500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 339 Vaalbara And Mephistia

The demon struggled in my arms as my tail whipped to the sides, throwing out more Siphon Spikes into the Boar-wolves that attacked the moment that I did. Each of the beasts was sent flying back, but most of them couldn\'t get up after because of the blood spilling out of them in thin lines. Each of the lines flowed into my body and absorbed into me.

"What are the two of you doing out here?" I asked, but the demoness spit in my face. It took all of me not to snap her neck right at that moment. "One more time or I will ask your friend."

"We are just scouting the area," Vaalbara said quickly as she looked at Mephistia, who was trying to struggle free, but the more she moved, the deeper the needles went into her. "We are not going to hurt anyone."

"Scouting for what?" I asked her plainly as I tightened my grip on Vaalbara\'s throat a little. "And don\'t you dare lie to me because I will know."

,m The demoness started to choke and gasp for air as she tried to talk, so I lightened up my grip a bit, but not enough for her to get free. "T-the darkness! It is c-coming!"

"What is coming?"I asked her plainly and firmly as if this was a military interrogation. "And what does it want?"

Hesitantly, Vaalbara\'s eyes flickered over towards Mephistia, who just glared at her with anger before giving a slight nod as if telling her that it was okay. That was strange since I had considered Vaalbara to be the one in charge, but it seemed I was off.

"I d-don\'t know," Vaalbara said honestly, or at least as honest as she could be, while trying not to reveal too much information. "All we k-know is that IT is c-coming soon."

""It?" I asked her curiously as I raised an eyebrow. "Who is IT?"

"Th-the Master," Vaalbara said as if it was apparent, but I still didn\'t understand. "The Black King."

"King? Rem?" I asked, thinking about Xieus, who I had sent off to look for her, but the demon in my grip shook her head. "Not Rem?"

"N-no," Vaalbara said with a shake of her head. "Not Rem."

I frowned in confusion because the only other Black King that I knew of was Baal, the King of the Underworld, and he had died centuries ago. Unless there was another one that I didn\'t know about? But why would they be coming now all of a sudden?

"I see," I said after a moment as if understanding when really I didn\'t at all. "And what does this Master want with me?"

If it wasn\'t for the fact that my Mana Runes were enhanced, then I would have never noticed the small trickle of blood from Mephistia\'s mouth as she smiled slightly before finally speaking up in her own raspy voice.

"You killed our King," Mephistia managed to say through the pain as she looked at me with pure hatred in her red eyes while struggling to get free, but it was useless because my needles were embedded deep into her body. The more she moved, the worse it got for her since they just sunk deeper and deeper into her flesh. "You will pay for what you have done!"

Is that why they are here? Because of something that I did in my previous life? If she was talking about Baal, Bellazibub\'s Master, then I guess I understood why they might be mad at me, but I killed him, and Bellazibub was free from him.

"That is old news. Baal is dead, and you two should be happy about that. Neither of you was around when he was ruling the Underworld, so I don\'t know what your problem is," I said in a tired voice before squeezing a little harder on Vaalbara\'s throat as I looked back at her with a raised eyebrow, silently telling her that it was her turn to talk. "Now, either you start talking, or I will continue to hurt your friend."

That was all it took for Vaalbara to start spilling everything that she knew, which really wasn\'t much. All they knew was that their Master, the new Black King, was coming soon, and they were just supposed to pave the way and make sure that everything went smoothly for his arrival by collecting any Monsters in the area and making sure that no one suspected anything.

Apparently, they had been doing this all over Torrain for months now without anyone being the wiser because of how good they were at hiding their presence. But ever since I arrived in town, it seems like everything has gone downhill for them.

I frowned at this information because if what they said was true, then this new Black King might be coming sooner than I thought. That meant that I needed to hurry up and figure out what Rem was doing and who the new king was. Only then would I be able to stop them before they caused any more chaos.

"Who is this new Black King?" I finally asked as I looked between the two of them, but they both just shook their heads. "I see," I said after a moment as if understanding even though I really didn\'t. "Well, it looks like we are at an impasse then."

That was when I heard and smelled more things coming. It was familiar, and the keening noise made me growl.

"Did you summon these?!" I snapped as I could see hairless were-cats trying to surround us.

"No! Those are the Master\'s pets! Kill me now!" Vaalbara screamed in my grip, but I held on to her.

"Shut up, and let me think!" I growled as I counted the yellow glowing form surrounding us with my Mana Rune. I should just kill these two, but unlike Grimora, these ones seemed to know what was going on, so I needed to make some split-second choices.

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