Hollywood Zenith

Chapter 484 Saved by the bell!

Chapter 484 Saved by the bell!

" It\'s all a misunderstanding! Let me show you something first if you don\'t believe me." Samuel hurriedly defended himself before things got any worse.

Three girls looked at each other and nodded; they were too quick to judge him. With their time around him, he didn\'t do anything questionable except yesterday when he was incredibly aggressive to Soo-jin\'s seduction.

He didn\'t have to remove his shirt to prove his point, but his actions were somewhat justified. It was Soo-jin who started it first. They decided to not demonize him and listen to his explanation.

" Alright, hand me the phone." Samuel was a little relieved to see them calm down. He requested his phone back, but Kayla leaned back, not letting him do anything sneaky.

" Tell her what she needs to do, there is no need for you to personally handle your phone right?" Mayra nodded and gave a thumbs up to Kayla in her mind. Knowing Samuel\'s wicked mind, her suspicion was not fully satiated yet!

" Okay, okay. You don\'t need to treat me like a criminal!" Samuel said frustratingly. But he had to endure to clear up his name!

" We don\'t know yet. This could be evidence for all we know." Kayla smiled; it looked more mocking than a pleasant smile. Samuel swore to make her pay for all her teasing if he got a chance.

" Go to my social media, there should be two accounts."

" Yes."

" Click on my personal one that have the profile picture from my childhood." It was from the time before his first appearance as Harry Potter. His mother had saved quite a few photos from that time; it was one of the things that he hated. She would pop out from time to time, saying she needed a \'natural\' shot to exemplify his beauty!

He was a man, for god\'s sake, even though it was hard to tell when he first arrived here with long silver hair, but it seemed to be stuck for quite a while before his explosive growth in his teenage years.

" Oh my god, is this really you? You looked totally like a doll!" Kayla exclaimed. She was seeing his long hairstyle for the first time, which made her forget the primary purpose of what they were doing.

" Let me see." Yoona leaned in to take a look. Her eyes lit up, too, looking at it. Kayla enlarged the image to make his face fit the screen. Seeing him innocently looking in the camera\'s direction made them hold their breath, especially his green jewel-like eyes that seemed to peer through their soul.

The girls were making quite a fuss, so Mayra, too, joined them in the fun as they began talking, mainly praising Samuel\'s appearance. It was hard to believe the little guy in the picture turned into someone like Samuel. They would repeatedly compare him, which made Samuel feel a little strange.

It would have been a good feeling if not for how they phrased their praises. Yoona went as far as to condemn him for cutting his long hair. She said she was jealous? Really? What\'s wrong with people!

" Can we move on? Doesn\'t she have a flight to catch?" Samuel interrupted their happy time and reminded them of their initial purpose.

" Right. Sorry."

" Go to my messages but know that I didn\'t do anything in return. It seems to be flooded after my official endorsement of Armani." He made it clear it was not his fault.

The girls gathered and started going through his social media; they were greeted with the same sort of material, but his time, there were a few videos, too. Most of them were too vulgar for them to comment on.

There were hundreds if not thousands of unread messages, and there were few opened ones, but those seemed to be what was inside his gallery. Yoona could barely look at them with a straight face. There were all sorts of girls ranging in all ages. Most of their languages were foreign, or they had heavy accents trying to accentuate their sexiness through various proposals.

After a few minutes, Yoona turned away with a blushing face while Mayra and Kayla were still going through it. Samuel directed them to other social media sites, a few of which he actually owned significant shares in, and it was the same everywhere.

He didn\'t know it would be this bad when he innocently made them before he exploded. He only wanted to connect with some of his college friends as it was a rave back then, because of which he hadn\'t turned his accounts private.

Only recently, when he started getting these obscene messages, he turned it on to prevent him from getting mixed in with significant scandal. It\'s not like he didn\'t know what they wanted; he could feel their intentions through it and see it in their eyes.

These types of girls would only bring unnecessary headaches, which was why he distanced himself from the internet in the first place. Although most major media wouldn\'t dare to run their mouth against his family, there were many opportunistic people in this world.


" It\'s shocking; how could they be this desperate?" Kayla was initially disgusted but could feel their reasoning for approaching Samuel. He was rich and handsome, and her getting to know him these qualities were at the bottom of his charm\'s list.

