I Got a Fake Job at the Academy

Chapter 147

Rene exclaimed at the banners installed everywhere. For Rene, who has never experienced a single festival in her life so far, it was a natural reaction because the first festival he encountered was Theon Magic Festival, which has a reputation on the continent.

Erendir smiled gently at the innocent appearance of her junior.

“Is this your first magic festival?”

“Yes, it’s actually my first time at a festival.”

“Then you should definitely enjoy this opportunity. Since it’s your first time, you’ll have to make good memories.”

Erendir vowed to guide her friend properly at this festival. She was going to show her dignity as much as she could with the opportunity she got after a long time.

‘Since junior Rene and I will be busy starting tomorrow.’

Theon festival, which lasts for a total of five days, attracts many visitors as it is one of the largest in the empire. There is room on the first day, but it will probably be more crowded from the second day since nobles will come as well.

When such people gather, a social gathering will usually happen and as a princess she is forced to attend. In that case, it was clear that even if she wanted to enjoy the festival with Rene, she wouldn’t be able to. Therefore, she was going to escort her junior properly so that Rene could fully enjoy the festival today.

“Oh! Look over there!”

There was an experience center where people could try on Theon uniforms at the place that Rene pointed with her fingers. It was a place where people who have reached the age where they cannot attend the academy can immerse themselves in old memories.

The children who had not yet entered the school were laughing and wearing uniforms that fit their bodies. There were many other things that were amazing.

“Senior, what is that?”

“Alchemy Lab. It seems that the alchemy club swore that they would definitely turn copper into gold this year.”

“Huh? Is that possible?”

“No way.”

Maybe it would be nice if the test tube didn’t explode.

“Senior over there?”

This time, the place Rene pointed to was a large open space adjacent to the forest. There was a wooden fence installed there and there were a lot of people inside playing with spirits.

“Oh, it’s a spirit ranch.”


“Only the name is a ranch, and it is actually a spirit experience center, a place where people can communicate with spirits called by the spirit masters. Small spirits are cute and popular with children and women.”

“I see.”

Rene asked Erendir about all the other strange things and Erendir answered smoothly because she learned all the catalogues of the festival in case she had such a close friend.

“Senior! What is that place for? It looks very gloomy.”

“Oh, that’s the Necromancer House.”

“Necromancer House? Necromancy?”

“That’s right. One of the specializations of the summoning series is necromancy. It’s a science that talks with souls and borrows their power, but during festivals, they use the power of necromancy to summon souls and surprise people.”

“Uh, is that okay?”

“Most of the souls who accepted the summoning come because they think it’s fun too.”

Oh my gosh. A haunted house ran using real souls.

Of course, even if it was a soul, it would be closer to a fragmentary thought than to actually a dead person, but it was still a strange thing.

“Oh! Senior! There are people in zombie makeup passing by! Are you a member of the Necromancer House over there too?”

“No. That’s a graduate student.”

“What? Doesn’t Theon have 5 grades?”

“Did you not know? Theon has a graduate student system. After graduation, they stay here, work with professors, write theses, and explore magic.”

In fact, exploring magic is more like being a slave to the lab and working endlessly without sleeping properly. Even now, graduate students, who moved like zombies, were not able to enjoy the festival and were going to the research building.

Their gloomy aura even led to a strange phenomenon that frightened people in their own way.

At this point, Rene thought that the lab room where those graduate students are headed might be scarier than Necromancer House.

“They graduated and are attending the academy? That’s weird.”

“Rene, don’t be so mean to graduate students. They just made the wrong choice.”

Everyone has a dream of leaving a lasting mark in the society with a magic thesis until they became a slave in the laboratory. That is the fate of graduate students.

Except for one or two geniuses who are likely to be born in one century, the rest will be deceived by a wicked professor and live in pain. The end of those who did not see reality was always the same.

“……I never want to be a graduate student.”

“It’s the same for me.”

The two made a light bow to the growing group of zombies as this was all they could do. Thanks to their choice, later generations realized how dangerous graduate students were and avoided the path, so how could it not be a noble sacrifice?

