The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 206 Test Announcement

After a few moments of conversation with the representative, Orion was led to a clearing in the forest where all the youths who were participating in the entrance test had gathered. He looked around and saw that there were dozens of other young cultivators, all eager to prove themselves worthy of joining the Celestial Harmony Sect.

As he made his way towards the group, he noticed that some of the cultivators were already warming up, stretching their muscles and practising their techniques.

He found an empty spot and began to warm up as well, stretching his muscles and practising his skills. As he did so, he observed the other cultivators and tried to gauge their levels of strength and skill.

Orion knew that he would need to stay focused and disciplined if he was going to pass the entrance test. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, centering himself and focusing his mind on the task at hand.

After a few minutes of warming up, a voice boomed out over the clearing, calling for the attention of all the participants. Orion opened his eyes and saw that it was one of the senior disciples of the Celestial Harmony Sect, dressed in the traditional robes of the sect.

The young cultivators stood at attention as the senior disciple of the Celestial Harmony Sect addressed them. The air was charged with excitement and anticipation as they waited to hear what was expected of them.

They had been selected to participate in the entrance test for the sect, and they were eager to prove themselves worthy. They were ready to go through the test.

"Welcome, young cultivators," the senior disciple said, his voice firm and commanding. The young cultivators could hear him loud and clear.

The senior disciple then continued, "You have all been chosen to participate in the entrance test for the Celestial Harmony Sect. This is not an easy task, and only those who show exceptional talent and dedication will be accepted into our ranks."

The young cultivators listened intently, feeling a sense of determination growing within them. They knew that this was their chance to show the world what they were capable of, and they were determined to make the most of it.

The senior disciple continued, "As you have heard before, our test is only one round. You need to contract a beast that is in the forest, and the level of the beast needed to be at least Advanced-Stage Awakening Realm."

The young cultivators were shocked to hear this announcement. They had expected the test to be challenging, but contracting an Advanced-Stage Awakening Realm beast was a daunting task.

Orion looked around and saw the worried expressions on the other participants\' faces. They all knew that this was a difficult challenge. Most of them were only at Advanced-Stage Awakening Realm after all.

One of the participants spoke up, voicing the concern that was on everyone\'s mind. "Are you for real? How can we contract an Advanced-Stage Awakening Realm beast? We only awakened two days ago, and we\'re only at the Advanced-Stage Awakening Realm level."

The senior disciple nodded sympathetically, understanding the participants\' apprehension. "I understand that this is a challenging task, but it is not impossible. The Celestial Harmony Sect is known for its high standards and exceptional cultivators, and we expect nothing less from our recruits."

He paused for a moment, letting his words sink in. "Remember, this test is not just about contracting a beast. It\'s about showing your potential, your determination, and your ability to adapt and overcome challenges. This is your chance to prove yourself that you are worthy to enter our sect."

He then continued, "If you are scared now and want to back down, feel free to do it. There is no shame in admitting that you are not ready for the challenge ahead. But those who choose to stay and face the test head-on will be respected for their courage and determination."

The young cultivators looked at each other, some of them visibly nervous and uncertain. It was a daunting task, and the prospect of facing an Advanced-Stage Awakening Realm beast was enough to make anyone hesitate.

Some of them hesitated but the rest were ready for it. This was their chance to enter the top sect in their country. they did not want to let this chance slip away.

After a few moments of silence, one of the cultivators stepped forward. "I\'m not backing down. I came here to prove myself, and I won\'t let a little challenge like this stop me."

The others looked at him with newfound respect, admiring his courage and determination. Slowly but surely, more and more cultivators stepped forward, each one expressing their determination to face the challenge ahead.

"For those of you who have the determination and courage, I will pray for your success," the senior disciple said, his voice filled with respect for the young cultivators who had chosen to continue with the test despite the challenges ahead.

The young cultivators felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination. They knew that this was their chance to prove themselves and show their worth.

The senior disciple continued, "Now, the test will be one day, and you will return here tomorrow after going through the forest. You will also be given a contract amulet."

The young cultivators looked at each other with confusion. The senior disciple noticed this and explained, "The contract amulet is to help you contract the beast. You only need to put your blood on the amulet and throw it at the beast. The amulet will help you establish the contract with the beast."

The young cultivators nodded in understanding, relieved that they would have some assistance in the difficult task ahead of them.

The senior disciple then gave them some final words of encouragement. "Remember, the test is not just about contracting a beast. It is also about showing your determination, your courage, and your ability to adapt to unexpected situations. Do not give up easily, and always push yourselves to be better."

The young cultivators nodded once again, feeling ready to take on the challenge. They were determined to make their mark and show the senior disciple and the Celestial Harmony Sect what they were truly capable of.

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