She was an outstanding judge of character, and she could honestly say that Samuel was not that type of person. She remembered when Mayra used to brag about him during their conversations, she would feel upset, but not anymore. She understood why everyone seemed to draw toward his direction, knowing or unknowingly.

" But that still doesn\'t explain why you took a screenshot of...you know what!" Yoona asked suddenly. It\'s not she didn\'t know about these types of things; she was a famous media personality, too. She didn\'t have a public account that she controlled like Samuel. Her personal account was only known to her close relatives.

" That.. it was due to my own stupidity."

" What do you mean?"

" I was showing it to Darren to prove a point. He must have did it as a prank, I swear I have nothing to do with it!" He wanted to be as truthful as possible. His careless lie would only escalate the situation!

" Darren? That tall person who was dating Miss Emma?" Yoona was surprised. She didn\'t know he was that sort of person. Korea still had a few years before assimilating to Western tradition; it was more of a cultural shock.

" Damn! If it\'s that punk, I can see him doing something like this!" Mayra was furious. Whenever she heard his name, it would rub her incorrectly! He was why she couldn\'t get a hold of Samuel for all these years! She firmly believed it.

" Why do you show him something like this? Don\'t you care about their privacy?" Kayla asked.

" I know that\'s why I said it was stupid. Do you guys believe me now? I have to clarify it to other too. I could only imagine what they are talking behind my back!"

Samuel was very persuasive; in the end, everything wrapped up without any collateral damage. Samuel went inside to find Soo-jin and Ningning, and with the help of Yoona, he reiterated everything and cleared up his name.

It was still awkward, but nothing could be done about it. He could only hope they would believe him and not spread it around during their gossip.




" How could you even think like that?" Mi Sun was furious when Samuel explained his reasoning for not wanting to say goodbye to them. He was sitting across from her bed while carrying Elise, who had just woken up.

" Don\'t yell all of a sudden. You will scare Elise again." He said and turned toward the little girl who was enjoying snacks prepared by Michella." Here have some juice, eat slowly or you will get a stomachache." he handed the glass to Elise.

" Mr Samuel is right, we should pack up first the flight-" Manager Kim wanted to say it but was stared down by Mi Sun again.

" Don\'t you guys agree too? How could he dictate who we associate with?" She turned toward her team members only to see them turning away their heads. The pictures they saw were still fresh in their heads; they couldn\'t be entirely sure whether Samuel was dangerous or not!

" What you agree with him?" She was baffled, getting lukewarm reactions from her \'sisters.\'

" It\'s not like that, he is right. You need to keep your head down for few days before everything gets sorted out. It\'s also the reason why your manager is so hellbent on you guys leaving the country as soon as possible." Mayra said, trying to calm her down.

" If not now, there is a possibility of this country getting shut down-"

" Kayla! Don\'t scare them too much." Samuel stopped her from speaking. It was confidential what happened today, and them being civilians would only endanger them if they learned about it. He was unsure who might be listening after witnessing the enemy\'s might.

" Alright, I will shut up."

" Is there something important you are not telling us?" Yoona asked. She and Mi Sun and Manager Kim were the only ones who could understand her; they had the same face as hers.

" Everything is fine. You will hear about it soon but first I ask you to go back, I can only say it is dangerous to stay here."

" Mr Samuel you assured me that everything is over! We still have few concerts lined up and the advertisements-"

" Calm down. She is exaggerating, I said I will take care of it. Why don\'t we do this? Cancel your flight and take my private plane back to Seoul. It will make you feel safer and you don\'t have to worry about unnecessary things." Samuel proposed after cutting him off.

Manager Kim started thinking relying on Samuel would not be a bad idea. If they traveled with his plane, he was sure no one would dare to make trouble for them, and when they reached Korea, he would be in his home country. With SK\'s reputation, nothing terrible would happen to them.

" Stop changing the subject! I asked you a question." Mi Sun still wanted answers, but her questioning was interrupted when Samuel\'s phone began ringing.

" Get some rest, we will take later. Let me get this call; it\'s my mother." Samuel handed Elise to Mayra and swiftly walked out the door. He breathed a sigh of relief; it was too damn hard to keep a secret!

He looked at the caller ID and thought why his mother was calling so late at night. He was saved by the bell, so he didn\'t care much and picked up the phone, and he was greeted with a stern voice that didn\'t sound like he was expecting.


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