What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 647 - Where Did This Vixen Come From?

She even had her tails out and swaying behind her, all of them wagging slightly upon hearing my call. For some reason, no one thinks her having tails was worth noticing about.

Did I alter this reality unconsciously or something? Actually, how did she even get here? Did she really just pop into existence from nowhere? Or was there a gap in my memories somehow?

My fox disciple turned her attention to me with a smile, "Ara, ara? What is it Master?"

Eh? No one\'s commenting on what she just called me? Really? Well alright then.

Instead of answering her, I reached out my hand and started stroking her head.

"Ara? Master? Doing this in such a place… This bliss~~ Ahhnn~" My fox moaned, her face brightening up in bliss.

I felt a tug on my sleeve and I turned to see Lian Li looking up at me with expectant eyes, "Me too, Nii-sama?"

Huh… So Lian Li is still calling me brother while Manami outright calls me Master. But why? What is going on here?

While my mind was busy coming up with a plausible answer for my current situation, my free hand had occupied itself with stroking Lian Li\'s head. My golden haired disciple started making purring noises as she cuddled my hand, enjoying the feeling I was giving her.

Tsuki had taken the opportunity to plop herself down on top of my lap, leaning herself on me with a satisfied smirk.

"What are you doing?" I demanded.

"Hmm? Isn\'t it normal for the little sister to be pampered by the big brother? So pamper me too, Aniue~"

I sighed and said nothing more, letting her cuddle me to her heart\'s content.

Fujiwara grinned at my predicament, "How nice, Onii-san. You have a literal harem for yourself eh?"

I rolled my eyes at her but kept my mouth shut, since I know I really did have one in reality.

Just as I was wondering when I could stop patting my disciples\' heads, the door to the roof was flung open without warning.

All of us turned to look only to see the one person we really did not want to meet standing at the doorway.

"You! I knew it!" The Takeda brat roared, pointing a finger at me accusingly.

What did I do this time?

He stormed up to me, ignoring his bodyguards that were trailing after him.

"Not only Yukihime-sama or even the transfer student… You even went ahead to brainwash the esteemed guest! Does your greed know no bounds? How dare you use them for this?!"

Esteemed guest? Ah, he must be referring to Manami. But what does he even mean by that? What is even with this reality?

Scratch that, what is even going on here?

Not noticing my inner conflict, Manami was the one who stood up to face him, her tails fanning out behind her. An action that I knew meant she was prepared for battle. It seems like she had deemed him a big enough of a threat.

She looked down at the Takeda boy who was shorter than her, "So… You are the scion of the Takeda family that I\'ve heard so much about?"

The boy schooled his features and gave her a respectful bow, "It is an honor to meet the representative of the famed Kitsune clan. Rest assured, I will do everything that I can to free you from that detestable man\'s influence."

"Ara? But the only influence I have received is the boundless love and affection from my Master and mate though? Are you trampling on the feelings I feel for the love of my life?"

"Not at all, I am merely pointing out that such feelings you hold for him are merely fabricated by the man you think you love. Your mind manipulated and your desires skewed by the very man himself. I simply vow to save you from such a prison that he has put you in."

I\'ve got to hand it to him though, his delusions really knows no bounds.

Manami giggled, "Ufufufu~ I see now why you are so despised. If you don\'t mind, we\'re having a private moment here so we would really appreciate it if you could remove yourself from the premises."

Tsuki gasped from where she sat on my lap, impressed by how Manami was handling the boy.

Well… There\'s a difference between someone trying to appear elegant as compared to someone who was naturally elegant after all, Manami clearly belonged to the latter group.

Instead of complying, the boy shook his head at her.

"I have deemed it crucial that I be here to make sure that… Man…" He spat out the word, as though tasting something vile. "Does not take advantage of you in any way."

Manami\'s tail shifted slightly, one of its tips slowly pointing towards the boy in front of her.

"Ara? I don\'t believe whatever we do here has anything to do with you? Neither did I ever ask for you to assign that role to yourself either?"

"You may have not, but as a gentleman myself, I simply cannot leave you ladies in the clutches of such a degenerate--"


I called out, right as I sensed the killing intent emanating from her.

Manami straightened herself and turned to me with a smile, "What is it, Master?"

"He\'s not worth it and he\'s also not your prey."

My fox disciple covered her mouth with a hand, "Oh! Do forgive me, Master. It seems I almost made a mistake there."

I patted the space she had been sitting on earlier, "No need to worry about him, we\'re almost done anyway, so just ignore him."

She obeyed and settled back in her seat beside me, our little group collectively deciding on ignoring the boy that had intruded upon our lunch session.

Lian Li nudged Tsuki who had remained seated on my lap, a fact that the Takeda brat was scowling over.

"When are you going to deal with the idiot? If you want him gone, I\'m sure we can do something about him."

Tsuki shook her head, "No, he\'s my problem. If I can\'t even solve this myself, then I would be a failure of a sister. Trust me, he\'ll get what\'s coming for him soon. I already have the plans, I just need to execute them."

Lian Li was obviously not convinced but chose to back off.

I personally know how determined Tsuki can be so I\'m more worried about the fate the Takeda boy was going to experience instead.

Hmmm? I feel like I\'m forgetting something…

"Master, say \'ah\'~"

I turned to let Manami feed me the chicken she offered me, my fox disciple giving me her usual smile as she watched me.

Mmm… The meat tasted great even if I do say so myself. I made the food after all.

Seeing her actions, Lian Li and Tsuki immediately took turns feeding me too.

I did my best to ignore the stares and giggles coming from Tsuki\'s friends as they watched me get pampered by my girls.

What was I thinking about again?

Oh well, it must not have been important...

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