Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 197 197: The 1st Wave II

The first line of the zombies fell like puppets who have had their strings cut. It was an inspiring sight, but that was just a drop in an entire ocean of Banelings heading their way. Gunfire spat out rapidly from all sides of him, the sounds almost deafening to his eyes and his hyper sensitivity. But never the less he took in every second and aspect of the battlefield as Baneling after Baneling fell to their assault.

They were doing much better than Cole thought they would. The initial 100 feet distance quickly increased to a 110 feet, and then 120 as more and more Banelings fell quicker than they were able to refill the empty space. So far none of them had gotten close enough to utilize an ability, which was good as that would have been the most deciding factor for this battle. In fact the moment the fight had started Cole knew he had grossly overlooked as aspect of their defense that he would have to rectify as soon as they found a moment to rest.

The first chamber clicked empty, and the moment Cole heard that, he knew it would not be too long after for the others too, to have emptied their ammo clips. He kept his lips pursed as he summoned gravity in the form of a crescent blade. He compressed it so much that there was a significant distortion in the air, before he unceremoniously added [Chaos Blast] into the Mix then let the blade loose, watching idly as with each feet that it swallowed up, it grew wider, and wider until it was close to a 100 feet wide.


Cole called out to the fighters, letting the first line move to the back, through gaps he had made in their formation. The third line moved up to the second and the wave of gunfire continued again just as Cole\'s attacked reached the Baneling line and decimated a significant swathe of them. Cole had skills that were powered by so many things and so many advantages he had lost count, but one most important was his buff for fighting against more than a single enemy.

The more outnumbered he was, the more boost there would be to his stats, which was the reason why Cole was not so worried about these Waves. The more of them that came, the more powerful he would become and this was the right and perfect opportunity for Cole to experiment with his skills and see what each and every single one of them could do, and see just how far he could push them and just how adaptive to situations he finds himself in…. For many this was a battle for survival, for Cole…. This was a trip to the gym.

And off they went once again, the second line trying their hardest to outperform the first line. But even at that Cole still stressed to everyone that they should all keep on relying on the ammunition and keep any and all personal abilities to themselves for now. It would be best to conserve their energy for when they really needed it, as anything could go wrong in this fight, and one person out of all of them, might have the key to all of their survival, so no abilities and skills allowed…. For now at least.

The first skill that Cole wanted to pay attention to was [Vertigo]. It was one of his least used skills, but he had to admit the skill has been imperative in turning the tides of a lot of his battles in his favor. The effects of the skill at the silver rank were a lot more violent as the sense and feeling of wrongness the skill caused could now even have very obvious effects on reality. But what Cole wanted to test was the range. In any conflict, your ability to keep your enemies at a distance and still be able to cause damage, could very determine the end result of that fight within the first few seconds, and it was bound to be in your favor.

It was because of tactics like this that many people chose to play as mages. And Titan Rising Online eliminated the situation where a mage would be weak. If you had the proper stats to develop magic skills, then you\'ve lucked out. But there would always usually be a physical stat, or the auxiliary Stat that you choose should be enough to cover up the glaring physical weakness that mages had. The versatile playstyle has been what has always made Titan Rising Online one of the best if not the best, and now it turns out the game itself had just been training in preparation for the Chaos that was coming.

Either way Cole tried, using all of his perception to shape and guide his skill, but, [Vertigo] was not a skill built for range. Cole could feel that the limit of the skill itself was a measly 10 feet, no doubt it would grow exponentially from there once he gets to the gold rank stats. But what he did realize though was that he could spread the skill, it couldn\'t go last ten feet, but he could put it up in a rather large radius, as long as distance from himself was not more than ten feet.

Cole was not so dumb that he did not realize that his domain was at play. Everything was functioning together in order to make him as efficient in combat as possible. Cole realized that perhaps anything from 0 to 25 or 30 feet from him was a kill box. It was weird to describe it and still a little fuzzy on the details he could perceive, but Cole had absolute understanding and control of the space within the aforementioned area. If he strains and pushing his senses into the fray, Cole could effectively triple that range, which was what he did to defeat the four other council members.

Within that area, [Vertigo] could be spread, making it possible to attack multiple opponents with the skill and keep them all off their feet long enough for Cole to relieve them off their head. He smiled to himself as he noticed that the second line were all now running out of Ammo, this really was going well.

"Switch!" Cole just hoped he had not perhaps jinxed them all by thinking things were going well, either way they should be-


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