Reborn as the Princess' Knight (GL)

Chapter 74 I'm Only Giving It Because I Had Extra.

Chapter 47: I\'m only giving it because I had extra.

Kein\'s POV

The weather was cold.

Ever since coming here we\'ve been assigned to wear something of a winter formal wear.

I moved around in my new fur coat, its color was dark red and made me feel like a knight in shining armor in fairy tales.

It was also enough to keep me warm at least.

My eyes wandered to Rose who was sitting on a chair with a bunch of books laid out on her side and lap.

"What, was she going to just read all day and ignore me?"

And so she did.

She actually did nothing but read all day and ignored me. Not even spare a single glance, not even when she ate, went out, and just read books.

This girl- fine let\'s pretend your old gal pal Kein doesn\'t exist.

The room she was given to take rest was bigger than any other commoner\'s house. It had shiny trinkets from head to toe and a really shiny chandelier.

Even for someone like me who\'s been into huge houses, this impresses me.

I could only hear the sound of the pages turning. It was hard to not try and talk.

Agh... I\'ll try.

I can\'t forget that time she actually looked for me in the forest when we slayed the dragon.

Meaning she cared for me.

That counts for something right?

My palms began to sweat so I hid them behind my back and coughed. "So... nice weather we\'re having."

Nice weather? Of all the things I could\'ve asked really?

That\'s the best thing you could\'ve come up with?

Rose didn\'t look towards me but closed her book and ordered. "I\'m hungry. Fetch me something would you?"

My eyes blinked for a moment hearing the sudden tone of demand in her voice. "Pardon?" I asked, feeling a nerve pop out of my forehead.

I\'m a knight for guarding not a knight who fetches you food, woman.

Rose sighs repeating once again but was unable to look at me in the eye while she did. "I said I\'m hungry. Can you get me some food?" (Rose)

Now normally if this was our normal old banter back in the days I would\'ve said no but would have gotten her something to eat anyways.

However, now it is different.

She\'s... a princess now.

And it\'s literally in my job description to make her happy, meet her amends of expectations and needs.

Right I forgot for a moment I serve her now. "I\'ll... notify the maids about your request."

I bow and turn to leave the room. I opened the door and closed it, looking through left and right. Once I have gotten farther away where I know she won\'t hear me.

I held my face and tried not to panic. "Being in a room with her is just so... heart frightening. She\'s not exactly ignoring me, which is... progress."

Ah right, she must be hungry meaning I need to get her some food.

I tried finding a maid and asked her to deliver some food in the princess\'s room. The maid looked at me up and down as if sizing me up before nodding.

I went back to Rose\'s side as fast as I could. She was waiting patiently there with her head on the side of the couch.

I assumed that she was sleeping and quietly closed the door so she wouldn\'t wake up. The food might arrive a little late anyways I mean it took me a while to even get back here on foot.

This place is huge.

I couldn\'t help myself from speaking.

I walked closer to where Rose was resting, she always looked beautiful when she slept.

Even if I didn\'t know what she looked like before all those years.

I would have days where I imagined what her face would look like.

She was holding onto the red scarf that she always used to cover her face as a shawl. You know I\'ve always wondered how you can always wear that every day that we\'ve met.

Now I know that it was more like you needed to actually.

Her soft looking eyelashes caught my attention, snow white skin, and long silver hair.

Who knew the brat that would cling onto me when we were just kids would turn out to be such a beauty.

I couldn\'t stop myself from smiling. "You\'re also really beautiful even without your shawl. I wish I could\'ve seen more of this side of you back then."

Without even realizing it my face was leaning in forward to hers. "You stole my first kiss, you know. I was already going to give it to you but I wanted to be the one who kisses you first."

I whispered hoping that she won\'t wake up for a couple more minutes. You have an annoying face but… I still like it.

Ugh, what am I doing?

I\'m not doing this without consent.

It\'s wrong, staring at a princess this way is wrong. I shake my head and quickly move my head up. "Good thing you\'re asleep-"

Bump! Bump!

I could hear her books fall down from her side. "Wait."

I quickly go back to take a look at her sleeping face only to see she\'s all red, having a really stupid grin on her face while her eyes were closed. "You\'re awake. How much did you hear-"

Rose pretends like nothing happened and acts like she was still sleeping. "Zzzz... Zzzz..."

This girl is really going to give me a heart attack. Does she think I\'m dumb?

I facepalm myself, "First of all Rose if you were trying to sound asleep people don\'t usually say the word Zzzz."

