500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 638 Filling the Holes Pt 7

Chapter 638 Filling the Holes Pt 7

Not a moment later, a sharp pain rippled through my body. I stumbled backward, caught off guard by the sudden attack. Hyron retracted back his hand, the remaining energy from his attack crackling in the air.

"I\'m done talking! You won\'t be able to interfere in my plans anymore, Galio," he warned, his voice laced with a chilling intensity that sent another shiver down my spine.

Bracing myself, I prepared to counter-attack, the familiar hum of True Magic steadily droning in my ears. My gaze shifted from Hyron to the vibrant Kathorn projected before us, the planet appearing tranquil and oblivious of the impending doom.

"I won\'t let you ruin another world, Hyron!" I thundered back, channeling all my energy into a colossal orb of divine light that illuminated the surrounding darkness in a soft glow.

Hyron proved to be a challenging adversary matching each of my attacks with equal ferocity. Despite the struggle, I remained undeterred. Xieus and the people of Kathorn were depending on me, their faith in me stirring newfound courage and determination within me. Still, I had to make sure not to use too much power, or I could repeat the devastation I had caused before when I had fought Matthias.

Drenched in sweat and out of breath, I realized the battle was intensifying with each passing moment, straining my reserves of magic. I had the power, but I couldn\'t ignore the cost it would impose on Kathorn if left unchecked.

With a decisive will, I harnessed all my energy to perform a sealing spell capable of trapping Hyron, intending to stop him from further influencing the planets. However, as the energy orb charged in my palm, something went awry.

A colossal energy surge erupted from the charged orb, an overwhelming power beyond my control. I watched in horror as the energy wave expanded rapidly, heading straight towards Kathorn\'s projection, the impact imminent.

"No!" I reached out, trying my best to control the situation, but it was too late. With a ground-shaking impact, the energy wave collided with the projection, the once serene image replaced by violent tremors and chaos.

The scenario projected before me was tragic and nearly unbearable. A cherished Kathorn monument, entrenched in the landscape for centuries, was turned into rubble in an instant. The subsequent shockwave swept across the surroundings, uprooting trees and causing pandemonium among the populace. I could see the alarm in their faces, their tranquility replaced with uncontrollable fear and confusion. Although merely a projection, I knew it reflected the havoc wreaked on Kathorn.

The silence that followed echoed the heavy dread within me. None of this was meant to happen; it was an accident, a disastrous side-effect of a desperate strategy.

Hyron watched the chaos unfold with a satisfied smirk, "Look at your true nature, Galio! This is the god of peace and justice that the universe worships?"

"No," I said, struggling to contain the surge of guilt washing over me. "This isn\'t... I didn\'t mean to..."

Before I could try to muster an excuse, the hologram shifted and Xieus appeared amidst the devastation on Kathorn. The Dark Empress of Selvack, standing amidst the chaos, her regal face etched with pain and betrayal.

Xieus\'s eyes bore into mine, her expression a mix of horror and disappointment. "You," she growled, her voice filled with rage. "You did this!"

"I.. it wasn\'t-" I tried to explain, but words seemed to fail me.

Her eyes flashed dangerously, an ominous aura radiating off her as she summoned her latent power, confronting me in her monstrous form. The Dark Empress was gone, replaced by an otherworldly monstrous form.

How did this happen? I had been restricting myself! How?!

"And all in the name of peace and justice, huh?" It was as if the fear had evaporated, replaced with raw anger that soaked her words in venom. "This is what happens when you interfere in universes you have no understanding of!"

Every word was a lash, tearing at me, but I knew I deserved it. The injured, the fear-stricken faces, the ruin around them—it wasn\'t just Hyron\'s doing. It was mine too.

The holograph dissolved, and the scenery around us shifted back. The remnants of the projection flickering out of existence, the damage etched forever into my memory.

Hyron\'s laughter echoed in the eerie quietness, "This universe has no need for gods like you, Galio!"

Stunned and guilt-ridden, I stared at Xieus\'s projection as it finally winked out. This was not the end I had imagined when I challenged Hyron. Hyron might be the villain here, but my reckless use of magic had made me no better than him.

But I refused to accept this! I wouldn\'t let my mistakes dictate the fate of Kathorn. There had to be a way to make this right, to redeem myself in front of Xieus and her world.

"I am sorry, Xieus... Kathorn," I muttered earnestly to the empty space around me, my apology echoing in the dark void. "I promise to make things right."

As the echoes of my vow faded, I drew myself upright. I might have failed today, but I wasn\'t done yet. Hyron was still at large, Xieus was against me. But this was my battle, my chance for redemption. Despite the hopelessness of the situation, I knew I couldn\'t afford to give up. For myself, for Xieus, for Kathorn.

With a conviction stronger than ever, I prepared myself for the daunting battle that lay ahead, vowing to put an end to Hyron\'s tyranny and undo the damage I had inadvertently caused. With every fiber of my being, every ounce of my divine power, I was ready to fight until the very end.

"I will fill these holes... all of them," I promised to the desolate void, my voice echoing with my unwavering resolve.

My journey was to correct the wrongs, and the painful path lay straight ahead. My heart was heavy, but it didn\'t weaken the flame of determination within me. After all, wasn\'t this what I had taken up the mantle of a god for? To right the wrong, to mend the broken, to fill the holes.

As I set forth on my path, my last view was of Hyron, the self-proclaimed god who was lost himself. I vowed to correct his path too. For every world and every life he had wronged, I would make it right. This was my oath, my mission, my penance. The chapter wasn\'t closed yet, and I would make sure the story ended on my terms.

"I will make it right, Hyron. We will make it right, won\'t we?" With my gaze fixed unflinchingly on my reflection in the void, I knew the answer. It was always within me, waiting to be found. All I had to do was believe in it and step forward. With the weight of my vows bolstering me, I surged forward.

Unfortunately, all the hope and faith in the universe would not be enough to shield Galio from what came next. There was a reason why he had repressed this memory. Why he hid it in the deepest part of my mind.

It was time to remember the meaning of true pain.

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