawless Battles? Didn’t that mean that Zhong Yue had fought with the Sword Cocoons when he was not yet even a Qi Practitioner? How could it be?

Zhong Yue did not defend himself, he concentrated on controlling the zither string, familiarizing himself with the power of the string. He slashed and waved the zither string around in the air; if it was someone else controlling it, their thoughts would be addled by the seemingly unlimited variations of the zither string; but it was Zhong Yue, the zither string was soon meandering and twisting with an abstruse grace, casting a few profound sword skills along with the capricious permutations of its movements.

Jun Sixie took a look at it, her heart thumped in shock. The sword skill cast by Zhong Yue was indeed, the art to control the Sword Cocoons, but as he had not grasped the quintessence of the art, his method of casting it seemed a little ludicrous.

Can it be that he has really fought with the Sword Cocoons of the Ten Malefic Weapons before?

Zhong Yue played around with the zither string for an hour until he had entirely familiarized himself with the zither string. Because he was not properly taught in the ways of using one, it would be useless for him to practice it anymore as he would not see further improvements. Hence, the zither string could only be used as an ancillary weapon for ambush, rather than a primary weapon for frontal combat.

The zither string moved in tandem with the shift of his psyche and it wound around the hilt of the Fang Blade.

Jun Sixie’s gazed at her zither string and then turned to look at her zither that was stripped of its strings in grief, her heart was dripping with blood.

Zhong Yue grabbed a steel fork in his hands, he thought to himself, Soul weapons of the monsters are useless to me, why don’t I extract the Sword Qi from it. Xin Huo said before that once I have a spirit, I can then practice the Boundless Great Sword Qi, extract energy from the metallic items and form the Geng Jin Sword Qi. This soul weapon is made of metals, I suppose I can extract a strand of Sword Qi out from it?

Jun Sixie trembled as the Jiao Dragon slithered in the air, her wounds were aching in pain, After traversing a hundred miles of land, the young lady donned in green asked, “Zhong Shan Clan’s member, do you have any Lingyu Paste? I’ve finished mine and my wounds are still bleeding.”

Zhong Yue shook his head and answered, “Nope.”

Jun Sixie was furious and she yelled, “As a Qi Practitioner, how can you not have any Lingyu Paste? The Lingyu Paste is the medicinal remedy for wounds, who doesn’t bring it along with them?”

Zhong Yue responded, “I’ve just become a Qi Practitioner, I haven’t had the time to return back to Swords Gate, so I don’t have any Lingyu Paste with me.”

Jun Sixie took inhaled a deep breath of air and calmed herself down, “Alright, zero Lingyu Paste, but you should at least have some Yuling Pellets or Lingyuan Pellets right? If I can just recover a little bit more, I will then be able to suppress the wounds and repel the residual poisons in me.”

Zhong Yue shook his head again and said, “None at all.”

Jun Sixie was now on the verge of losing her sanity, she shouted out, “You don’t have any Yuling Pellets or Lingyuan Pellets? And yet, you actually have the guts to leave the mountain over to the monster land and disguised yourself as a monster Qi Practitioner? You know nothing at all, how can you be even called as a Qi Practitioner?”

“I simply don’t need them.”

Jun Sixie nearly passed out of rage and anger upon hearing his blunt answers, which Qi Practitioner never ever needed any medicinal pellets? This brat is totally a country bumpkin who even had the audacity to act like a noble dragon among the monsters!

She took a few moments to regain her composure, she saw that Zhong Yue was holding a steel fork in his hands and out of curiosity she asked, “What are you doing?”

“Practicing the Geng Jin Sword Qi to increase my strength. When in a combat situation later on, it might be useful. After all, the Geng Jin Sword Qi is stronger.”

“Geng Jin Sword Qi with the soul weapons?”

Jun Sixie went speechless, she said, “What do you think you are practicing, the 【 Great Boundless Sword Qi】? It’s easy to cultivate the Geng Jin Sword Qi, exchange some Jinyuan Pellets from the Valley of Remedy, extract the Gold Qi in the pellets and use it to practice the Geng Jin Sword Qi. Which idiot told you that you can extract Gold Qis from the soul weapons after acquiring a spirit, you are dreami…”


The steel fork in his hands crumbled like clay soils, and the energy in the soul weapon was siphoned away; Jun Sixie stared blankly right at him, her mind was going insane, this young man, this brat, he really extracted the Gold Qi from the soul weapon!

Zhong Yue chuckled and said “It’s true! After becoming a Qi Practitioner, having the life essence, I can extract various energies from the world to cultivate the Sword Qi!”

He then took out another steel fork, the steel fork that had formerly emitted a metallic luster was patently fading away as the Gold Qi in it was getting extracted out from it.

Jun Sixie could vaguely feel the Gold Qi flowing around Zhong Yue’s hands and her heart thumped in shock. Just exactly what art was this brat cultivating, he really did extract the energy out from the soul weapons!

This was simply beyond her understanding, as she was taught from young that only the headmaster’s 【 Great Boundless Sword Qi】 had such an arcane ability; as for the extraction of Gold Qis from soul weapons being the natural ability of a Qi Practitioner after manifesting the spirit, who the heck instilled such a concept in this brat? And what was crazier was that he actually did it!