She frowns, opening her eyes and fixing her resting position into a seating one. Her body was stiff and her face looked so red when she looked straight at my gaze. "Listen I\'m not the one staring now am I?" she gave a pretty good reason and I bit my lip thinking of something that I could say back.

"Okay but I\'m not the one trying to fake sleep now am I?" I replied back at her sarcastically mimicking her sleeping position. "Did you actually think I\'ll fall for that?"

When she saw me mimicking her silly fake sleeping pose even saying Zzzz, she looked like she was about to cry, "Well jokes on you I heard all of your little mumbling right from the very start!" (Rose)


Both of us stopped when she mentioned that part.

"Ah-" (Rose)

She looks away blushing with her hands covering her mouth and... I did the same.

Wait wait... right from the- start- "So. Meaning. From the beautiful. Part. You. Heard. It." My voice sounded like a robot, Rose could only nod her face and it looked like it was about to blow.

And I was in a panic frenzy trying to defend myself. "Okay okay when I meant beautiful I mean you are we can\'t lie but you know when we were kids I mean yeah um- you were still beautiful and um-"

Rose covers her face with the red scarf refusing to even come close and she buries her head into the sofa. "You\'re only making it worse! Stop!" (Rose)

My face was also flushed and in heat. "Hey! What am I doing wrong here I\'m just- explaining when I called you beautiful which is just a term that describes you as a normal person who\'s just really pretty- I\'m just making this worse aren\'t I?"

I could hear Rose trying to breathe under the scarf and I was just... well gay panicking because I don\'t know what to say! "I\'m sorry-" I was cut off.

Knock! Knock!

The knocking noise scared me. My shoulders moved up for a bit. Rose looked like she was also in a messy state as well.

"Excuse me. I am a maid who was sent to give food to the princess. May I come in?"

Rose cups her cheek and lightly slaps herself looking serious and determined. "Alright. Commander Kein, would you kindly open the door to let her in?" (Rose)

I couldn\'t help but get serious too.

After that banter I managed to remember what will be at stake. If someone saw a knight getting friendly with a princess.

And I almost forgot another rule that the kingdom has.

A woman must not be loud regardless of her status or where she came from.

Ugh... If we get caught I\'ll never hear the end of it from Vincent.

I walked over through the door and opened it. A pretty maid came inside and pushed a cart.

"Ah pardon me, here is your meal." She parks the cart over the table and takes a plate with the other utensils needed.

The maid lifts up the lid to reveal her dinner for the day.

An unknown green lumpy substance in a bowl and two pieces of bread. "Huh?"

Is she... going to make some vegetable sandwich? With no filling sauce, not meat?

What is that...

While I was here looking all concerned Rose didn\'t ask for more and just continued to use the knife and fork on the food.

Memories of Rose eating with us having thrice the food that she ate on that plate. Won\'t she need more? This won\'t satisfy anyone- "Excuse me but I think the princess might need more-"

The maid shakes her head promptly stopping me. "Ms. Knight is not around here and I can understand. This is common for the women of this kingdom, they are only allowed to be served this much everyday." (Maid)

"Only... that?" I looked through the little amount of food that was on the plate. It didn\'t look that appetizing either.

"Do not worry. The important men in our kingdom get to eat meat and other delicacies available here." (Maid) smiles politely at us both and it made me uncomfortable.

She says it so casually like it was normal. I\'ve never been to other kingdoms and to think [Winshern] was this... bad.

My whole being remembers being in that closet in the real Kein\'s aunt\'s home not having food for days. I would occasionally get scraps but that really scarred my anxiety.

If I don\'t have a decent meal in front of me I\'ll panic.

I gulped, so all the women in this kingdom. They all have to eat that much?!

I think the bread in there was the only thing that kept them alive.

I stared at the maid who was... pretty but had a pale complexion.


Someone coughs, the maid and I turn to Rose\'s direction who smiled politely at the maid.

"Thank you for the meal. May you leave us be? I cannot eat while others are watching me." (Rose) explains and the maid curtsies.

"Certainly." She grabs a hold of the cart before rolling it out.

Once we were alone I couldn\'t help but finally sigh in disappointment and clench my hands balling them into a fist feeling the anger through me as I look into the meal.

Every woman, child and elderly.

From morning till night.

All their food merely consisted of an unknown brown substance and two pieces of bread.

What is this bull? Is this what Natasha has been suffering through when she lived here? This is too much I can\'t believe these monarchs would even let their own people starve-

"Are you... okay?"

