I Have A Super USB Drive

Chapter 385: Revolution of the VR Era

Chapter 385: Revolution of the VR Era

The Blacklight Biotechnology website was refreshed at eight o’clock this morning. This made Little Wu one of the first batches of people to discover the newly announced Blacklight Biotechnology product. As the video made its way around the Internet, it had caused a tremendous uproar!

Blacklight Biotechnology was an unlisted company with a market value of more than 100 billion U.S. dollars. They were not considered a high-profile company. Still, countless people all over the world closely monitored every move they made. For no other reason than because Blacklight was the one who developed the age-reversal treatment as well as targeted cancer-curing drugs with a success rate of 90%. They were also the company behind the world’s first Blacklight virus vaccine to boot!

If this was the primary reason, then the contending reason would be that — Blacklight Biotechnology’s video was out of the world. VR technology by itself was not an impressive feat since there was plenty of VR implementation all over the world. However, VR fitted with holographic technology and brainwave manipulation technology was a completely different subject entirely.

After the official site made the announcement, the mainstream media in the Central Continent went rabid!

[Blacklight Technology once again ventures into a new region. Leading pharmaceutical company set to launch an electronic product?] — Tencent News.

[Blacklight Biotechnology announced brand new VR, brain-control and holographic projection technology. Hoax? Or Blacklight?] — Sina Express.

[The Boy Cried Wolf? Pharmaceutical transitioning to electronic products as yet another company steps into the VR industry.] — Sohu News.

[Following Blacklight Biotechnology’s official site announcement, the world is blown away!] — UC News.

Seeing as Blacklight was one of the giants in the pharmaceutical region, some netizens who were interested in technological development had also chipped into the discussion.

[What sort of otherworldly enterprise is Blacklight Technology supposed to be? Their track record in biomedical innovation is a marvel on its own. They first developed the anti-aging project to rewrite human history. After that, they also cured three high-incidence cancers. Now they are chiming into the electronics industry? They are even gunning straight for VR right off the bat! I’m beginning to think Blacklight’s president was the savior of a galaxy in his past life!]

[I agree. Brainwave manipulation and holographic projection technology. I was blown away when I saw the video. I thought Blacklight Biotechnology inherited something from an interstellar civilization!]

[What do you mean inherited, they probably obtained the entire blueprint! If not, then the founder of Blacklight Biotechnology must come from the future and replicate everything he knows!]

[If Blacklight Biotechnology’s newest innovation is legit, then the VR market is going to be unified from here on. The future of VR will be Blacklight Biotechnology against the world!]

[Stop embarrassing yourself, commenter above must be paid to do this. Let us know if you’re a bot account!]


With the exposure from the major media outlets and the garnered attention by the netizens, Blacklight Biotechnology quickly rode the momentum and announced the launch date for their new product. They sent invitations to all the major media outlets to participate in the revolutionary product launch conference in Eco Science City set on the tenth of September.

Yes, this was the slogan of Blacklight Biotechnology’s conference: Revolution of the VR Era!

In stark contrast to the fervent discussion and celebration of the media and netizens all over the world, things were looking gloomy for the electronic technology companies paddling in the VR industry. Some of them even refused to believe that Blacklight Biotechnology had developed such technology. After all, even the holographic projection technology developed by North American scientists had yet to make enough progress to showcase them outside the laboratory. Meanwhile, the current leader for brainwave technology was Musk’s Neuralink company.

With all this context provided, Blacklight Biotechnology was suddenly announcing a fully commercialized holographic projection and brain-control technology?

Utterly preposterous!

Despite the vast number of non-believers, the ones who believed in this announcement whole-heartedly still held the majority. This was because they looked at Blacklight Biotechnology’s track record. Every time they announced a conference, it was inevitable that a revolutionary change would occur in the world!

In the blink of an eye, it was the tenth of September.

Namibia was originally a country that seemed to have been forgotten and abandoned by civilization. It was as primitive as it was underdeveloped. It used to barely resemble the current state it was in.

In just three years, ever since a company known as Blacklight Biotechnology or Blackwatch had cemented themselves here, everything changed.