Their choice is the courage to be respected by their juniors. Then, a noticeable person was caught in the eyes of the two.

“Oh, it’s Mr. Rudger.”

Rudger was seen patrolling through the crowd with the familiar pink hair.

* * *

Rudger, who was on patrol, turned his head to the murmur from the side. He could see a teacher with a physique who was barely able to reach his shoulder looking around excitedly.

“Mr. Rudger. Did you see that? It’s a store that sells love potions! It’s amazing!”

Selina raised her finger in an excited tone and pointed to a store. Teachers were supposed to patrol in pairs during the festival, and Selina was paired with Rudger on the first day.

“I see.”

Rudger responded to Selina’s words in a low voice. No matter what, they had to patrol together for the day, so he couldn’t just keep his mouth shut.

Of course, in Rudger’s mind he was thinking about what to do with Esmeralda while answering with his mouth. He knew she was going to move on the last day of the festival, so he had to plan somehow.

Since he’s also a First Order, he could approach her and end it in a surprise move? No. She might be more wary if he intervened in such a situation. And what if rumors will be spread after that?’

In my head, all sorts of methods popped up and disappeared like bubbles over and over again but none of them felt right.

“Mr. Rudger?”


“Mr. Rudger?”


It was only then that Rudger realized that Selina had called him.

‘I can’t believe I was lost in thoughts.’

Rudger turned his head at Selina’s call, and something poked him in the cheek. It was Selina’s finger.

“What are you thinking about, that you don’t answer me even if I call you?”

“I’m sorry. I’ve been thinking about it without realizing it because I’ve been having a lot of worries lately.”

“If it’s something I can listen to, I’ll listen to it.”

Selina smiled like a bright flower in full bloom in spring but Rudger replied in a dismal tone.

“……First of all, your finger.”

“Oh! I’m sorry.”

Selina flushed her cheeks and hurriedly removed her fingers. She became ashamed of herself for acting without realizing it because she thought they had become a little close.

“I was a little rude, wasn’t I?”

“No, rather, it’s my fault that I couldn’t concentrate properly.”

“That’s a relief. What were you worried about then?”

‘I couldn’t say even if my mouth was torn that I was thinking about how to kill a secret association executive who hid in the academy.’

Selina took the lead first while Rudger was thinking about excuses.

“Ah. I think you know what it is! The duel tomorrow right?”

“……That’s right.”

I was just grateful that she misunderstood me. Come to think of it, there was an event like that tomorrow. Recently, I had a lot to think about because of Esmeralda, so I forgot it for a moment.

“I’m sure you have a lot on your mind. It’s an event where even outside guests come.”

“Won’t Selina participate too? I remember that most of the new teachers will be there.”

“Oh, not me. Originally, I wanted to go, but other seniors stopped me.”

Selina grumbled slightly as if she’s angry about being treated like a child and Rudger seemed to understand why other teachers had dissuaded her.

There was no need for her to intervene in such a dispute of interest. Given that she couldn’t participate, a teacher at least in the 4th grade would have taken her name out.

“Is it Vierano Dentis?”

The small elf teacher, who might have been mistaken for a boy, may have helped. Did he think she would be in a tough situation if she participated?

Considering Selina’s personality, it’s oblivious why she was stopped. In fact, other participants were also dissuaded because their fellow teachers are dangerous.

‘But why isn’t anyone stopping me?’

Rudger felt something was missing. Come to think of it, he didn’t have any coworkers or seniors who cared about him.

‘Are you saying that you’re not worried?’

He was a bit disappointed but there was a person looking at this with worried eyes right in front of him.

“Is Mr. Rudger all right? Even if it’s a duel, you could get hurt.”

“It won’t be a big deal.”

Yes, if he had to, he could just give in to the atmosphere. He won’t win anything anyway so there was no need to be too serious.

“Then shall we start patrolling again?”

“Haven’t we been on patrol all this time?”

“Somehow, instead of patrolling, I guess we were just busy looking around.”

At Rudger’s point, Selina averted her gaze and smiled awkwardly. Rudger shrugged his shoulders at the sight, saying,

“We don’t know where an incident will happen, so it’s our role to look carefully and in detail. As we have been.”

