What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 1216 The Alchemist's Turn


It seems like it was Brendan\'s turn today and he seemed especially nervous for some reason.

"Umm… You don\'t have to be that nervous you know? It\'s not like this would be our first time going out."

"No, Master… I\'m just… Umm… Nevermind…"

He looked back at the building the girls were in before scratching his neck nervously.

I noticed that and frowned slightly, "Did something happen between you and the girls?"

It would be an issue if the girls were picking on Brendan for whatever reason. I don\'t condone bullying ok?

I clasped his shoulder with a hand, "Brendan, if the girls are bullying you, let me know ok?"

"Eh? Ah, don\'t worry Master. I\'m not being mistreated by them. I\'m just worried about them right now."

"Hmmm? Did something happen?"

"Umm… I\'m not sure if it\'s a good idea for me to say it but… I guess something just didn\'t go according to what they hoped for and they were a little bit upset…"

"Huh… Is this about the date with me? They don\'t like waiting after all eh?"

"Ah! No, no! It\'s nothing to do with Master! It\'s something else! You don\'t need to worry at all, Master! We should just go on our da-- I mean outing! Yes, our outing!"

I think this is the first time I see Brendan being so flustered and panicky, now that really got me curious if something is happening to him while I\'m not looking.

Maybe I should just check with omniscience on what happened last nig--

\'Ufufufu~ There\'s no need to do that, Master~\'

Eh? Iris? That\'s rare of you to come in like that.

\'Ufufufu~ I may be feeling a little lonely these few days~\'

Oh really? Is that you asking that you want a date of your own?

\'Ara, ara? If Master is offering, I most definitely wouldn\'t mind~\'

Hmm… I\'ll set aside a date for it then. Are you alright with waiting until I\'ve gone on a date with everyone else?

\'Ufufufu~ I couldn\'t ask for more, Master~\'

Alright, that\'s settled then. Hmm? What was I thinking about just now?

\'About your date with Brendan of course, Master\'

Oh right.

I turned back to Brendan, "Anyway! Where do you want to go for our date?"

"Ahem… I think you meant our outing, Master."

"Right, right. So where do you want to go? I can make up anything you can think of so no need to hold back for the next few days."

"Erm… I didn\'t really think about it… Are there any interesting Worlds with the two of us?"

I used my omniscience to search through the alternate realities to find the most interesting one for us.

"Hmm… It seems like most of the Worlds where you get involved with me end up with you being a merchant of some sort it seems. Oh, this one\'s interesting. There\'s one where we open up a bar in the city and the both of us work as bartenders. Oh? And this one has the World in an Information Age instead of our current Cultivation Age."

I felt a tug on my arm and I turned to see Brendan holding on to my sleeve with a sparkly look on his face.

"That… That one, Master… Could we go to that one?"

Oh, seems like Brendan\'s interested in that one? Let\'s do that then.

I focused on the scenario of that World and materialised it within the same space as the other Worlds I have created so far. I also made sure to note down the interesting people and locations so that I could use them in my own World later on.

I reached out my hand and Brendan hesitated for a moment before grasping my arm, allowing me to transport the both of us to that World in a blink of an eye.

The scenery around me shifted and I found myself laying down on top of a bed, this time alone.

Looking around the room, it seems like it\'s a studio apartment of sorts with a really high ceiling. My bedroom was tucked away on a loft at the very top and a ladder went down the side for me to reach the living room and kitchen.

Climbing down the ladder, I realised that Brendan\'s bed was located just below mine on its own loft and the alchemist in question was still wrapped up in his blanket like a cocoon when he spotted me.

"Nggh… Good morning, Master… Eh? Ah… These memories belong to this World\'s version of me I see… Argh… My head…"

Seems like he\'s also adjusting himself to the memories of this World as well.

I also realised that Manami and Tsuki didn\'t seem to have a problem with this on their dates since Tsuki had already experienced a transmigration of her own while Manami was used to dealing with sifting through memories belonging to both hers and others.

I chuckled, "Take your time to adjust, I\'ll make some food for the two of us."

Brendan tried to say something but only ended up groaning as he tried to sort through his memories of this World.

Reaching the ground floor, I took a moment to explore our apartment.

Aside from the lofts where our beds were, we had a kitchenette that had its own wine cabinet and even an oven with a bar counter to act as a half wall to separate it from the living room.

The living room had a wall mounted television and sound system with a weird looking game console in front of it. A large L shaped couch was placed in front of it where I noticed a guitar resting against the armrest right beside a violin.

On the other side was a row of sliding glass doors that led to a balcony, revealing that I was incorrect about this being a studio apartment.

Seems like in this World, we were well off enough to be living in a penthouse.

Brendan and I were not only the bartenders but also the owners of the bar so I guess financially, we were pretty well off.

Looking at the clock on the wall, I realised it was close to two in the afternoon, giving us four hours to prepare for our bar opening.

I also took that moment to organise the memories of this World quickly to adjust myself and I felt a small smile creep onto my face.

Hearing the sound of someone climbing down the ladder, I turned around to see a long haired girl with green eyes staring back at me with an expression of disbelief.

She was dressed in a basic tank top and shorts that showed off her toned figure.

I grinned, "Good afternoon, Brendan. Ready to start the day?"

"Master… This is a joke right?" My alchemist asked in a girlish voice.

Ahaha~ That\'s right, in this World, Brendan\'s actually a girl!

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