Rise of the Horde

Chapter 109 - 109

A few months had passed since Xiao Chen started remodeling the tribe to his liking and implemented all of his ideas. The Garthum River now flower around the City of Yohan after the kobolds finished their task of redirecting its flow with their tunnels.

A circular meter thick concrete wall surrounded the entire city and four meters behind the first concrete wall was another meter thick concrete wall. They filled the space between the two walls with the dug up soil from the ditch just in front of the city wall.

A vast farmland with wheat and other vegetables was spread out just below the banks of the redirected Garthum River, and they filled the space between the original tribe and the City if Yohan with rice fields.

The City of Yohan boasted a sizeable force that allowed Xiao Chen to start his path of conquest. A thousand five hundred Tauren Guards keeping the city safe with all the Yohan Tribe members as the backup in case they needed help.

The First Yohan Horde, Ikarush had a mainstay of three thousand orc warriors excluding the auxiliary forces and the special units. It was divided into eight warbands wherein each warband had four hundred members except the First and Second Warband which had double the number of warriors than the other warbands.

The First and Second Warbands of the First Yohan Horde, Ikarush was made of the Rakshas. They are the Raksha Aspirants who passed all the ordeals that were thrown to them by their demon-like trainer, which was their chieftain.

The Third till the Eight Warband comprised the Yurakks who completed and endured the training and were chosen. Those who weren\'t chosen would continue training until the Second Horde would be created and they would be the first to be called to join it.

Six hundred trolls make up the First Kani\'karr (Kani means Death and Karr means Hurl) Corps who would operate the Scorpios, Ballistas and the newly added one which was the Mangonel which operated differently than the first two but could also deal more damage specially to fortifications. The mangonel was Xiao Chen\'s solution against enemy fortifications, but it came with a disadvantage of being too bulky that its deployment was hard. Most of the time, when not in use, it would be divided into smaller parts which could be transported then assembled when needed.

The Ballistas were not much of a problem even though it is an enormous weapon but that only applies to the humans, dwarves and other smaller creatures. But to the orcs who are allied with the big ass ogres, it is easy. Two or four orcs, depending on their body frames, could carry it on their shoulders and one or two ogres would suffice to move them around even in long distances.

There was also the five hundred strong heavy cavalry, or more known as the Rhakaddon Cavalry, which would support the First Yohan Horde, Ikarush. A hundred light cavalry or the Warg Cavalry. The hundred was the number of riders and the wargs, which were more numerous than the riders, a hundred riders accompanied by more than two hundred wargs.

The last but not the least, the special unit which was the Verakhs who would always be ahead of the Horde that they are affiliated with. The First Verakh Company, Rikon (to see) were made of two hundred highly trained warriors. It wasn\'t exclusive to orcs alone, but only twenty trolls joined and no one from the other races showed interest.

As a special unit, the Verakhs operate in small groups called Squads, with only eight members in each squad. There are twenty-five squads of Verakhs, but only eight of them would be active at a time. The Tenth to Seventeenth Squad would explore and operate in all directions, both in ordinal and intercardinal directions as the first shift. The following week, the Eighteenth to Twenty-fifth Squads would replace them in being far away from the army and in the wilds. First to Ninth Squads would be the mainstay of their affiliated Horde, which would be given sudden missions depending on the situation that they are in.

The Flag of Yohan was a huge black rectangular shaped linen fabric and in the center of it was a huge circle representing the walls of the walls and eight small petals around it in all directions in white color which makes it look like a flower and in the center of the circle was a head of a snarling wolf and in the wolf\'s forehead was a burning Y which was red in color which means Yohan. There was a small golden howling wolf attached to an iron pole. Below the figure of the howling wolf was a small plate wherein the name of the of the Horde, \'Ikarush\' was carved in.

There was also another banner besides that of Yohan. It was also a rectangular shaped linen fabric, but it was red in color and there was a figure of two wings which looks like they were melting. Above the melting wings figure was the name of the Horde \'Ikarush\' and below the wings was the battlecry of the Horde Rakar\'nogar Ugum Ashnarah in Orcish language in golden color.

Each warband also carried with them a banner of their own, which was a rectangular shaped linen fabric with the roman number corresponding to their warband. The First Warband had a banner with the \'I\' figure on it, the Second Warband with a \'II\' on it till the Eight Warband.

The banners were held by the Guidon Bearers who took pride in holding the guidons on their hands and no one else is allowed to carry these banners aside from them with exemption if they fall in battle and the closest one to them would hold it in their stead and prevent it from falling to the ground or into the hands of their enemies.

And the most important one that must never ever fall into the hands of their foes would be the Horde Standard, which was the Golden Wolf. The Golden Wolf is the pride of the Horde and a Horde who loses its Wolf would be considered a failure.. The Amazferr (Amaz means wolf and ferr means to bring or to hold) is the one who holds the wolf.

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