Reincarnated As A Wolf With Cheats

Chapter 441 Torture [2]

Chapter 441 Torture [2]

Chapter 440: Torture [2]

"Deoras!" Shin\'s voice trembled with a mix of disbelief, anger, and betrayal. In that moment, the foundation of trust he had built with Deoras shattered into a million pieces. Every memory, every shared moment, now felt like an illusion, a cruel facade.

The person he thought he knew had turned into a stranger, and the world around him felt distorted and unreal.

"Why!" Shin managed to muster the words, his voice laced with a mix of pain and anger, seeping through his clenched teeth. Each syllable was a struggle, as if forcing out the question would somehow alleviate the betrayal that had unfolded before him.

"Can\'t you see? Are you blind?"

His eyes bore into Deoras, seeking understanding that seemed to elude him.

"The one behind Elder Ros is a force beyond your comprehension, a being infinitely more powerful and superior. You think you, a mere creature, can stand a chance? Dream on!"

The words dripped with mocking contempt, a stark contrast to their once loyal and supportive tone.

"D-Deoras!" The anguished cry tore through the air, reverberating with desperation. Time seemed to slow down as Deoras ruthlessly ripped apart Shin\'s leg, exposing the raw and gory scene of shattered bones, torn flesh, and spurting crimson.

Agonizing pain shot through Shin\'s body like a lightning bolt, contorting his features into a mask of torment.

The once pristine floor now transformed into a nightmarish canvas, painted in shades of scarlet.

With a primal instinct for survival, Shin mustered every ounce of strength to balance his trembling body on his remaining leg. Clutching the dagger tightly, his bloodshot eyes scanned the room, searching for his elusive adversary.

But Deoras, like a wraith in the night, had vanished without a trace.

A searing pain tore through Shin\'s back as a deep, bloody gash appeared, courtesy of Deoras\'s ruthless assault. The room echoed with a symphony of agonized gasps, drowning out any hope of respite.

The desperation surged through Shin\'s veins as he felt his life force draining away with each passing moment.

\'At this rate, I\'ll die out of blood loss! I have.. I have to survive! I need to return to my clan.\'

It seemed like there existed a telepathic link between Deoras and Shin. As if reading Shin\'s mind Deoras replied back.

"Your clan? It\'s long destroyed. Your clan members, most of them are dead. I specifically left some alive so that you can see them getting tortured. Fantastic right?"

Deoras\'s voice echoed through the chamber, dripping with sadistic satisfaction. The words struck Shin like a bolt of lightning, shattering his last shred of hope.

His clan, once a pillar of strength and unity, now reduced to ashes and despair. The faces of his comrades flashed before his eyes, their voices echoing in his ears. The weight of their suffering bore down on him, a crushing burden he could not escape.

"Deoras!" Shin\'s voice cracked, strained from the excessive screaming. His vocal cords were raw, and the agony reflected in his bloodshot eyes. Crimson tears streamed down his cheeks, mingling with the blood that dripped from his wounds.

"Scream! Scream! Scream as loud as your shattered voice can muster! It won\'t change a thing, you pathetic insect! A poor creature who couldn\'t even protect his own clan!"

"You\'re not even an ant in the presence of the Supreme Celestials. You are but a speck of dust, an insignificant being," Deoras taunted, his voice dripping with disdain. As Shin lunged forward, desperate to strike Deoras, the cruel entity vanished once more, leaving Shin to swing his fist through empty air.

By now, Shin\'s body was covered in a tapestry of bloody scratches, resembling gruesome strokes of a macabre painting. The wounds oozed with crimson streams.

In a final act of exhaustion, Shin\'s trembling body succumbed to gravity\'s relentless pull, crashing heavily onto the unforgiving ground. His limbs quivered with the remnants of fading strength, as if protesting against the overwhelming fatigue that had consumed him.

Deoras twisted his lips into a sadistic smile, relishing in the agony that he was about to inflict. With a cruel determination, he sank his razor-sharp teeth into Shin\'s already mangled leg, applying a merciless force that crushed bone and ruptured flesh.

Groans of agony escaped Shin\'s lips as Deoras mercilessly dragged his battered and broken body across the cold, unforgiving floor. Each movement sent shockwaves of excruciating pain coursing through his veins, intensifying with every passing moment.

The relentless blood loss, coupled with the myriad injuries he had sustained, pushed Shin to the brink of consciousness, his mind succumbing to the overwhelming torment. As his world faded into darkness, he could only hope for relief from the relentless suffering.

Step, step, step!

"Hmm, excellent," Elder Ros mused, a sinister gleam in his eyes. "His state of mind is in a choice form. Let\'s stir up the situation even more." With deliberate slowness, he extended his arm, his palm hovering a mere inch away from Shin\'s pallid, blood-stained face.

A wicked surge of dark energy emanated from Elder Ros\'s palm, tendrils of malevolence snaking towards Shin\'s face with an unholy fervor.

It targeted his forehead, the very core of his being, as if seeking to penetrate his mind and soul.

"Hmm, in due time his mind shall crumble, consumed by the depths of darkness. By that time we can start the true experiment, the final stage." Elder Ros murmured with a chilling calmness. The anticipation in his voice was palpable, a prelude to the impending descent into the abyss.

The weight of his words hung in the air, like a grim omen heralding the arrival of the true experiment, the culmination of their twisted desires.

Shin\'s dreams morphed into a living nightmare, a twisted realm where the line between reality and delusion blurred. Every slumber became an ordeal, a torment of horrors that infiltrated his subconscious.

The once vibrant memories that defined his existence grew hazy, their edges dulled and their significance fading into oblivion.

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