I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

Chapter 102 102. Immortal Elixir Of Rebuilding

"I can\'t say for sure but I think I have something way to heal life-dangering injuries."

Karna didn\'t want to lose this opportunity to get internal intel from Pandva\'s camp, Gears in his head started running and he quickly went through all the ways he can heal the puppy in the hands of a boy.

At first glance one can tell this puppy was too injured to be treated. Normally this is a lost cause, It\'s better to put it out if it\'s misery but this is a different case.

The dog should be in a lot of pain but it didn\'t look like it. It was laying in the hands of a boy sleeping peacefully, Which led Karna to believe that this puppy was not injured. They just made it look like that to take a test.

Still fake or not, Karna had to show he has ways to treat injuries but currently, he didn\'t have anything that can be used for a healing, So it was making Karna frustrated. He badly wanted to stop Bheema from getting his power up.

\'Wait? Aren\'t herbal medicines also edible? Doesn\'t that mean Akshaya Patra can also give me that? Let\'s try.\'

When Karna did not understand what to do, A thought appeared in his mind, Akshaya Patra. 

A broken thing that gives infinite food and after changes it subtly said that anything edible, So Karna decided to gamble it might also give those Ayurvedic herbs.


So Karna flipped his hand and took the Akshaya Patra out of his inventory which flew out from the middle of his eyebrows in golden light and appeared in front of them.

Ashwatthama who was drowning in guilt looked at this scene with hope in his eyes. For him, anyone who pulls things out of thin air is not a normal person, They either be a very learned and successful man or a Deva.

Either way there is a high chance they can save this puppy, So he was now full of hope.

"*Ahem* Quick question, Do you know any medicine that can heal this puppy right now? If you know, tell me about it."

Karna once again became embarrassed. He indeed decided to try if he can get medical hers from Akshaya Patra or not but the problem is that he didn\'t know any medicine\'s name.

He never had to do it because since adolescence he didn\'t suffer any injuries, not even a slight scratch, So there is no relationship of his with medicines.

"Huh…Yes, Humm..San-Sanjevani can heal anyone in an instant but it is only found in the mountain ranges of the Himalayas."

Ashwatthama was at first not able to process what Karna was talking about but when he did, He quickly blurted out what he knew about medicines, And according to that for this severe condition only Sanhevani can be useful.

But he could not understand why this divine stranger was asking about it. Only fools will use life-saving medicine like that on a street puppy.

"Sanjevani huh? Well, it might work on him, Let\'s see."

Karna heard the name of the medicine and decide to try it if Akshaya Patra will give him medicine, He put both of his hands on it and closed his eyes thinking about the Sanjevani herb, Though he didn\'t know how that herb looks, He hopes that it will understand what he wants and give him.


Silence, A total silence spread around in the dead silent night, Karna and Ashwatthama both were holding their breath back waiting for something to happen but nothing happened even after a while.

There was no moment from the Akshaya Patra, No golden light flicked or thunder fell into it like Karna imagined when he would get what he wanted but it seems this Patra will not give medicines.

\'I guess I am thinking too much, I am not that lucky to get that much-broken thing, It\'s good that I don\'t have to worry about food, I should be satisfied with it- *Sniff* What is that smell?\'

Karna pulled his hand away from the pot and wanted to put it away in disappointment, He was really thinking too much. He is Karna with blackish luck, he was not supposed to get things like this, They were given to Pandavas, The official Children Of Luck.

But as he was about to do it, A very unique smell was spared all around. A simple sniff of that smell made Karna feel fresh as if he just woke up from a good sleep. Blood in his body also started to boil as it reacted to that medical smell.


Karna reacted, He quickly lifted the cover on the pot, Just as he did that even stronger unique medicinal smell spared out making him more excited, A strong urge in mind constantly telling him to just devour whatever it is releasing this smell.

But Karna pushed his urge down and looked at a multi-coloured 5-6 inch tall with strong aura plants laying in it, Yes plants as the whole pot is filled to the brim with those plants.I think you should take a look at

"Th…This many Sanjevani? How is this possible? No, forget that, One is enough to completely heal this puppy."

Karna was too speechless to say anything, It was Ashswatthama who was standing aside rating for things to happen and spoke up in excitement, He only has once fortune of seeing Sanjevani Buti (Herb) his father bring it home.

Even then his father said that it\'s a rare gift of the gods to receive that one plant as this plant literally can bring anyone out of the gates of death.

So a huge burden took off of Ashwatthama\'s shoulders and the guilt on heart also lessened a lot. He wanted to get the herb and quickly start treating in the poor puppy but Karna not allowed him to touch the herbs, So he had to wait.

"Okay, So this herb is the legendary Sanjevani, Look goo- "

Karna picked one of the herbs curiously but froze just the next moment.

[Ding! The host got Sajevani herb…

Congratulations to the host for triggering the 100,000 times critical strike…

Congratulations to the host for getting the Immortal Elixir Of Rebuilding…

Immortal Elixir Of Rebuilding : This elixir is the highest rank in related to this category of medicines.

This elixir is used to advance and upgrade all the initial foundations of being to the peak ceiling they can reach and there is a slight chance it can even go beyond that.

Once drunk, The Physiques, Spiritual, Talent, Bloodline and such will be raised and purified to the extreme. There is even a chance to breakthrough the ceiling of the specie\'s inherent boundaries.

(Note : Its detected host wanted to use it on the animal. It\'s suggested that the host should add a drop of your blood in it, Which not only gives more benefits to the animals but also it will become absolutely loyal to you.)]

Karna did not have words to say anything other than his system is too broken. How long has it been since he last got a reward that too this broken one? Few hours.

In just a few hours, He gotten rewards others had to ask boon for it, This made even more wonder why no one ask System in the book. This thing is too Op.

"Mohoday (Sir/Mister), This puppy does not have much time, Can you give me one of those Sanjevani? I will start treating it."

Ashwatthama looked at the pot filled with herbs from the beginning, So he didn\'t see the changes happen to the herb in the hands of Karna, Which a moment ago glowed and turned into a vial of elixir.

He after waiting for a while didn\'t receive permission from Karna, So he asked him in his hope-filled voice, He can\'t wait to heal this puppy to throw off most of his guilt.

"I will give heal the puppy perfectly but I have one condition."

Karna now seeing what he has at hand hesitated to give it to Ashwatthama, Before he was going along with the test of these Pandava camp people just to find out how Bheema was going to get his power boost.

But now that the herb is changed, He can no longer follow that past plan because his attention was grabbed by this puppy, That because he now suspects this puppy might be something special as it is in Pandava camp and it might be the reason why system triggered this elixir

So now Karna wants that puppy. To cut leeks, He can\'t take chances with faith at all.

"Condition? What condition? I will fulfil them as long as it\'s under my power but please treat this puppy first."

Ashwatthama was surprised that Karna didn\'t give him herb but it was reasonable, Nonmatter how much herb he has, This is still herb that money can\'t buy, No one is going to give it for free.

"It is in your power, All I want for treating this puppy is, This puppy."

Karna took a breath and without flinching said this whole sentence with a straight face.

(A/N : It\'s said that Sanjevani works by recreating damaged cells at an accelerated speed, That is the reason why this elixir is given after a critical strike.

Like always thank you for reading and have a good day .)

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