The Last Primal

Chapter 215 - 215 -The Sister And The Judas

By the time the first orange rays of the sun peeked through the window and basked the room with its warmth, a certain young lady was already up and ready to start her day. Her increasingly growing golden flocks were cupped up to a long ponytail at the back of her hand, flowing down, way past her shoulders, reaching all the way to the center of her delicate little back. 

She wore a strange set of uniform, something that if her brother would have seen it, would find quite surprising, quite uncharacteristic of the girl. The clothing resembled some sort of uniform, although its true origins weren\'t told to her as of yet. She was just ordered to keep it on for the duration of their training, as it was the required garment. As the official disciple of the Master, she was required to now follow the tradition. 

She had a dark blue, tight-fitting suit on, somewhat resembling a haori, that whilst looking quite thin and did nothing to hide the generous curves that started to form on her growing teenage body, also provided a surprisingly great defense. The silk-like thin material was reinforced by some unknown method, providing increased resistance to all types of physical harm, and even against some of the most commonly encountered natural elements.

The attire continued with baggy, similarly dark blue, skirt-like pants that if viewed from a distance could be easily mistaken for a long skirt, reaching all the way to her feet. A vibrant, yellow cloth belt was tied neatly around her waist, holding her attire together. On her feet, she had black leather footwear, similar to a sock. With a worried look on her face, the girl walked out of her room, which, now for several days now, missed its second, most-precious resident and continued walking towards the living room area where an already set table and two other figures were already waiting for her.

As her silhouette appeared, the figure on the right end of the table, a female donning a similar attire, albeit with a black colored belt lifted her head, looking at the approaching girl with a stern, strict look on her face.

"You were late, Lilly." She spoke in a cold, emotionless, rigid tone.

Arriving at the doorstep, the blonde girl, Lilly, halted her steps and gave a slight, respectful bow towards the two elder figures around the table.

"Apologizes Master." Her speech was calm and cool. While it wasn\'t insipid like her master\'s, it wasn\'t overly cheerful or emotional in any way. Compared to her voice just a few weeks ago, the difference was like day and night.

At the other side of the table, an elderly woman wrapped in thick, ragged red clothing only shook her head at the sight, as a small smirk began to curve at the edges of her lips. Despite her being firmly against the harsh training regimen Lilly was forced to undertake, she had to admit that under them, Lilly had undergone some spectacular changes. Her childish naivete has seemed to mature a great deal. While she still had that aura of kindness and curiosity around her, she was much calmer, much \'wiser\' in a sense.

As she stood in the doorway, awaiting her master\'s words, two large shadows appeared at her left and right, her two faithful guardians, the war hounds, Sam and Biggy. Leaning against the girl as a show of affection, they walked forward and sat down at the empty chair that was usually the girl\'s spot on the dining table.

Taking a few moments, Number 3, gave a light \'Uhm.\', averting her eyes from the girl and resuming her morning breakfast that she already started before the girl arrived.

"Take your seat dearie, and eat up. You want to be full of energy if you want to complete your training!" Deciding to break the tense atmosphere, Granny spoke up with a light-hearted chuckle and her usual, kind smile, inviting the girl to the table.

Upon her Granny\'s words, the calm stature of Lilly began to crumble. As she straightened her back, ending the bow, she turned towards the elderly woman. Her initially small, pouty lips began to broaden, turning into a gleaming curve. With a loving, familiar, kind smile on her face, she nodded at the woman, and with a much cheerier, and fitting tone she spoke as she approached her seat.

"Thanks, Granny!"

As she began to take small dribs of her breakfast, her thoughts began to wander to a certain boy, who was somewhere out there, away from her. Was he okay? Did he meet new people, or make any friends?

A smirk began to settle on her face, as her thoughts wandered once again. She was hoping that once they meet again, he would be surprised and proud upon seeing her sister\'s progress! She wasn\'t that weak, helpless little child as she was before. With the help of her master, she now had many surprises in store for when they will be finally reunited…


Inside Higrove\'s Academy Grounds, atop the highest tower, a certain pudgy man, wearing his official, amethyst-colored silk robe, was standing against the window, seemingly lost gazing at the distance. 

His silent trance-like state was broken when a couple of short knocks resounded from the other side of his closed office door. His face souring slightly by the annoying noise, he yelled out without turning his attention away from the windows.

"Come in."

Upon his words, the handle of the door was gently pushed down, and the door was opened slightly ajar. A meek, shaking woman peaked her black-haired head in, looking at the Master of the \'lair\'.

"Sir, your next appointment has arrived and is waiting for you. S-shall I let him in?" she spoke with a visibly trembling voice. She was obviously, clearly very afraid of this boss of hers.

Still not bothering to even give as much as a glance at the trembling girl in the doorframe, the robed man, grunted a response, with visible annoyance resounding from his tone.

"Yes. You can tell him, to come and meet me. Make sure that no one will be bothering us for the next hour or so. You are also dismissed for the time being."

"Y-yes, sir, as you command sir." The girl hurriedly responded, as she quickly closed the door and scurried away from the den of her nightmares, her boss\'s office.

Barely a minute later, the door was once again opened, but this time there were no courteous knocks of any kind. The black-robed, a hooded figure appeared at the doorway. Amidst the hollow lighting, his face couldn\'t be seen.

Without any words, he stepped inside and closed the door behind him before continuing his approach to the pudgy, amethyst robed man at the other side.

Just a few steps away, he suddenly stopped and went on his knees, whilst throwing the hood back from his head and revealing his bald head. He was one of the executors of the guild, the \'second-in-command\' for Sarah!

"Master." He addressed the person in front of him, with a reverent bow.

Still seemingly much more interested in the distance than the baldie behind him, the pudgy man spoke only a single word.


Keeping his kneeling, bowing posture, the baldie inhaled a large gasp of air, before he began to recount all the information he could. He spoke for several minutes, detailing his last week and the current situation in the guild and with Sir Michael\'s candidacy for the City Leader\'s position. Towards the end of the report he suddenly stopped, and whilst taking another long sigh, he began recounting what he managed to find out about the black-haired, golden-eyed boy and his connection to his mysterious leader.

Once the robed man heard the description of the youth, he shuddered in realization and for the first time, he turned around, revealing his equally pudgy face. He was Alfred Leon, mostly known as Master Leon by her subordinates nowadays, and amongst his many titles, one of the candidates for the City Leader\'s position. 

"Golden eyes, long-black hair, light-bronze colored skin, and inhumane strength and speed? Are you sure? What did you say, what was his name?" He asked with an agitated tone and expression.

Surprised by his master\'s reaction, the baldie gulped as he replied to the question.

"Master, he said his name was Aiden. He never said a family name either. When he came to register to the guild, he was immediately promoted to rank 2 after easily crushing all of the opponents I have set up for him. Later on, I sent another group after him, with the orders to cause trouble, but they were also easily dispatched by him. He also seems to have some sort of connection with the Leader, the Leader seems to favor him quite a lot…" Taking a short pause to gauge his master\'s reaction, he continued. "Master, I think that boy is trouble and can be a problem with your plans. What are your commands?"

Leon remained stoic and silent for a long while, lost in his memories. Eventually, he turned around, returning his gaze towards the direction of the forest…

"I know who he is, and how to control him. Gather your elites and report at the western gates. There\'s a certain place you will need to visit…"

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