I didn\'t even notice Rose was no longer in her seat and was just standing in front of me. My hands were shaking,

Her silver eyes stared at me in concern. Slowly my heart managed to calm down and think. "I\'m fine but will you be alright with the food they sent you-"

"Listen if it\'s about the meal I\'ll be fine. You didn\'t have to do that. It\'s customary for all women to have that much consumption here. I- no we\'re no different." (Rose)

"I can understand me but you\'re a princess. You need to be healthy and be treated with hospitality regardless of the rules." I told her my voice worried but she shakes her head while biting her lip.

"In order to gain the trust of this kingdom I must obey the rules properly. We\'re not children anymore that run a mock breaking every rule there was in the book, Kein." (Rose) holds her arm for support while she mutters my name.

It was bittersweet like always.

"You know how I feel about food scarcity. I told you about how my aunt never fed me anything and this is something similar to that." I point at the plate that was near. "I\'m just worried you\'ll get sick and the weather here is harsh. You\'ll need everything you can."

Rose shakes her head stubbornly. "I appreciate the concern but it is unnecessary. I will be fine."

I groaned wanting to blow off on this woman for not even thinking about her well being. "Rose, when did you get this-" but I stopped.

"Your highness. I\'m just worried about you, and as your personal knight it is my duty to keep you safe."

"It is your duty to keep me safe, not plan my whole meal." (Rose) replies back sitting on the couch.

She grabs her fork and knife and begins eating the weird unknown green substance.

She gave a sour look before trying to look cool and elegant trying to eat it but it was super obvious she wasn\'t into the food. I wanted to tell her I can whip something up for her but...

"It is your duty to keep me safe, not plan my whole meal."

The words rang around my head and it didn\'t take me long to harden up.

I kept my arms to my sides and kept watching to see how she ate.

"Fine, if that\'s what she wants, so be it."


I waited for my shift to be over. Someone else will be taking over later in the afternoon, for me to take lunch. I asked for a maid to let me borrow a kitchen, to my surprise they told me I can use anything I wanted.

In return I had to smile for them?

"Hah... I can\'t believe I\'m doing this. If that\'s what she wants, so be it, that\'s what I said but here I am borrowing a kitchen."

I unequipped my armor leaving me in my fishnet shirt. I washed my hands, took out an apron, and the maids watched my every move.

I took out my preserved ingredients and meat from my [Storage Ring] including the seasonings that were in a bottle. I never forgot to always put extra food in here. I sliced the meat thin, and started making my dough from flour, salt, and milk.

I needed to thoroughly add yeast and once it\'s ready I placed it on a bowl covering it with clean silk that I also brought with me. "Now let it rest for about forty-five minutes."

I went over to my meat... and remembered Rose doesn\'t eat meat.

What else would be a good substitute?


I smiled remembering my daughter from my past life. I almost forgot I always make her a veggie patty as a substitute when she isn\'t eating her food.

"Chopped vegetables, one cup of cooked grains..." I began mixing the ingredients in my bowl. "One half cooked legumes but since some of the ingredients don\'t exist here I found some alternatives for them..."

My hands reached for the mix turning them into little medallion shapes. I quickly heated up a pan but I wonder... if I used the wyvern\'s flame to cook this would it be twice as delicious.

I heard wyvern flames are always bought by the best restaurant because just a hint of flame could give the food flavor.

"Well... this is supposed to be food fit for a princess." I chuckled, taking out my cursed sword.

The maids panicked and I told them that everything will be alright. "[Nirvana: Release]."

Blue flame roared through the stove. "Oh sh-"

I told the sword to tone it down and well it listened- if it didn\'t I\'ll be banned from the kitchen. I poured oil over the hot pan, immediately after a few seconds it was already sizzling. I had to move quickly and place the meat on it and flip it over.

The stove barely survived.

I wiped the sweat on my eyebrow that formed in my forehead. I sighed a breath of relief when the whole meat cooking was over. I absorbed the leftover flame, [Nirvana] my cursed sword laughed at the prank it did.

I could hear the giggling voices in my head and I rolled my eyes. "I hope you had your fun." I told the sword before I placed it back in the [Storage Ring].

I came back to my bowl of dough that was resting in the corner to see it all rise and fluffy.

I took out my loaf pan that was custom built and placed the dough there gently before putting the pan inside the oven.

I waited for it to cook, when time was up I wore some gloves and took it out with a peel, the shovel-like tool usually used by bakers.

