Doomsday Pillars

Chapter 53 - Commander In Chief

General Rico, he\'s the most famous general in Indonesia. Thanks to his successful missions in eradicating terrorist cells and bases the last few weeks. A few days before the Doomsday start, he got his second-star medal by the president, he is now an Inspector General. Within the police department, only two other people has the same rank as him. Although he never cares for medals, the increase in rank gives him more access, especially for preparing the doomsday.


Ten days ago he left Singapore with a lot of responsibility on his shoulder. Alex didn\'t expect much from him, just save as many survivors as possible from west java and send them to the central java Doomsday Pillar within three months. This is a very difficult task, The whole west java and Jakarta combined, that\'s over 60 million people. 10 times bigger than Bali. With more people means more responsibility and more chaos that came with it.


To save as many as possible he needs as much help he can find. The police department in Jakarta totaled 9000 police officer, half of them are traffic officer and another 1000 plus are administration officer. Only 3500 men can be considered as the fighting force. As for the police special forces Densus 88, there are 10 platoons in Jakarta area plus 6 platoons all over West Java. That\'s about 500 men. These numbers are far from enough to help him secure 60 million people.


The key is the military. Luckily with the support of the Regent Suryo, General Rico got support from the head of 1st division army named Major General Zaki. The 1st Division control 5 districts, 10 infantry battalion, and 6 support battalion. There are also 5 company of red barret special forces. That\'s 17000 soldiers. Combine with the reserve soldier, the trainee and military police. The number reached 30.000 soldiers.


The plan was to gather as many of these fighting forces as possible without neglecting their current duties and without raising suspicion to the government. So a cover story was made. \'An end-of-year national security convention\'. Under such short notice only 22000 soldiers and 3000 police able to attend.


The two generals have been preparing a temporary base for the people of Jakarta and its surrounding. The main trouble before they can start evacuating people is to make sure the chain of command would stand after the plague.




17000 of these soldiers and almost 2000 police officers got their eyes turned red. Even General Zaki also caught the disease. General Rico can\'t believe that thousands of these nation defenders would perish without a fight. He separated the two groups put them in a confinement and had to watch one by one all the 19000 perish. The convention becomes a mass grave to the soldiers. This incident creates bitterness and changed him. The death of Major General Zaki made him the highest ranking officer. He took over command helped by three army colonels and one colonel from the police department.

Dday +1

The generals rearrange the divisions of 6000 fighting force into 5 battalions each led by 4 colonels and himself. one battalion consists of 5 company each around 200 men. The general also formed groups of special platoon; 4 police special forces platoon and 8 red barret platoon. each with around 50 men. The battalion starts its first day with basic formation training, as its a newly formed battalion. While the 12 independent special forces platoon can start moving and rescuing VIP. That day it was confirmed that the president and vice didn\'t survive the plague. New leadership needs to be formed, unlike other countries, Indonesia doesn\'t have a successor line, so the leadership currently control by the military. Unofficially General Rico become the temporary commander-in-chief.


<Dday +2>


Total of 25 company, 10 company defending and reinforcing the base. The other 15 company took a tour around the city collecting survivor. Until the third day, the company that led by captain Joko and the general himself reach the school that Adam\'s was in.

Both father and son met, its fate. But there seems to be a barrier between them. The general always has the country and his men on the top priority. That\'s how his wife divorces him and took his son Adam away. They normally only met once a year during the Lebaran holiday. During the last ten days, the General has tried to contact Adam\'s mom, but she has been rejecting his call; he reaches out to Adam as well, but he never believes his story. When the doomsday start, again the general choose the country before his family.

The headmaster, send all the survivor to pack up. The General want to have a private talk with his son, Adam grabs Daisy\'s arm not letting her go, it appears he wanted Daisy to know more about his life. The general find this situation interesting, finally, his son has someone he\'s close with.

"Any news about mom?"

Adam starts with the hard question, actually his mom was one of the VIP the general ask to pick up...

"I\'m sorry son, she\'s gone"


The news was difficult for Adam but in a situation such as this, it\'s to be expected.

"Can you guarantee that by following you my friend will be safe?"

The general startle by this question, it really appears his son doesn\'t trust him, he then looks at Daisy, He smiles... his son apparently has a caring personality.

"Yes I promise, there will be nowhere else safer," the general firmly respond.

"Ok then I will put my life and my friend\'s life in your care"

Adam took Daisy and went over to his group, pack up their stuff and follow the army convoy.

Apparently, the school was not their first stop. There are 250 soldiers in the convoy fully armed. They are protecting almost 700 citizens. Added with the survivor from the school there are over one thousand people within this convoy.

Facing a fully armed convoy, the zombie doesn\'t stand a chance. Occasionally they only need to be careful with the red skin zombie. But a prepared full armed squad can easily kill one with a decent tactic. The general surely will not forget to collect the spirit stone. Sadly, the spirit stones did not always drop. The walks took 5 hours and the convoy finally reached its destination. The place the general chose for the convent and Jakarta survivor base.

The National sports arena \'Gelora Bung Karno\'.

It\'s strategically placed in the center of Jakarta. Wall and steel fence can be seen surrounded the whole 173 hectares land area. There are eight soccer size fields, four halls, one convention hall, three-sport stadium and one of the biggest stadium in Indonesia the Bung Karno stadium. Name after Indonesian first president. It can seat for up to 80.000 spectators. This national sports arena was the home for The 2018 Asian games.

There are eight entrance gates, each being guarded by one army company of 200 men. Each company will in charge of their own shift and patrol. Two police company guard inside to ensure public security and safety. There were already thousands of survivors inside the compound. Every hour new survivor reached to this place. This place has become the base of defense for the Jakarta survivors.


<DDay +4>

<Jakarta Base>

Area: 173 hectares

Survivor total population: 26.657

Leader: Inspector General Rico

Defense Team:

4 army battalion: 4112

1 police batallion: 1068

8 army special forces: 397

4 police special forces: 213


The general reached the central command center. There are few intelligence officers, military colonels, and a dozen cabinet members.

"So let me see what plan have you guys came up with?"

"We have prepared more convoy plan for the outer area of Jakarta, As for defense, we have installed sniper towers and machine gun turrets in all eight posts. We also received confirmation about the cargo sent by the Randalls at the port. The vehicles and supplies should arrive later today. When it comes, we can set up a better survival base. The military has prepared a basic combat training for all able-bodied citizen on the main stadium. within a few days, we expect the first batch of five thousand militia should be ready."

"That\'s Great, what about the spirit stones? how many haves we collect?"

One colonel bring out a bag full of spirit stones there are at least a dozen of them

"Ok this is a great start"

The general then touches a ring on his finger, the bag suddenly disappear, and a red zombie corpse shows up,

"bring the scientist to research on this monster, find out what makes them different or if there is any weakness in their physiology."

This is a storage ring, the general got it from professor John in Singapore, considering the coming threat, the professor thought the general needed it more than him.


"Everything seems to go as planned, I wonder how Alex did in Bali"

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