“Yes, yes! That’s right! As we have been!”

The two people started moving again.

All kinds of banners were installed inside Theon’s large campus, and all of them were enough to attract people’s attention. In addition, there was a street restaurant, and the cafe in the building was also open to the outside terrace to greet customers.

The sound of the guests resounding here and there added to the vibrancy of the festival.

‘Surprisingly, this part is similar to other festivals on Earth.’

Watching the festival of Theon, Rudger brought back memories of his previous life. There was also a time when he was in college and attended a festival. Of course, Earth’s festival had many shortcomings compared to Theon’s.

In fact, it was all about gathering at a bar on the street, drinking alcohol, and inviting celebrities to perform on stage.

But in the case of Theon, students still made use of the magic major they learned to have various fun experiences. Even so, it was undeniable that there was a cultural similarity to Earth.

‘For example, that doll shooting thing.’

Just in time, he saw someone pointing a shotgun at the stand of the doll shooting range. Of course, it is not a real shotgun, but a safe model gun made by remodeling it.

‘But isn’t it a bit different to call it a model gun? It didn’t imitate the shape of the gun, but it was a real gun modification.’

He was looking around with that thought, and saw a familiar person who lowered his upper body on the stand and aimed the shotgun.


It was Aidan, one of the students in his class.


With the sound of the air exploding, Aidan fired the shotgun but failed to hit the target.

“What a waste!”

“Isn’t it too far off target to say it’s a waste?”

As expected, he should say. By Aidan’s side were Leo and Tracy but it was unexpected that Iona O Valley was also with them.

“I thought it would be easy, but it’s hard to do it.”

Aidan, who was scratching his head and laughing, immediately lowered his head when he found Rudger staring his way.

“Oh! Hello, teacher!”

When Aidan greeted him, Tracy, Leo, and Iona, who belatedly discovered Rudger, also greeted Rudger and Selina.

“Are the teachers on patrol?”


Usually, students didn’t even think of approaching Rudger, but Aidan didn’t. Was he ignorant or are you brave? Leo and Tracy, who were watching from behind, were rather nervous.

Rudger nodded and glanced at the shooting range.

“Is this a shooting experience center?”

“Yes. Would you like to try it too?”

Aidan’s bright question made Tracy and Leo pale. What was he asking a teacher on patrol!

The two stared at the back of Aidan’s head with intense eyes. Iona was just standing there peacefully. No, she wasn’t standing still, but she was munching on the food sold at the food stall.

“Teacher, here you go!”

When Aidan handed over the shotgun, Rudger was surprised.

He was looking through the gun with his eyes, and the owner of the shooting experience center appeared. He was a middle-aged man with bulging muscles full of small scars, and he appeared to be a retired soldier.

“Hahaha! Are you a new challenger?”

“No, I…….”

“But do you know how to shoot? I’ve never seen anyone in a proper position to shoot, let alone shoot properly. Wizards are so weak that they can’t even hold guns properly.”

“So I…….”

“Mister, take that back! Mr. Rudger was a soldier even though he looks like this!”


“Huh! This corny-looking man? He was a soldier, huh? You need this much muscle!”

The owner shows off his biceps.

Rudger, who was caught in the middle, sighed as the owner and Aidan stared at each other with intense eyes. As soon as he returned the gun and tried to retreat moderately, Rudger had no choice but to flinch at the intense gaze flying from Selina.

Selina’s eyes staring at him with anticipation were asking, “You’re going to do it, right?”

It’s not just Selina but Aidan and his friends Tracy, Leo, and Iona, were looking at Rudger with anticipation.

Rudger was thinking of refusing, but eventually gave up.

“Let’s do it.”

“Haha! It seems that you still have pride in being a teacher! Do whatever you want.”

He didn’t expect that reaction from the owner.

“I’ll tell you, if you know how to hold a gun properly…….”


A rubber bullet fired at a frightening speed exploded a small balloon.

“The grip is not bad.”

Rudger, who held a shotgun with his right hand and his back with his left hand, muttered as he watched the condition of the gun.

It was a dull voice that didn’t had any emotion.

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