Once it was cooled down I turned it over to a clean cloth and the bread stood still once I lifted the pan up. It was shiny brown, glistening in the light. The smell of fresh bread even got to the maids who watched curiously now, eyes stuck to my performance like glue.

I sliced it up while it was a little hot. Took the veggie patties, placed it on top with some sauces that Alfred packed before I left the estate. Top it off with some lettuce, mushrooms, tomatoes, and cucumbers.

There were some leftover potatoes so I had to peel them, chopping them up into thin slices before frying them up in vegetable oil.

"I think... it\'s all done." I managed to pack the sandwiches into a small box container like a lunchbox.

I thanked the maids that managed to lend me the kitchen, and gave them the extra food that I made and told them to keep it a secret.

Their mouths were drooling when they just took a bite out of the simple sandwich that I made. They gave me their thanks with admiring eyes and I just told them they were very welcome.

My fingers had some cuts and small burns from the fire. I packed my apron and wore my uniform armor. I held onto the box closely, wondering if she\'d like it.

I stopped through Rose\'s door. It was already a little late. I wondered if she\'s awake. "Okay knock, we should knock."

I raised one of my hands and... knocked twice.

I could hear her footsteps getting closer to the door. Rose opens it and I see her leaning in, "Y-Yes? Commander Kein? What are you doing back here?" (Rose)

Now... just give it to her like a normal person.

I looked away feeling my lips frown, before handing over the box. "Here. I\'m only giving it to you because I had extra and by now I know you might be pretty hungry by now."

Curse you tsundere mode! Big sister Gisella graduated from being a tsundere when they got married now she\'s a deredere girlfriend to Valentina. While still having the occasional punching romance.

Rose blinks her head moving up and forth to me and to the box. "I-I\'m not that hungry-"


We both stood in silence for a moment. Rose realized that it was her own stomach that made that monster noise.

I couldn\'t help it anymore and burst out laughing. "Pfft- Hahaha! Was that your stomach?" I asked her and she immediately hid her face by the door.

"Shut up! Are you going to give me that box or not?" (Rose) covered her face with her hand once more and that made her really... cute.

"But you said you\'re not hungry-"

"Just... give it to me before I change my mind." (Rose) she gave me that puppy eyes and a pout that I couldn\'t resist.

We both smiled at each other and I gave her the box, she stopped, looking at my hand noticing the cuts from my cooking. "Your hand..."

I looked at my hand not expecting that she would notice. "It\'s nothing you can enjoy the food, princess."



It was my turn to stop talking as Rose raised her eyebrows questioning me. "I thought these were your leftovers, I thought you ate already so why is it that your stomach is making such noises?" (Rose)

I scratched the back of my head shaking my head. "Yeah I did eat already but you know apparently it turns out I was still hungry." I tried telling her but she continued to glare at me.

"Come inside my room, princess\'s orders." (Rose) instructs opening the door to her room a little wider, the door lets out a small noise before I realized I was being invited in.

"But it\'s late at night already- my shift was over-"

"Your shift is over, however, if you had the time to give me this. You would have time to get your wounds treated." (Rose) mutters, her voice seemed different from before. It didn\'t sound demanding anymore, it sounded like she cared for me and it made my heart skip a bit for a moment.

She holds my hand quickly pulling me inside.

She lets me sit down on the sofa and takes out some alcohol, bandages and an ointment for burns from her pockets. My eyes widened in surprise. "After you left all this time you... kept bringing alcohol, bandages, and even the burn ointment-"

Rose bites her lips, sitting next to me and holding my hand gently treating me like I was the most fragile vase in a museum. "Force of habit. Every time when I visited you and the orphanage, after knowing magic won\'t be able to heal you. I had... to be prepared." (Rose)

Rose disinfects my other cuts, after that it was time to apply the ointment. I smiled, "This brought back some memories." I told her and I saw her sneak a faint smile before trying to act cold.

"And I see you\'re still clumsy, reckless, stubborn, and carefree. I really can\'t stand you getting hurt." (Rose) wraps the bandages around my hands before sighing. "You even had to charge a scary wyvern head on."

My heart is just thumping really hard. She can\'t stand the sight of me being hurt?

"I wish you\'d take care of yourself better or at least find someone who\'s going to take care of you while I\'m..." Rose shakes her head not continuing her sentence and just gives me a polite smile. "I take it you haven\'t eaten yet so... let\'s share."

Wait... I need to talk to her properly rather than just keep going in circles like two fools. I held down her wrist and told her, "Rose wait."

"Can we... Can we start over as friends again?"

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