Today, the largest international harbor of Namibia — the Walvis Bay had become interconnected with the Eco Science City founded by Blacklight Biotechnology. More than a hundred and fifty thousand people worked and lived here. The city also boasted the lowest crime rate in all of Africa. All of the habitants here had to go through an intensive screening process. Cases such as theft and robbery had a 100% solve rate. Ever since the ban on firearms was imposed, the crime rate proceeded to slide off a cliff as well.

The territory which the Eco Science City resided in was a private land rented by Chen Chen, so it was up to him to decide the firearms regulation here.

At this time in the dark backstage of the conference, Qian Wenhuan was patrolling the area while going through a stack of documents.

The venue of the conference was still set in the Blacklight Dome, which was the same place where Chen Chen had the TED talk five months ago.

“President Qian, 30 minutes until the conference begins.”

The well-endowed secretary wearing tight black silk leggings revealing the outline of her assets slowly approached Qian Wenhuan who was trying to memorize the script. “You look tense, do you need some quick massaging?”

“Jennifer, there’s a time and place for everything.”

Qian Wenhuan frowned. “I can’t ruin the boss’s event. I won’t even be able to keep food on the table if I mess this up!”

The beautiful secretary who looked straight out of the ’90s purred like a Persian cat as she wrapped behind Qian Wenhuan. She placed her slender hands on Qian Wenhuan’s shoulders and massaged while she blew seductively into Qian Wenhuan’s ears. “Feeling better now, my dear?”


Although Qian Wenhuan would not let it show, his originally tense expression had eased down considerably. Without realizing it, he found his hands reaching for her back.

“Looks like I chose an inappropriate time to show up.”

Just as Qian Wenhuan had a firm grip on his secretary’s voluptuous back, he heard an icy, hoarse voice coming from behind him.

Although the tone of the voice sounded like the person was quite young, Qian Wenhuan still shuddered all the same when he heard it. When he turned around, he saw Chen Chen staring at him without expression.

“Bo, Boss...”

Qian Wenhuan forced a strained smile. “I, I’m just, uh...”

“You don’t have to explain yourself. I have zero interest in your personal life.”

Chen Chen made a waving gesture, signaling him to stop as he remarked nonchalantly, “I only swung by to check things out since I’m free. Since you’re in the mood for something like this, I take it that the event is going to proceed without any hiccups?”

“No problem at all, guaranteed!”

Qian Wenhuan hurriedly sorted himself together and pushed off the horrified secretary behind him. “The mechanism on the stage had been set up several days ago and had five Haptic Shock Chairs moved into the compartments. They will ascend onto the stage once the button is toggled.”

With that, Qian Wenhuan stealthily flicked open the curtain to get a glimpse of the stage. He saw the stage packed densely with more people still shuffling inside. There was also a large host of security personnel in blue informs holding tasers and maintaining order at the venue.

“More than five hundred major media outlets all over the world are present at the scene, they have entered the venue since an hour ago. The security team has three pre-coordinated security protocols to deal with various potential emergencies. The personnel in charge of safety are mercenaries of Tara Security and there are more than 500 of them present. No one will dare think of causing trouble!”

“Not only the venue, but you also have to pay attention to the entire Eco Science City as well.”

Chen Chen noted with a nod before reminding.

“Of course, I’m well aware. There have been tens of thousands of guests flowing into Eco Science City daily and overflowing all the hotels. I’ll manage everything accordingly and properly.” Qian Wenhuan assured, thumping his chest.

With that, Chen Chen decided there was nothing else for him to add. He let Qian Wenhuan continue memorizing his script while he continued loitering around backstage.

Many employees were walking around backstage. Chen Chen brushed past them nonchalantly. None of them would ever fathom that this young Chinese man with a stone-cold expression was none other than the sole master of Blacklight Biotechnology.


When Chen Chen stepped into an empty corner, he heard the soft, gentle voice of a woman coming from behind him.

Chen Chen stopped without turning around. For some time now, he had sensed the burning gaze of someone staring at him.

“Boss, please let me introduce myself. My name is Jennifer Lopez, the secretary to your general manager.”

The voice drew closer until she came right next to Chen Chen. She spoke with an extremely seductive voice that she was so proud of, “I believe you’re not acquainted with me yet?”

