The Spider Queen

Chapter 454 - The Return

(Hydra Star System- Planet Eleron)

(Zrudread University Main Campus)

Planet Eleron was a beautiful planet that had been terraformed to the specifications of the Zrudread University\'s esteemed founders.

Various climates, biomes, and environments were present on the planet to give students combat experience in different situations.

There was also a massive city located on the outskirts of the campus where students could go to relax and unwind after a long day of classes.

The architecture of the city was based on ancient tribal homes of the Mendolesa race but modernised with state-of-the-art appliances for convenience.

Sophie wandered through the streets of the city while feeling oddly nostalgic. 

Everything was so familiar and strange at the same time, it seemed like a lifetime ago when she had last walked through these streets.

Tall Mendolesa warriors could be seen shopping, fighting and having fun. 

Street vendors were advertising their wares and services to the passing students.

Sophie stopped near one of the vendors and bought a piece of roasted meat that was dripping with oil and grease.

She handed the elderly Mendolesa woman some coins and then bit into the delicious meat. 

The skin of the meat was incredibly crispy, and the inside was plump and juicy.

Sophie could not resist going back for seconds and ended up buying four more pieces before she decided to move on.

After spending months on planet Gaia, it was a novel experience to be in a place where humans were the minority.

Sophie wore a simple pair of black track pants and a plain white shirt but still managed to attract curious looks.

It may have something to do with her hybrid appearance or the more likely answer… 

The massive five-foot tall frostwing bat that was perched on her head and happily nibbling down on some crackers.

"You know you can fly right?" Sophie spoke in mock anger. Moon flapped his wings lazily and quickly gave a response.

Squeak! Squeak!

(Mommy my wings are tired and I\'m feeling sleepy… plus it was a long spaceflight…)

Sophie sighed helplessly but decided to let her mischievous frostwing bat have some fun today.

Moon to his credit had managed to learn all the new techniques that Professor Ward had assigned to him.

The blood bond between himself and Sophie had gotten even stronger over the last few months and now they could easily read each other\'s thoughts.

Although Sophie made sure to block off access to her mind when she video called Cleo for their nightly sessions.

There was no need to traumatise her innocent baby with adult matters.

Two bright suns shone brightly in the sky and a cool breeze brushed against Sophie\'s face as she walked through the city.

Bleep! Bleep!

Sophie\'s wrist communicator rang out twice and a message appeared in her inbox from Cleo.

Cleo: [I\'m so excited to see you in three days!]

Cleo: [Don\'t freak out but I have a surprise for you…. :)]

The hybrid girl\'s lips gently curved upwards as she quickly responded to the messages before powering off her communicator.

Cleo was planning a surprise, but little did her girlfriend know that Sophie was going to give her an even bigger one.

Sophie checked her storage bag to make sure that the special underwear that she had bought was still there.

Just imagining the surprised look on Cleo\'s face when she opened the door to their apartment and saw her girlfriend waiting for her with open arms brought a smile to Sophie\'s face.

This would be their one chance to relax since finals season was starting next week and Sophie did not want to tire out Cleo.

Exams… studying… normal student life…

Sophie closed her eyes and silently thanked Doctor Reynolds for his hard work during the last few months.

Although the dark urges and the side effects from using the Hunter Goddess\' powers were still there...

Sophie had learned to manage them. 

No longer did she lose control of her mind when using her berserker state.

A humble looking store at the end of an alleyway caught Sophie\'s eye. It was a simple one story building with plain brown walls and a bright red roof.

The hybrid girl could not remember visiting this store before, so she decided to go inside and have a look.

"Hello! How can I help you today?" a soft voice called out to Sophie as she walked through the doors. 

A sweet looking human girl wearing a white uniform walked up to Sophie and gestured towards the display.

The store was completely empty with the sole exception of a display stand positioned in the middle of the room with several pieces of paper placed on it.

"Can you tell me what product is available here? I\'m a little bit confused," Sophie admitted truthfully.

The salesgirl let out a small laugh and picked up one of the pieces of paper on the display case. 

It was only around the size of Sophie\'s palm and a mysterious black rune had been drawn on its outer surface.

"These are rare talismans created by Mendolesa elders. It is said that those who posses these charms will gain the strength of a Thuran beast!" the salesgirl explained.

"A Thuran beast?" Sophie asked in confusion.

Clearly, she was not the first customer to ask this question because the salesgirl immediately had the answer.

The salesgirl leaned in closer and dropped her voice almost to a whisper,

"It was a fearsome creature native to the Mendolesa race\'s home world. Legends say that the beast was over eighty feet tall and could flatten mountains with a single step!" 

"These charms are filled with ancient sorcery!"

Sophie waited patiently until the salesgirl finished talking and then took a closer look at the charms.

She didn\'t believe that they actually worked but the design looked quite nice and using them as bookmarks wasn\'t a bad idea.

"Okay how much for two of them?" Sophie asked politely.

"You are in luck! Today the store is having a special two for one deal so you can pick up two charms for the low price of twenty Enas!" the salesgirl excitedly exclaimed.

Only twenty Enas for two charms?

For a talisman that allegedly had the ability to grant its owner the strength of a monstrous titan, it was definitely a great bargain.

Sophie reached into her storage bag and rummaged around for some change. 

She paid the money and then picked up two charms with the same runic pattern painted on them.

She planned on giving one to Cleo so it would be nice if they matched. Moon yawned loudly as they left the store, and he gently closed his eyes.

Soon a loud snoring noise came from the top of Sophie\'s head as Moon fell asleep without a care in the world.

Alright maybe it was time to wrap up her shopping spree. 

Sophie pulled up a map on her wrist communicator and headed for the Sanctuary.

She would drop Moon off first and then sneak into her apartment to give Cleo a surprise that she wouldn\'t forget anytime soon.

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