I Hate Systems

Chapter 606 Granny Kiyo (Part 5)

Chapter 606 Granny Kiyo (Part 5)

  "You freaking baby granny!"

  The past six months were by far the most bored Dita had ever been. Before that, she had Stencil and Gana to accompany her, making everyday fun.

  But in comparison, Gahrat\'s character was just too boring. She was steady, too steady in fact she was like a wise old lady that had experienced everything.

  She never took any active risks and simply made plans while accumulating benefits that raised the guarantee of her success to the maximum.

  Even though this nature of planning was similar to Compass Carburettor, at least he left some variables to chance or when a situation presented itself, he took the plunge even if he hadn\'t planned anything for that outcome.

  But in the same situation, Gahrat would simply avoid it, unwilling to do anything where she wasn\'t guaranteed success.

  She was a schemer-type Main Character that used others to do her bidding. If her nature wasn\'t aligned with good intentions, she wouldn\'t be the Main Character anymore and would instead become a fearsome villain.

  Dita didn\'t have anyone to play around with or anything to do and hence was bored. Soon, she shouted, "At least, bring me out! Let me do something!"

  "Act cute. You\'re good at that." Gahrat\'s voice resounded in the Dimensional Space.

  At her retort, the sleeping Hanze burst out laughing before he was swatted away by Dita who then roared at the skies, "I can do more than just act cute!"

  "Be patient for the time being." Gahrat said, "The native race would be birthed soon. You\'ll have plenty of fun after that."

  "And, shouldn\'t you be preparing things to impart to them and shape their culture, mindset, and so on to ensure they become a strong-willed race?" Gahrat pressed on, watching Dita flinch in response, "You didn\'t even start that, right?"

  "B-But, that\'s just too boring. You could have just asked Compass to do it. He\'s good with such things, not me." Dita protested.

  "He\'s in a different world. We probably won\'t meet him for at least a decade or two I think." Gahrat said, thinking, \'Is Dita at that age?\'

  After a moment of thought, she said, "If you complete this task quickly, I\'ll catch a few male snakes for you to play with."

  "I\'m not interested!" Dita shouted as she slithered away, using her tail to hold a pen that she scribbled on a parchment, drafting up some stories to tell the native race that would appear in the future.

  Upon seeing that she returned to work, Gahrat\'s gaze fell on the sleeping figure of Hanze, watching him begin to sweat immediately after. Soon, he woke up and began to help Dita.

  Golda was the same as usual, staring at the skies while spitting out bubbles from time to time. Staring at it, she couldn\'t help but think, \'Maybe I should have replaced it with the Whale that I created for Rhizen.\'

  But after a while, she refrained from that, for Golda was unique post-evolution and couldn\'t be changed, for it formed the core of her development.

  That only left Vutura and the Haggon among her Avatars. The Haggon only had a Haggon\'s basic intelligence, making it pretty dumb. Left with nothing much to do, it fought with Vutura from time to time.

  \'I should increase the number of sentient races among the Avatars. Otherwise, the resultant native race would be battle-addicted idiots.\' Sighing in response, Gahrat stopped focusing on her Dimensional Space, taking out a Mystic Crystal that she used to cultivate.

  The reason she was cultivating was simple: To use her power as an Inscriptionist and gain the bloodline of a powerful Mystic Beast.

  She would then turn the Mystic Beast into an Avatar and would be able to use its power more freely, even after she loses her cultivation by leaving this world.

  But, it wouldn\'t matter as she would be able to wield the same power through the Mystic Beast that had become her avatar. Moreover, her experience as an Inscriptionist was vital to wielding that power later on.

  With her advantage, she reached the peak of the Spirit Retainer Realm in a mere six months. She was only waiting to chance upon a powerful Mystic Beast. Only after obtaining a bloodline would she be able to become a Spirit Master.

  And for that, she was planning to capture and modify a suitable Mystic Beast. After all, her end goal was to create a power system that couldn\'t be interfered with by the Systems and something that naturally countered them.

  It was evening when the middle-aged man knocked on her door, inviting her, "The Inscriptionist Guild has invited us to participate in their auction. I heard a Grade 4 Inscription is being auctioned this time."

  "That\'ll prove valuable to us." Gahrat nodded, saying in a hurry, "Let\'s get going already."

  She was aware of the fact that this Inscription was being sold by Xiaoan and her action of buying it was directly feeding his growth. But since the other Clans might buy it anyway, she might as well be the one to buy it.

  Of course, she planned to strike down the price of the Inscription as much as possible to give the least benefit to Xiaoan, \'That way, he\'ll have to take out more treasures to get enough wealth to satisfy his growth.\'

  It was simply to tap into the resources accumulated by the Expert-In-The-Ring System. As for the wealth necessary to splurge on her expenses?

  Gahrat excused herself for a moment, arriving at the backyard of the mansion she had been allocated, not sensing anyone else in the vicinity as she casually walked on the lawn, watching plants sprouting from the ground immediately after.

  They immediately bloomed flowers that absorbed the faint Mystic Energy in the air while the roots did the same for the Mystic Energy underground, soon condensing Mystic Crystals—the currency of this world.

  After they condensed enough, she pocketed them in her spatial ring and snapped her finger, watching the plants wither and turn into dust, following which the grass regrew, leaving no traces on the lawn of what she had done just now.

  Gahrat then accompanied the middle-aged man and Yanyuan, heading towards the Inscription Guild Auction House.

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