Who is he? Is the Zhong Shan Clan an ancient clan with incredible prowess that was hiding in Great Wilderness, how else can it explain how he could extract the Gold Qi out of the soul weapons so easily? Jun Sixie thought to herself.

“Didn’t Senior Martial Sister Jun know that after manifesting a spirit, you can then extract the energy from the heaven and earth to cultivate the Sword Qi?”

Zhong Yue was baffled, he said, “Isn’t this something normal for the Qi Practitioners?”


Jun Sixie was enraged, “Who told you such nonsensical drivel? What an unreliable person … What’s with that expression in your eyes? I’m not a stupid girl, and neither have I lost my sanity after getting beaten by the monsters. Don’t look at me like that, it’s like I’ve gone crazy or something like that!”

The lady in green was losing her mind, she was on the verge out passing out of rage and anger, Zhong Yue comforted her and said, “Senior martial sister you must be severely wounded, your injuries are clouding your mind, it’s best if you take a nap and rest.”

Jun Sixie yelled out in shock, “What are you trying to do? Brat, stop…”

Zhong Yue gently pinched the nape of her neck, the young lady immediately lost her conscious and fainted away.

“Nicely done!”

Xin Huo leaped out, he looked at Jun Sixie and twitched his mouth, he said, “This little heifer is an unenlightened country bumpkin, how dare she say that the smart and brilliant Xin Huo is unreliable.”

Zhong Yue said worriedly, “Xin Huo, she is one of the four successors of Swords Gate, if the poison is not eradicated, she might die, and with her wounds…”

“Rest assured, she is an innate spirit body, one whose birth coincided with the eruption of the Water Celestial Star’s planetary energy, she won’t die so easily.”

Xin Huo smiled and said, “The water element is naturally proficient in the arts of recovery, the Water Qi in her body will cast off the poison in no time, the wounds may look severe but they are not deadly. Careful, monstrous Qi incoming!”

Zhong Yue stopped abruptly and Xin Huo lunged back into his psyche ocean; with a shift of his psyche, the silk-like zither string fell off from the Fang Blade and burrowed into the ground a few miles away.

At almost the same instant, Zhong Yue gently stomped his leg, the Wood Sword Qi turned into a petty small tree planting itself not far away from him.

Surges of monstrous Qi inundated the air and waves of monstrous clouds billowed over with great speed towards him. He could vaguely see the head of an ox looming in the clouds, and he could hear thundering sounds of a monster saying, “Jun Sixie, stop running and follow me back home, I will take you in as my wife!”

A monster ox alighted onto the ground, a pair of black wings were retracted and it turned into an ox-headed man holding a thirty to forty feet long spear. In an imposing manner, the ox looked at Zhong Yue and said, “Who are you? A dragon … Hehe, I hear that there is a newcomer in the Gu Xia City, a petty child from the dragon race, is that you?”

“How may I call you, senior martial brother?” Zhong Yue greeted him.

“No need for that!”

The monster ox cast his gaze over at the unconscious Jun Sixie, he raised his spear and pointed it at Zhong Yue, “Jun Sixie, one of the four successors of Swords Gate, she is very valuable, she has the innate spirit body of water, if I can copulate with her, I would be able to extract her Water Qi for myself. My prowess will surely increase greatly! Furthermore, the two island lords are offering a reward for her head. I will first take her, extract every morsel of out of her until there is no residual value left and behead her for the reward! Brat, if you are smart, you should hand her over to me now!”

Zhong Yue smirked and said, “Brother Ox, you want the energy in her body, but so do I. It seems like a negotiation is impossible, then there is only one option left!”

It was right at this moment that Jun Sixie regained her conscious after much difficulty, but upon hearing his words, she immediately fainted away again.

The young man’s face darkened as he thought in his heart, Oh no, how am I going to explain to her…

The monster ox guffawed out loud and turned into his true form, he was a mountain-sized black ox. His four hooves caused the ground to quake and the mountains to tremble as he charged his way towards Zhong Yue!”

At the same time, his life essence manifested behind him - it was a dragon king that commanded the black waters and it swung the spear towards Zhong Yue!

As the monster ox moved, the zither string planted by Zhong Yue also flitted, it pierced up from beneath the ground and shot out from right beneath the monster ox.

The monster’s heart thumped heavily, he sensed the imminent danger; four patches of dark clouds emerged beneath his hoofs, the monstrous wind blew and along with the pair of black wings on his back, he flew into the air like a flash of lightning.

The zither string could not make it in time to slash the monster ox into half, it could only wreath around one of his hooves and amputate it; blood rained down from the sky as his hooves were shredded into thin slices of meat!

Zhong Yue reached out to his Fang Blade with the two dragons beneath his feet lifting him in the air, he swung his blade at the spear and dashed right at the three-legged monster ox!

In mid-air, a loud deafening sound burst out, the spear was cleaved in half by his blade which unrelentingly continued on slashing towards the monster ox.

“How sharp is that blade?”

The monster ox roared furiously, one of his horns flew out to block Zhong Yue’s blade - Pu! The horn was broken into pieces.

While at the same time, the black dragon king behind the monster ox grabbed on his other horn and thrust it forward. Blood splattered down the sky and Zhong Yue muffled a groan, his shoulder was pierced by the ox horn, the tip of the horn could be seen protruding out from his back.

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