500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 102 Suspect

Breya and I let go of each other\'s hands as we reached the ground and landed in the courtyard of Eliza\'s manor. The two of us landed, and a smiling blonde little woman was waiting for me on the steps of the manor.

"How long have you been waiting this time?" I asked, and Eliza frowned at me.

"Since all the women from the south wall showed up at the city gate! What is going on?! Some of them were screaming about voices in their heads!" Eliza exclaimed, and I nodded with a sigh.

"A lot happened, but it would have been even worse if I hadn\'t gone to the wall today," I said and explained everything that had happened so far.

"Riftwalkers? Blood Witches? Why have I never heard about any of these things?" Eliza asked.

"Don\'t worry, most of the Goddesses don\'t even know what they are. It took everything that Galio and Tallia had to defeat the Undead one, and we aren\'t sure we can defeat the one coming in three days," Breya explained, and Eliza paled.

"If you can\'t beat it, what will happen to everyone else?!" Eliza asked, starting to look panicked.

"No point in asking a question to which you don\'t want to know the answer. How bad was everyone when you saw them? Were there a lot of women screaming?" I asked, and Eliza nodded.

"Yes, there were even a bunch of them that were bound. The monster\'s screams did that to them?! How are you going to beat something like that?!" Eliza asked, looking to be on the verge of tears.

I walked over and pulled her into a hug, kissing the top of her head.

"Sssh, don\'t get worked up about it. As long as I am alive, the monster isn\'t going to hurt you or anyone in this city. I promise to do everything I can to keep everyone safe. That is my job, after all," I explained, and Eliza hugged me back.

"I really hope you can beat this thing," Eliza said, and Breay came over to rub her back.

"As long as Galio is here, nothing will hurt you. You would have gotten a laugh out of seeing your Goddess fighting with him," Breya giggled, and Eliza looked up at me with a confused look.

"You were fighting with Tallia? I thought that you two were really close?" Eliza asked, and I nodded and explained what had happened. "Oh, well, that isn\'t good, but I guess it was something that needed to happen. I am sorry, Galio; I know you care about her a lot from the way that you looked at her. At least now you can get to know her again."

"Yeah, so far, that has been pretty rocky. She has lost all her old memories that I was missing, so now we are just two people now, but I will work on that in the future," I chuckled.

"Maybe you should refrain from throwing her off any more walls, and I am sure your relationship with her will improve," Breya giggled, and the door to the manor opened.

"Lunch is ready if you want to come and get some!" Trina called with Senna standing behind her, slightly hiding.

"Sure, but I am going to have to take it to go. I can\'t leave the women from the wall as they are," I said with a sigh.

​ "I, umm, can go with you and act as your guard. I know you don\'t need it, but I can help with other things!" Senna said awkwardly after Trina pushed her forward.

"Sure, I could use the company," I said, and Eliza pulled away from me.

"Taking Senna with you is a good plan, and I will wait here for you to return. I would come, but I will get my time with you tonight," Eliza said as she walked over to Senna, who was looking increasingly more nervous.

"Just give me a moment, and I will bring you out a sandwich!" Trina said excitedly as I walked to the bottom of the stairs to the manor.

Before turning to leave, Trina pushed Senna from behind, forcing her down the stairs with a giggle. I easily caught her, but Senna broke away fast with a red face.

"I am so sorry! Trina pushed me, and I lost my footing! I didn\'t mean to force myself on you like that!" Senna nearly shouted with her back turned to me.

So this was Senna\'s nervous side.

She seemed to be pretty rigid most of the time, but seeing her like this was pretty cute. It was a welcome distraction from the day and what was coming.

"Relax. You can come as close as you want, and we will get going once Trina gets back with my food. I need to run into the house first and wake up Morgana briefly. I want to check on her, but I also need to make sure she is safe," I explained and then looked around. "Where is Lady Katarina?"

"Hmm? She still isn\'t back from visiting Bramma yet from her talks," Eliza said, and I narrowed my eyes.

Lady Katarina would have known that I would be going out to the wall from word of mouth, which made me more suspicious of her. I was curious if Katarina was actually trying to help the Easterners or if something else was going on under the surface with the Peekaans.

"Senna, were there times that you were privy to the conversation? Like being asked to wait outside of the room?" I asked.

Senna turned back around quickly but paused to think.

"There were times that she would go to talk to one of the minstrels that play at the local bar. Daikon\'s Drinkery was the place, and Lady Katarina said she didn\'t want to make a big scene, so we were asked to wait outside. I always thought standing outside of the bar was making more of a scene, personally," Senna explained, and I nodded in agreement.

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