“Hi, Miss Jennifer.”

Chen Chen turned to her and flashed her a courteous smile. “Is there anything I can help you with?”

“I’m so sorry, I’ve been very lax as your employee. I can’t believe I didn’t recognize you when I first met you...”

Jennifer seemed to be intentionally breathing into Chen Chen’s ear as she spoke. Her warm, steaming breath filled Chen Chen’s ear. “Would you please allow me a chance to make it up for you? I’d like to know you better, I heard there’s a saying in Chinese... That it’s never too late to mend past mistakes?”

Chen Chen frowned a little and stared directly into her eyes.


Jennifer pleaded again.

Chen Chen cracked a smile, revealing a row of pearly white teeth underneath. “And how would you plan to get to know me, Miss Jennifer?”

“Well, I’d like to know everything there is to...”

Jennifer was pleased to hear this. Just as she was going to say something, she felt a piercing pain on her scalp and the world seemed to turn on its head. It was then when she noticed this young man before her had ruthlessly pulled her by her hair!

“Ah, let go, let go!”

She felt pulses of numbing pain so terrible that tears fell uncontrollably down her face. The backstage was filled with Jennifer’s echoing screams.

“Like this? Miss Jennifer?”

Chen Chen dragged Jennifer right in front of him by her hair and threatened, his voice was icy, “You don’t know me and don’t have anything to do with me. I don’t care what your relationship with Old Qian is. All you need to know is that you’re in an esteemed position and many people would kill to take your place. If you don’t want to do it, then someone else will. So here’s my suggestion, do your job properly, got it?”

“Yes, I will! I swear!”

Jennifer cried out in between sobs.

With that, Chen Chen finally loosened his grip and immediately left.

“D*mn, he’s crazy!”

After making sure Chen Chen was gone, Jennifer cursed Chen Chen while fixing her fine blonde hair.

She had never thought that the mystifying charm that she was so proud of would barely faze the stone-cold man. Is this person an ordinary man at all?

With this in mind, Jennifer quickly jogged her memory to the files she had on Chen Chen. It was clearly stated that ever since his college days, this man had never initiated contact with any other woman apart from a schoolmate called Xia Yin. This was a completely unheard-of tale for a billionaire.

It was not a secret that people worth tens of billions had a tremendously higher chance of having multiple mistresses. It may not be a hundred percent, but at least a good sixty to seventy percent of them did so.

After crossing the billion dollars mark, this number was easily above ninety percent.

It was not so much that people lose their sense of morality as they become richer. It was more so that they were subject to a hundred times more temptation and seduction compared to common folks.

However, this principle seemed to be completely meaningless when applied to this young man called Chen Chen.

“Looks like beauty and charm alone isn’t going to get me anywhere close to the target, I’ll have to report this to the higher-ups...”

Jeniffer mumbled to herself. After she was done fixing herself up, she headed back out again.


“As expected, someone who can tempt Qian Wenhuan enough to make him forget his family is very experienced...”

Jennifer was so confident that her identity was shrouded in shadow. Little did she know, everything there was to know about her had been set on Chen Chen’s office table ever since the day she started working for Qian Wenhuan.

After leaving the Blacklight Dome through the backdoor, Chen Chen conversed with Little X using the wireless earpiece.

“Of course, she went through strict military training ever since she was thirteen. Not including her expertise in assassination, intel gathering, and infiltration, what she’s most proficient in is utilizing her beauty to assassinate her targets.”

Little X said, “Completely flawless appearance and a figure that could only be classified as S rank, so beautiful that it’s impossible to not have perverted thoughts when looking at her. These are the tools in her arsenal. Ever since graduating from the academy, she accepted nine missions and cleared each one of them. The toughest missions looked like child’s play when entrusted to her.”

“Very impressive indeed.” Chen Chen nodded as if appraising her. “Even I was this close to giving in.”


Little X paused for a moment before resuming. “How about this, Sir Godfather. It’s about time we clean up the perimeter. There are currently three hundred and sixty-four spies lurking in Eco Science city. Most of them are still under covers but they are starting to hinder Eco Science City’s operation.”

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